
单词 付之东流
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔down the drain〕All my hard work went down the drain.我所有的努力都付之东流了。韦氏高阶〔drain〕All of our best laid plans are down the drain.我们所有精心布置的计划都付之东流美国传统〔endeavor〕His endeavors have gone unrewarded.他的努力付之东流韦氏高阶〔frustrate〕Bureaucratic delays have frustrated our efforts to resolve this problem.官僚机构的拖沓使我们为解决这个问题所做的努力付之东流韦氏高阶〔hamstring〕His efforts were hamstrung by her one remarks.她的一句话使他的一切努力付之东流21世纪英汉〔mark〕Efforts to reduce traffic and improve road safety will miss their mark if they don't pay attention to the needs of women.如果不关注妇女的需求, 那么减少交通压力和提高道路安全的努力就会付之东流外研社新世纪〔undo〕If he won, he would undo everything I have fought for.如果他赢了, 那我一直以来努力争取的一切都将付之东流外研社新世纪We don't want all their hard work to go down the drain.我们不想他们所有的辛勤工作都付之东流剑桥国际

