
单词 开本
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brushback〕Baseball An inside, usually high fastball intended to force the batter to move away from the plate.【棒球】 内侧高飞快速球:内侧且通常高飞的快速球,试图迫使打击手离开本垒板美国传统〔customhouse〕A governmental building or office where customs are collected and ships are cleared for entering or leaving the country.海关:进行征收关税并清理船只以进入或离开本国的政府大楼或办公室美国传统〔dummied〕The designer dummied up the book so that they could study the format.设计师设计制作了空白样本,这样他们便能研究开本(或版式)。21世纪英汉〔duodecimo〕A book composed of pages of this size.十二开本的书美国传统〔exile〕Self-imposed absence from one's country.自我流放:自愿的离开本美国传统〔folio〕Richard told me of three 16th-century folio volumes on alchemy.理查德告诉过我 16 世纪的三卷关于炼金术的对开本书籍的事。柯林斯高阶〔folio〕The first folio was published in 1611.第一部对开本书籍于1611年出版。外研社新世纪〔foolscap〕The page size was slightly smaller than foolscap.页面尺寸比八开本略小些。外研社新世纪〔format〕Literary fiction is usually published in B format.虚构类文学作品通常用B开本外研社新世纪〔format〕The book is now available in a slightly smaller format.这本书现在有略小一些的开本在售。牛津搭配〔format〕The material form or layout of a publication.开本:出版物的版式或开本美国传统〔group〕The books were grouped by size.这些书是根据开本大小分类的。剑桥高阶〔insufficient〕An old man approached with several octavo volumes under his insufficient arms.一个老人走上前来,双臂不胜其重地挟着几册八开本的图书。英汉大词典〔it〕Rumor has it (that) he is going to leave town.谣传他打算离开本城。英汉大词典〔permission〕He was not allowed to leave the city without the prior permission of the authorities.未经当局事先批准,他不能离开本市。牛津搭配〔quarto〕A book composed of pages of this size.四开本:由这样大小的纸张组成的书籍美国传统〔read〕Most editors read 'headstrong steeds', but the First Folio has 'headstrong weeds'.大多数版本中作headstrong steeds, 但第一对开本中为headstrong weeds。外研社新世纪〔technical〕He's just written a book: large format, nicely illustrated and not too technical.他刚出了本书:大开本,插图精美,专业性也不太强。柯林斯高阶〔thirty-twomo〕A book composed of pages of this size.三十二开本:由三十二开纸装订的书美国传统〔tidy〕Tidy away your books if you are leaving the library for longer than half an hour.若离开本图书馆超过半小时,就将书收拾好。英汉大词典I'm leaving town for a few days tomorrow.我明天离开本市几天。剑桥国际The books are categorized into large and small, illustrated and unillustrated, children's and adults'.这些书籍被归为几类: 大开本和小开本的,带插图的和不带插图的,儿童读物和成人读物。剑桥国际The library holds the first folio of Shakespeare's plays.这家图书馆藏有最早的莎士比亚戏剧对开本剑桥国际

