
单词 天作之合
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔belong〕They belong with each other.他们是天作之合韦氏高阶〔heaven〕It was a marriage made in heaven. () 这真是天作之合牛津搭配〔heaven〕The merger of the two companies wasn't exactly a match made in heaven.这两家公司的合并并非是完全的天作之合麦克米伦高阶〔made for each other〕I'm not surprised that they have such a happy marriage. I always knew that they were made for each other.他们婚姻如此幸福,我并不意外。我一直觉得他俩是天作之合韦氏高阶〔matched〕I thought we were perfectly matched.我认为我们是天作之合文馨英汉〔play off〕The sweetness of the wine plays off the sharp flavor of the cheese.葡萄酒的甘甜和奶酪浓郁的芳香简直是天作之合韦氏高阶〔seem〕To everyone who knew them, they seemed an ideal couple.在每个认识他们的人看来,他们似乎是天作之合柯林斯高阶

