
单词 凯旋
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Champs Élysées〕A tree-lined thoroughfare of Paris, France, leading from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe.香榭利舍大街:法国巴黎一条从协和广场一直延伸到凯旋门的林荫大道美国传统〔WIN〕After the war, the victors returned in triumph. 战后,胜利者凯旋而归。朗文写作活用〔arch〕This huge triumphal arch was erected at the beginning of this century.这座巨型凯旋门是本世纪初建造的。牛津搭配〔bell〕Villagers rang the church bells as the victorious soldiers returned.战士们凯旋时村民们敲响了教堂的钟。麦克米伦高阶〔city〕The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home.全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。牛津高阶〔classic car〕The Triumph Spitfire is a classic car.凯旋喷火是款老爷车。剑桥高阶〔homecoming〕U2 made their triumphant homecoming after an American tour.U2乐队结束美国巡演, 凯旋回国。外研社新世纪〔imperator〕Used as a form of address and salutation by soldiers to a victorious Roman general.凯旋将军:士兵对凯旋的罗马将领的称谓和问候形式美国传统〔ovation〕An ancient Roman victory ceremony of somewhat less importance than a triumph.小凯旋式:古罗马欢迎将士凯旋归来的仪式,隆重程度稍次于凯旋美国传统〔palm〕Triumph; victory.凯旋;胜利美国传统〔parade〕They held a parade to mark the soldiers' return.他们举行了游行庆祝士兵凯旋牛津搭配〔radiable〕Twelve roads radiate from the Triumphal Arch.十二条大街从凯旋门向外伸展出去。21世纪英汉〔triumphal arch〕The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.凯旋门纪念的是恺撒战胜庞培。外研社新世纪〔triumphalism〕The attitude or belief that a particular doctrine, especially a religion or political theory, is superior to all others.凯旋论,常胜主义:某种特殊教义的态度或信仰尤其是宗教的政治理论的教义优于所有其他教义美国传统〔triumphal〕He made a triumphal entry into the city.他凯旋入城。外研社新世纪〔triumphal〕Relating to or having the nature of a triumph.胜利的,凯旋的:关于胜利的或有胜利的性质的美国传统〔triumphal〕The city gave him a triumphal welcome.那座城市为他举行了凯旋欢迎式。英汉大词典〔triumphal〕The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar's victory over Pompey.凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。柯林斯高阶〔triumphant〕It seemed as though the whole city had turned out for their team's triumphant homecoming.几乎全城的人都出来欢迎自己的队伍凯旋归来。剑桥高阶〔triumphant〕The president made a triumphant return.总统凯旋而归。麦克米伦高阶〔triumph〕A public celebration in ancient Rome to welcome a returning victorious commander and his army.凯旋仪式:古代罗马为欢迎凯旋归来的指挥官和他的军队而举行的公共庆祝活动美国传统〔triumph〕The team returned home in triumph.球队凯旋而归。麦克米伦高阶〔triumph〕The winning team returned home in triumph.球队凯旋而归。牛津高阶〔triumph〕To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general.接受胜利荣誉:接受胜利的荣誉,尤指在古代罗马凯旋归来。用于作战的将军美国传统〔victor〕After the game the victors returned in triumph.比赛结束后,得胜者凯旋而归。朗文当代〔wait〕The victorious general waited upon the king.那位凯旋归来的将军拜见国王。英汉大词典〔welcome〕The winners were given an enthusiastic welcome when they arrived home.获胜者凯旋而归时受到了热烈欢迎。牛津高阶It seemed as though the whole city had turned out for their team's triumphant homecoming.看上去万人空巷,全城都在迎接自己的参赛队凯旋而归。剑桥国际Many people would be offended by a triumphalist victory parade to celebrate the end of the war.庆祝战争结束了的带有标榜武功意味的凯旋阅兵会触犯众怒。剑桥国际That is an triumphal arch. 那是一座凯旋门。译典通The Arc de Triomphe is a triumphal arch in Paris which commemorates Napoleon's military victories.凯旋门是巴黎的一座为了庆祝胜利而建的拱门,它纪念拿破仑取得的军事胜利。剑桥国际The army came home victorious. 军队凯旋而归。译典通The returning soldiers were received as heroes.凯旋的战士受到英雄般的欢迎。剑桥国际The whole town came out to celebrate his return (from the war).整个城镇的人都出来欢庆他(从战场上的)凯旋归来。剑桥国际When their team won the European Cup, the whole city was (= all the people in the city were) on the streets to welcome the footballers home.他们的球队赢了欧洲杯以后,整个城市的市民到街上欢迎足球运动员凯旋而归。剑桥国际

