
单词 原子团
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔L-glyceraldehyde〕An optical isomer of glyceraldehyde in which the OH group is on the left side of the asymmetric carbon atom.L甘油醛:氢氧根原子团在不对称碳原子左边的甘油醛光学同分异构体美国传统〔beta〕The second position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.第二位,β位:有机物分子结构中位于距指定碳原子的第二个位置,在此位置上原子或原子团可被取代美国传统〔boride〕A binary compound of boron with a more electropositive element or radical.硼化物:硼和带正电荷的元素或原子团形成的二元化合物美国传统〔displacement〕Chemistry A reaction in which an atom, a radical, or a molecule replaces another in a compound.【化学】 置换:化合物中一个原子、原子团或分子代替另一个的反应美国传统〔electrophile〕A chemical compound or group that is attracted to electrons and tends to accept electrons.亲电子试剂:一种化学复合物或原子团,被电子吸引并具有吸引电子的倾向美国传统〔free radical〕An atom or group of atoms having at least one unpaired electron, which makes it highly reactive.自由基:至少有一个未配对的电子(这使它具有高度的反应性)的原子或原子团美国传统〔gamma〕Chemistry The third position from a designated carbon atom in an organic molecule at which an atom or a radical may be substituted.【化学】 第三位:在有机分子中从一指定碳原子后第三个位置,在此一个原子或原子团可能被替代美国传统〔group〕Two or more atoms behaving or regarded as behaving as a single chemical unit.原子团:两个或两个以上原子做为单一的化学单位运动美国传统〔hydrosulfide〕A chemical compound derived from hydrogen sulfide by replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms with a basic radical or base.氢硫化物:一种化学合物,通过用一个原子团或碱来替换硫酸的一个氢原子美国传统〔iodide〕A compound of iodine with a more electropositive element or group.碘化物:碘与带更多正电的元素或原子团生成的化合物美国传统〔monatomic〕Having one replaceable atom or radical.一元的:有一个可置换原子或原子团美国传统〔monoacid〕Having only one hydroxyl group to react with acids.一元酸的:只有一个可与酸发生反应的氢原子团美国传统〔monoamine〕An amine compound containing one amino group, especially a compound that functions as a neurotransmitter.一元胺:只含有一个胺原子团的胺化合物,尤指作用于神经传递素的化合物美国传统〔monoester〕An ester having only one ester group.单酯:只有一个酯原子团的酯美国传统〔neutron〕Each atomic cluster is made up of neutrons and protons.各种原子团都由中子和质子构成。外研社新世纪〔nucleotide〕Any of various compounds consisting of a nucleoside combined with a phosphate group and forming the basic constituent of DNA and RNA.核苷酸:由与磷原子团结合并形成DNA和RNA的基本成分的核苷构成的化合物美国传统〔nylon〕Any of a family of high-strength, resilient synthetic polymers, the molecules of which contain the recurring amide group CONH.尼龙,尼纶:高强度,有弹性的合成聚合物,其分子含有反复出现的酰胺原子团美国传统〔oxide〕A binary compound of an element or a radical with oxygen.氧化物:一种元素的二元化合物或氧原子团美国传统〔polybasic〕Of or relating to an acid that has two or more hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by basic atoms or radicals.多元的;多碱价的:一种含有两个或更多能被碱性原子或原子团取代的氢原子酸的;或与之有关的美国传统〔primary〕Relating to the replacement of one of several atoms or radicals in a compound by another atom or radical.连上一个碳原子的:用另外一个原子或原子团来替代混合物中某一原子或原子团的过程的或与此有关的美国传统〔salt〕A chemical compound formed by replacing all or part of the hydrogen ions of an acid with metal ions or electropositive radicals.盐类:由金属离子或正电原子团替代酸中所有或部分的氢离子而得到的化合物美国传统〔silicide〕A compound of silicon with another element or radical.硅化物:由硅和另一种元素或原子团组成的化合物美国传统〔substituent〕An atom, a radical, or a group substituted for another in a chemical compound.取代分子:取代化学化合物中一原子、基线原子团的原子、基线原子团美国传统〔tribasic〕Containing three univalent basic atoms or radicals per molecule. Used of a base or salt.三碱式的:每个分子中含有三个一价碱性原子或原子团的。用于碱类或盐类美国传统〔valence〕The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.化合价,原子价:原子或原子团与其它原子结合的能力是由它在与其它的原子结合时所丢失、增加或共享的电子的数目决定的美国传统〔vicinal〕Chemistry Of or relating to the consecutive positions of substituted elements or radicals on a benzene ring.【化学】 连位的:苯环上不断的替代物或者原子团连位的美国传统

