
单词 槌球游戏
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bisque〕An advantage allowed an inferior player in certain games, such as a free point in tennis, an extra turn in croquet, or an additional stroke in golf.让分:某些比赛中允许对较弱选手的一种有利条件,如网球中的让分,槌球游戏中的外加局或高尔夫球中的追加击球美国传统〔croquet〕An outdoor game in which the players drive wooden balls through a series of wickets using long-handled mallets.槌球游戏:一种用长柄木槌击打木球并使其穿过一系列球门的户外游戏美国传统〔croquet〕The act of driving away an opponent's croquet ball by hitting one's own ball when the two are in contact.贴击:在槌球游戏中当自己的球紧贴对方的球时,击打自己的球把对方的球撞开的行为美国传统〔engage in〕You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏外研社新世纪〔engage〕You can engage in croquet on the south lawn.你可以参加南边草坪上的槌球游戏柯林斯高阶〔hoop〕Sports A croquet wicket.【体育运动】 槌球游戏的小拱门美国传统〔roque〕A variation of croquet played with short-handled mallets on a hard court that is bounded by a concrete wall against which a ball may rebound and be retrieved.短柄槌球:槌球游戏的变种,用短柄木槌在用水泥墙围住的硬地面上击球,球打在墙上可反弹回来再接住美国传统〔wicket〕Games Any of the small arches, usually made of wire, through which players try to drive their ball in croquet.【游戏】 拱门:通常是用金属线做的小拱门,在槌球游戏中,参加者努力使球穿过拱门美国传统The objective in a game of croquet is to strike your ball through a set of hoops in a particular order before finally hitting the central peg.槌球游戏的目的是按一定的顺序将球击入一组弓形小铁门,最后击中中心的木桩。剑桥国际

