
单词 不可磨灭
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔applaud〕Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.所有人起立为他不可磨灭的英勇之举鼓掌。柯林斯高阶〔burn in〕The incident burned itself in his memory.那件事情在他的记忆中留下了不可磨灭的印象。21世纪英汉〔burn〕That scene had burnt itself into her mind.那情景在她心中留下了不可磨灭的印象。英汉大词典〔indelible〕Every phrase has been indelibly engraved in my mind.每句话都在我的脑海中刻下了不可磨灭的印记。麦克米伦高阶〔indelible〕Her unhappy childhood left an indelible mark.她不幸的童年留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。牛津高阶〔indelible〕My visit to Paris ten years ago left an indelible impression on me.我十年前访问巴黎给我留下不可磨灭的印象。文馨英汉〔indelible〕That day is stamped indelibly on my memory.那一天在我的脑海中留下了不可磨灭的回忆。牛津高阶〔indelible〕The scene of horror left an indelible impression on his memory.恐怖的场面在他的记忆中留下了不可磨灭的印象。英汉大词典〔indelible〕The war has made an indelible mark on the world.战争给世人留下了不可磨灭的印记。柯林斯高阶〔ineradicable〕She made an ineradicable impression on us.她给我们留下了不可磨灭的印象。韦氏高阶〔mark〕The war left an indelible mark on his mind.战争在他的脑海里产生了不可磨灭的影响。外研社新世纪〔memory〕He left an ineffaceable memory with many people.他在许多人的记忆中留下了不可磨灭的印象。英汉大词典〔stamp〕His personality was indelibly stamped on the final product.他的个性在最终产品上留下了不可磨灭的印记。牛津搭配〔stamp〕President Reagan left an indelible stamp on the nation.里根总统给国家留下了不可磨灭的烙印。牛津搭配〔stamp〕The events left their stamp on his mind.这些事件在他头脑里留下了不可磨灭的印象。英汉大词典The book left an indelible impression on me. 那本书给我留下了不可磨灭的印象。译典通This match will go into tennis legend (= it will always be remembered).这场比赛将成为网球史上不可磨灭的传奇。剑桥国际

