
单词 后墙
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HAPPEN〕You can sit along the back wall of the courtroom to watch the proceedings. 你可以坐在法庭靠后墙的地方旁听庭审过程。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The back wall was covered with row upon row of files. 一叠叠堆得高高的文件把后墙都遮住了。朗文写作活用〔blank〕The picture having been taken down, it left a great blank on the wall.照片取下后墙上留下一大块空白。英汉大词典〔measure〕We measured from the back of the house to the fence.我们从房子的后墙测量到围栏。麦克米伦高阶〔ricochet〕The waves of applause seemed to ricochet off the back wall.一阵阵喝彩声好像从后墙上反射回来。英汉大词典〔securely〕The frames are secured by horizontal rails to the back wall.框架用横杆牢牢固定在后墙上。柯林斯高阶〔strip〕The wallpaper can then be torn off in strips.随后墙纸就可以一条一条地撕下来。牛津搭配〔weaken〕A bomb blast had weakened an area of brick on the back wall.一颗炸弹爆炸使后墙一片砖结构区域墙体发生松动。外研社新世纪〔weaken〕A bomb blast had weakened an area of brick on the back wall.一颗炸弹爆炸使后墙的一片砖发生了松动。柯林斯高阶On the back wall of the stage is a projected image of Christ.在舞台的后墙上有一幅基督的投射像。剑桥国际The bamboos scraped against the back wall of the house. 竹子擦著房子的后墙译典通The visitor twisted round/twisted his neck to look at the photograph on the wall behind him.参观者扭过头来看他身后墙上的照片。剑桥国际We don't have a screen but we can project the slides onto the back wall.我们没有屏幕,但我们能将幻灯片投射到后墙上。剑桥国际

