
单词 东山再起
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Everest〕The team has an Everest to climb to get back into contention.该队要想东山再起还有很长的路要走。麦克米伦高阶〔SITUATION〕In today's political climate the return of communism seems impossible. 在当今的政治气候下,种族主义东山再起似乎是不可能的。朗文写作活用〔bob up〕The boss lost all his money, but soon bobbed up again.这老板完全亏了本,但很快东山再起21世纪英汉〔bob〕The former prime minister bobbed up again.前总理东山再起英汉大词典〔bouncebackability〕The team have shown great bouncebackability.这支队伍表现出很强的东山再起的实力。牛津高阶〔claw back〕In the meantime his generals will want to claw back some of their old influence.与此同时, 他的将领们还想东山再起外研社新世纪〔claw back〕In the meantime his generals will want to claw back some of their old influence.与此同时,他的将军们还想东山再起柯林斯高阶〔comeback〕He made one of the most remarkable comebacks in modern politics.他创造了现代政坛最非同寻常的一次东山再起牛津搭配〔comeback〕She's trying to make a comeback with her first album for 20 years.她想凭借自己20年来的第一张专辑东山再起剑桥高阶〔come〕To return to or regain past success after a period of misfortune.东山再起:在一段不幸之后回到或再获得过去的成功美国传统〔count〕I wouldn't count him out. If anybody can make a comeback, he can.我不会对他失去信心,要是有人能够东山再起的话,那就是他了。朗文当代〔distanced〕Wilson's intention is to rebuild his career and put distance between himself and his reputation.威尔逊打算东山再起,并让自己远离虚名浮誉。柯林斯高阶〔foot〕The new measures are intended to get the business back on its feet.新措施的目的是使企业东山再起麦克米伦高阶〔gear up〕The coach is gearing up the team for a comeback.教练正在为球队东山再起做准备。韦氏高阶〔gear up〕The team is gearing up for a comeback.这支球队正蓄势待发,准备东山再起韦氏高阶〔improbable〕The team made an improbable comeback.不可思议的是这支队又东山再起了。韦氏高阶〔lost〕Logan hopes to recover lost ground this season after a series of disappointing defeats.洛根经历了一连串令人沮丧的失败后希望在本赛季东山再起麦克米伦高阶〔prime〕We've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime.我们有些早已过了黄金期的运动员仍然想东山再起柯林斯高阶〔proposition〕Her attempt to stage a comeback is no easy proposition.她试图东山再起,那可不是轻而易举的事。英汉大词典〔rail〕The coach was credited with putting the team back on the rails.球队能东山再起,是教练的功劳。朗文当代〔recruit〕They didn't admit they were defeated; they began to recruit and attempted to stage a comeback.他们不承认失败,他们开始招兵妄图东山再起21世纪英汉〔rehabilitate〕He came out of retirement to try to rehabilitate the company.他作为退休人员东山再起,试图使公司复兴。英汉大词典〔renascent〕Voters have come back to a renascent Labour Party.选民又回来支持东山再起的工党了。朗文当代〔rerun〕The magazine, which was around from 1924 until 1950, makes a comeback with reruns of its old articles.这本自1924至1950年间发行的杂志以旧稿重印而东山再起英汉大词典〔resurrection〕He was enjoying the resurrection of his career.他的事业正在东山再起韦氏高阶〔staged a (remarkable) recovery〕His career as a singer appeared to be over, but then he staged a comeback.他的演唱生涯似乎结束了,但是他后来又东山再起了。韦氏高阶After years of decline caused by the video boom, cinema/movie-going is now enjoying a revival.电影业由于电视的迅速发展而连年不景气,但现在正在东山再起剑桥国际His victory in this week's final represents the triumphant resurrection of a career which last year looked as though it had finished.去年人们就认为他的运动生涯已经结束了,但是他在本周决赛中的胜利标志着他东山再起剑桥国际

