
单词 telex
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chatter〕The telex chattered all day and night with news bulletins.电传机没日没夜“嗒嗒嗒”地接收新闻稿。外研社新世纪〔chatter〕The telex chattered all day and night with news bulletins.电传机没日没夜“嗒嗒嗒”地接收新闻稿。柯林斯高阶〔chatter〕The telex chattered all night.传真机整个晚上都响个不停。麦克米伦高阶〔telex〕Telex New York that prices are to be increased 10%.用直通电报通知纽约:价格将上涨10%。英汉大词典〔telex〕He telexed her a message.他给她电传了一条消息。韦氏高阶〔telex〕He telexed the British High Commission in Delhi.他给驻德里的英国高级专员公署发了电传。外研社新世纪〔telex〕He burst in with an urgent telex.他拿着一封电传急件闯了进来。外研社新世纪〔telex〕He re-read the telex and then turned it face down on the desk.他重新看了一遍那份电传电报,然后便把它翻转来放在桌上。英汉大词典〔telex〕He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi.他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。柯林斯高阶〔telex〕She telexed us that the agreement had been cancelled.她发电传告诉我们契约已经被解除了。21世纪英汉〔telex〕The telex chattered constantly.电传机啪啪响个不停。外研社新世纪〔telex〕The details were sent by telex.详细资料用电传发送过去了。剑桥高阶〔telex〕The embassy says it has telexed their demands to the foreign ministry.大使馆表示已通过电传将他们的要求发送给外交部了。柯林斯高阶〔telex〕The file on this man had been telexed to Paris.有关此人的文件已经电传给巴黎。外研社新世纪〔telex〕The file on this man has been telexed to London.关于这名男子的档案材料已用直通电报发给伦敦了。英汉大词典〔telex〕The message was sent by telex.这条消息是用电传发送的。韦氏高阶〔telex〕They telexed British Airways.他们给英国航空公司发了电传。柯林斯高阶〔telex〕They have telexed a message to our company.他们已经给我们公司发了传真。21世纪英汉〔telex〕To send (a message) by telex.由直通电报拍发(信息)美国传统〔telex〕We have overseas Telex connections.我们有国外用户直通电报通迅线。英汉大词典〔telex〕We received a telex from New York.我们收到来自纽约的一份电传。韦氏高阶〔telex〕We shall send you the information by telex.我们将用用户直通电报给你发送这个情况。英汉大词典〔telex〕You can send the report by telex.报告可通过用户电报发送。外研社新世纪Telex him to stay another week.发电传给他,让他再呆一星期。剑桥国际Applications should be made by fax or by telex.申请书应当以传真或电传提交。牛津商务Can you telex the order today? 你今天可以将订单用电传发过来吗?牛津商务I don't write letters anymore, I just telex instead.我不再写信,而是发电传。剑桥国际Several telexes arrived this morning.今天早上收到了好几份电传。牛津商务The telex (machine) is on the third floor.电传打字机在三楼。剑桥国际The details were sent by telex.详细资料由电传送来。剑桥国际They telexed us that they needed more time.他们发来电传说他们需要更多时间。剑桥国际Two telexes came while you were away.你不在时来了两封电传。剑桥国际We telexed him the news at once.我马上发电传告诉他那个消息。剑桥国际

