
单词 油嘴滑舌的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔clever〕Don't you get clever with me! 别跟我油嘴滑舌的牛津高阶〔flippant〕Sorry, I didn't mean to sound flippant.对不起,我并不是故意油嘴滑舌的牛津高阶〔glib〕Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.油嘴滑舌的,能言善道的:以自如流利的话语或笔调为特征的,常含有不诚实、轻率或欺诈之举动美国传统〔glib〕Mr Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude towards it all.路易斯先生对整件事采取一种油嘴滑舌的态度, 真让人受不了。外研社新世纪〔smart〕Don't give me any smart answers! 别给我油嘴滑舌的回答!英汉大词典〔smart〕Don't you get smart with me, son!小子, 别跟我油嘴滑舌的外研社新世纪〔smart〕She was a smart talker.她是个油嘴滑舌的人。外研社新世纪〔smooth〕I don't trust those smooth salesmen.我不相信那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。英汉大词典In his latest film, he plays an oleaginous advertising executive who is prepared to do almost anything to further his career.在他最近一部电影中,他演一位油嘴滑舌的、几乎什么都干得出以推动他事业发展的广告部经理。剑桥国际Your flippancy (=not being serious about a serious subject) isn't appreciated here.你油嘴滑舌的德性在这儿没人欣赏。剑桥国际

