
单词 浆液
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HARD〕You can stiffen curtain fabric by using a special liquid solution. 可以用一种特殊的浆液浆洗窗帘面料。朗文写作活用〔anasarca〕A general accumulation of serous fluid in various tissues and body cavities.普遍性水肿,全身水肿:浆液在全身各组织和体腔的普遍积聚美国传统〔ascites〕An abnormal accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity.腹水:腹腔中浆液的不正常积蓄美国传统〔aspirator〕A device for removing liquids or gases by suction, especially an instrument that uses suction to remove substances, such as mucus or serum, from a body cavity.抽吸装置:用抽吸装置排出液体或气体,尤指用抽吸法排出东西的工具,如从体内排出粘液或浆液美国传统〔churn〕A vessel or device in which cream or milk is agitated to separate the oily globules from the caseous and serous parts, used to make butter.搅乳器:做黄油的容器或装置,将奶油或奶搅拌,使油滴从干酪和浆液中分离出来美国传统〔come〕The serum comes from a tropical plant.这种浆液产自一种热带植物。麦克米伦高阶〔endothelium〕A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.内皮:被覆于浆液腔、淋巴管及血管的扁平上皮细胞的薄层美国传统〔glue ear〕Over half of all children in Britain get glue ear at some time before they are 16, and it can lead to permanent hearing loss.超过一半的英国儿童在十六岁之前得过浆液性中耳炎,而这可能导致永久性的失聪。剑桥高阶〔hydrocele〕A pathological accumulation of serous fluid in a bodily cavity, especially in the scrotal pouch.水囊肿:囊状体腔内浆液性积水,尤指阴囊积水美国传统〔sanies〕A thin, fetid, greenish fluid consisting of serum and pus discharged from a wound, an ulcer, or a fistula.腐脓液:从伤口、溃疡处或感染的伤口流出的绿色稀薄带浆液的脓性排出物美国传统〔serology〕The science that deals with the properties and reactions of serums, especially blood serum.血清学:有关浆液,尤其是血清的性质与反应的科学美国传统〔seropurulent〕Consisting of serum and pus.浆液脓性的:由浆液和脓液组成的美国传统〔serous fluid〕Any of various body fluids resembling serum, especially lymph.浆液:任何类似血清的体液,尤指淋巴液美国传统〔serous membrane〕A thin membrane lining a closed body cavity and moistened with a serous fluid.浆膜:紧贴在体腔内并为浆液润湿的一层薄膜美国传统〔serous〕Containing, secreting, or resembling serum.浆液的:包含、分泌或类似浆液美国传统〔serum〕Watery fluid from animal tissue, such as that found in edema.浆液:来自动物组织的水样液体,如在水肿中可以见到美国传统〔unit〕Medicine The quantity of a vaccine, serum, drug, or other agent necessary to produce a specific effect.【医学】 剂量:需要产生特定效应的疫苗、浆液、药物或其他剂的量美国传统〔wood pulp〕Pulp made from wood, used especially to make paper.木浆:从木头中得到的浆液,尤其用于造纸美国传统

