
单词 抛出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕Luckily, I sold my shares just before the crash. 还好我正好在股价暴跌前抛出了股票。朗文写作活用〔SAVE〕Just before my business went bankrupt, my father threw me a lifeline in the form of a $10,000 loan. 就在我公司要破产的时候,我父亲给我抛出救生索,借了我一万美元。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕The tractor swayed from side to side, almost throwing me out of my seat. 拖拉机左右摇晃,差一点把我抛出座位。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕The car crashed into a tree and the driver was catapulted through the windshield. 汽车撞到了树上,司机被抛出了挡风玻璃。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Two of the crew were pitched overboard when a big wave hit their ship. 一个大浪拍到他们的船,有两个船员被抛出船外。朗文写作活用〔assist〕A fielding and throwing of a baseball in such a way that enables a teammate to put out a runner.助杀,助攻:能使同队伙伴击败另一击球者将垒球掷于地或抛出美国传统〔astern〕They threw the anchor astern.他们把锚向后抛出船尾。外研社新世纪〔cast〕To throw something, especially to throw out a lure or bait at the end of a fishing line.丢,抛,垂钓:抛东西,尤指抛出钓竿末端的诱饵美国传统〔catapult〕The head-on collision catapulted him through the windshield.迎头的猛撞把他抛出挡风玻璃的外面。英汉大词典〔chuck/throw/toss sth/sb overboard〕She threw $2 million in energy stock overboard and bought computer shares instead.她抛出200万美元的能源股,买进计算机科技股。剑桥高阶〔chuck〕They chucked him out (of the bar).他们把他抛出(酒吧)。文馨英汉〔clear〕The explosion blew them clear across the room.爆炸把他们一直抛出了房间。麦克米伦高阶〔cluster bomb〕A projectile that, when dropped from an aircraft or fired through the air, releases explosive fragments over a wide area.榴霰弹:一种抛射物,当从飞机上抛出或在空中爆炸时,会在很大区域内释放爆炸性碎片美国传统〔common stock〕The company priced its offering of 2.7 million shares of common stock at 20 cents a share.这家公司把其抛出的270万股普通股的股价定为每股20美分。柯林斯高阶〔dab〕Jack dabbed his rope on the steer.杰克抛出绳索套住了那头小公牛。21世纪英汉〔deep-six〕To toss overboard.把…抛出船外美国传统〔defenestrate〕To throw out of a window.把…抛出窗外美国传统〔defenestration〕An act of throwing someone or something out of a window.抛出窗外:指把人,物等抛出窗外美国传统〔dry fly〕An artificial fly used in fishing that floats on the surface of the water when cast.假蝇:钓鱼时抛出后浮在水面上以假蝇拟饵美国传统〔fact〕His opponent swamped him with facts and figures.他的对手抛出精确的资料和数据,使他难以招架。柯林斯高阶〔fetch〕If you throw the ball the dog will fetch it.如果你把球抛出去,狗会把它衔回来。韦氏高阶〔fire away〕Having fired away all his best points, the speaker had no argument left.演讲者抛出了他全部的最佳论点,结果一个有说服力的论据也提不出来了。21世纪英汉〔fling〕He survived unhurt after being flung 25 metres in the crash.他在车祸中被抛出25米后却毫发无伤。麦克米伦高阶〔flip〕The captains flipped a coin into the air (= made it turn over in the air to see which side it landed on) to decide which side would bat first.两队队长向空中抛出一枚硬币,决定哪一方先击球。剑桥高阶〔hedge〕Many traders sold to hedge against wheat they expect to have on hand.很多商人抛出期货以免即将到手的小麦因行市下跌而遭受损失。英汉大词典〔hop〕He hopped the flat stone over the lake's surface.他抛出一块扁平石块在湖面上打水漂。外研社新世纪〔investment〕She felt the time was right to realize her investment, and sold all her shares.她感觉投资变现的时机到了,于是抛出了所有股票。牛津搭配〔it〕He took a stone and threw it.他捡起一块石子并把它抛出去。文馨英汉〔kick〕They must be kicking themselves for selling their shares too early.他们一定为过早抛出股票而懊恼不已。剑桥高阶〔lasso〕She had thrown a lasso around him.她抛出套索套住了他。外研社新世纪〔oncoming〕She was thrown from his car after it skidded into the path of an oncoming car.他的车滑行到正有车迎面驶来的逆向车道后,她被抛出了汽车。柯林斯高阶〔pillion〕His pillion passenger was thrown off.他的后座乘客被抛出去了。文馨英汉〔pitch〕A throw of the ball by the pitcher to the batter.抛:球的抛出,被投手击向击球手美国传统〔pitch〕To throw or toss something, such as a ball, horseshoe, or bale.抛,扔,投:投或抛出某物,如球、马蹄铁或大包美国传统〔played/used his trump card〕He played/used his trump card during the negotiations.他在谈判中抛出了手中的王牌。韦氏高阶〔runway〕Sports A narrow track in a bowling lane on which balls are returned after they are bowled.【体育运动】 回球斜槽:保龄球被抛出后回归到原地的窄的通道美国传统〔shoot〕A big box was shot out of the carriage.一口大箱子从车上被抛出文馨英汉〔shoot〕To throw out or release (a fishing line, for example).抛出,撒扔出或释放(比如,一根钓鱼线)美国传统〔spin〕Spin the ball (= make it turn around and around as you throw it) and it will change direction when it hits the ground.把球旋转起来再抛出去,球触地时就会改变方向。剑桥高阶〔split-fingered fastball〕A fastball thrown with the ball held between the index and middle finger, causing the ball to drop sharply near home plate.指叉球,指间球:将球捏在食指与种植之间抛出的快球,使球在接近本垒板时急剧下落美国传统〔strikeout〕An out made by a batter charged with three strikes and credited to the pitcher who threw the strikes.三击未中击球员出局:对于抛球手抛出的球,击球手由于三次未击中而被罚出局美国传统〔strike〕A perfectly thrown ball.完美的抛出美国传统〔throw〕She threw the ball and he caught it.她把球抛出来,他接住了。牛津高阶〔throw〕We were literally thrown out of our bunks.我们差点儿被抛出床铺。牛津搭配〔toss out〕Lots of ideas were tossed out during the discussion.讨论过程中大家抛出了很多想法。外研社新世纪〔toss up〕A length of rope was tossed up from the lifeboat and caught by one of the men on deck.从救生艇朝上抛出一截绳子, 甲板上的一个人抓住了。外研社新世纪〔upcast〕Something cast upward.被向上抛出的某物美国传统〔way-out〕They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged.他们不会再听任你抛出更多离经叛道的想法。外研社新世纪〔wet fly〕An artificial fly used in fishing that floats beneath the water's surface when cast.湿蝇:用于钓鱼中的假蝇,当抛出去后漂流在水面之下美国传统〔whirl round〕Cowboys whirl their ropes round and round above their heads before throwing them.牛仔们把绳子在头上方转了又转然后抛出21世纪英汉A French group has launched a rival bid for the company.一家法国集团为收购这家公司抛出了竞争投标。牛津商务If you throw a heavy object its natural trajectory tends to be a parabola.如果你把一样重物抛出去,它的自然轨迹往往是抛物线。剑桥国际She threw $2 million of energy shares overboard and bought computer technology shares instead.她抛出二百万美金的能源股而买进计算机科技股。剑桥国际Spin the ball (= Make it turn around and around as you throw it) and it will change direction when it hits the ground.把球旋转起来(抛出去),当它碰到地面时会改变方向。剑桥国际The captains flipped a coin (into the air) (=made it turn over in the air to see which side it landed on) to decide which side would bat first.两队队长(向空中)抛出一个硬币,以决定哪一方先击球。剑桥国际The car stopped suddenly and I was catapulted through the windshield. 汽车突然停下,我被抛出挡风玻璃的外面。译典通They're trying to get old stock off their hands by cutting prices.他们降价抛出库存。剑桥国际With window dressing, professional investors drop losers from their portfolios and add winners.专业投资者抛出投资组合中的亏损股买,并进赢利股以粉饰业绩。牛津商务Within minutes, the hurricane ripped up greenhouses, tossed a 63-foot trailer 50 yards and destroyed homes.几分钟之内,飓风就刮掉了暖棚,把一辆长63英尺的拖车抛出了50码远,毁坏了人们的家园。剑桥国际

