
单词 一拍
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIKE〕Art Howe asked him to come for an interview for the coaching job, and the two men hit it off immediately. 阿特·豪叫他来参加教练这份工作的面试,两人一拍即合。朗文写作活用〔beat〕His heart skipped a beat.(由于紧张或高兴)他的心跳停了一拍英汉大词典〔clap〕A sharp blow with the open hand; a slap.一拍,一击:张开的手的猛的一击;一掴美国传统〔downbeat〕Music The downward stroke made by a conductor to indicate the first beat of a measure.【音乐】 强拍:乐队指挥向下的手势表示一个节拍的第一拍美国传统〔forehead〕He groaned and slapped his forehead, as if suddenly remembering something obvious.他哎呀一声,一拍脑门,似乎突然想起了一件明摆着的事。牛津搭配〔freeze〕A soft tap at the front door broke the glass. She froze.有人在前门上轻轻一拍, 玻璃碎了。她吓呆了。外研社新世纪〔half-baked〕I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我可不想一拍脑门想出些馊主意而把事情搞得更糟。柯林斯高阶〔hold ... over〕Not to hold over this note into the next measure.别把这个音符延长到下一拍21世纪英汉〔instant〕He is truly the man of the instant idea.他确实是一拍脑袋即计上心来的那种人。英汉大词典〔major scale〕A diatonic scale having half steps between the third and fourth and the seventh and eighth tones and whole steps between the other adjacent tones.大音阶:在第三和第四章之间及第七和第八章之间有半拍,其他相邻音之间有一拍的全音阶美国传统〔miss〕Glancing up at Rick's face, she felt her heart miss a beat.抬头一看里克的脸,她感到自己的心脏都停跳了一拍朗文当代〔report〕He clapped his hands hard, producing a sharp report that echoed in the room.他用力一拍手,发出一声脆响在屋里回荡。英汉大词典〔rest〕An interval of silence corresponding to one of the possible time values within a measure.休止:与一拍中可能的时间值对应的休止间隔美国传统〔smack〕She smacked her hand down on to the table.她啪地一拍桌子。牛津高阶〔stroke〕Compton was sending the ball here, there, and everywhere with each stroke.康普顿一会将球打到这里,一会打到那里,每一拍的落点都不同。柯林斯高阶〔time〕If a song is in 3/4 time, that means that there are three beats per bar/measure and that each of those beats is a quarter note.如果一首歌使用3/4拍,那意味着以四分音符为一拍,每小节有三拍。韦氏高阶〔together〕Knock the brushes together to clean them.把刷子相互拍一拍弄干净。朗文当代〔upbeat〕Music An unaccented beat, especially the last beat of a measure.【音乐】 弱拍:不强的一拍,尤其是一个小节的最后一拍美国传统He gave me a light pat on the shoulder. 他在我肩上轻轻一拍译典通He gave the mosquito a swat.他对准蚊子重重一拍剑桥国际

