
单词 浪费金钱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSINESS〕The insurance companies are in business to make money, not waste it. 保险公司做生意是为了赚钱而非浪费金钱朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕You've changed your tune all of a sudden! Only yesterday you were saying you thought Christmas presents were a waste of money. 你态度变得真快!昨天你还在说你认为买圣诞礼物是浪费金钱的。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Most people think the project is a pointless waste of money. 大部分人都认为该计划是在毫无必要地浪费金钱朗文写作活用〔THINK〕It's time to take stock of what our government does and weed out the wasteful and ineffective programs. 是时候对我们政府的施政进行检讨,并取消那些浪费金钱而无效率的计划了。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕Buying nice clothes for you was just money down the drain. All you ever wear are jeans and T-shirts. 给你买漂亮的衣服只是白白浪费金钱。你向来只穿牛仔裤和T恤衫。朗文写作活用〔WASTE〕My parents think going to football games is a waste of money. 我的父母认为看足球赛是浪费金钱朗文写作活用〔decry〕People decried the campaign as a waste of money.人们反对这一运动, 认为这是在浪费金钱外研社新世纪〔decry〕People decried the campaign as a waste of money.人们谴责这一活动是浪费金钱柯林斯高阶〔fritter〕He often fritters away his money (on gambling).他常浪费金钱(于赌博)。文馨英汉〔prodigality〕Extravagant wastefulness.挥霍:过分浪费金钱美国传统〔prodigal〕He's prodigal with his money.他浪费金钱文馨英汉〔prodigal〕One who is given to wasteful luxury or extravagance.挥霍者:大量浪费金钱的人或追求奢侈的人美国传统〔sinful〕Buying that sports car was a sinful waste of money.买那辆跑车浪费金钱,真是罪过。剑桥高阶〔spendthrift〕One who spends money recklessly or wastefully.挥金如土的人;浪费金钱的人美国传统〔waste〕I think that is a total waste of money.我认为那完全是浪费金钱柯林斯高阶We don't want to waste money on equipment that we won't use much.我们不想在使用频率不高的设备上浪费金钱牛津商务

