
单词 套叠
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔intussusception〕Medicine Invagination, especially an infolding of one part of the intestine into another.【医学】 肠套叠:肠套叠,尤指将一段肠内折入另一段美国传统〔intussuscept〕To take within, as in telescoping one part of the intestine into another; invaginate.使缩入:拿到…里,如使肠的一段叠缩入另一段;使肠套叠美国传统〔invaginate〕To infold or become infolded so as to form a hollow space within a previously solid structure, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula.套叠:折叠或变成折叠以便在原先实心的结构中形成一个中空的空间,如囊胚形成原肠胚的过程美国传统〔invagination〕Embryology The infolding of a portion of the outer layer of a blastula in the formation of a gastrula.【胚胎学】 肠套叠:在原肠胚形成过程中囊胚的外层的折叠部分美国传统〔otocyst〕The structure formed by invagination of the embryonic ectodermal tissue that develops into the inner ear.听泡,听囊:由于发育入内耳的未成熟胚层组织套叠所形成的结构美国传统

