
单词 帐篷
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-waving〕He waved the servants out of the tent.他挥手让仆人们退到帐篷外。柯林斯高阶〔AND/ALSO〕Climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding. 登山者得把所有的装备都背上,更不用说帐篷和寝具了。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕The government has been unable to provide enough tents for all the refugees. 政府没有能力提供足够的帐篷给所有的难民。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕She cobbled together a tent from a few pieces of string and a sheet. 她用几根绳子和一张床单草草搭了个帐篷朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The windy conditions made it difficult to put the tent up. 大风的天气很难支起帐篷朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕Achilles sits in his tent, brooding over the wrongs done to him. 阿喀琉斯坐在帐篷里,默默地想着自己的冤屈。朗文写作活用〔anchor〕We anchored the tent to a huge stone.我们将帐篷系在一块大石头上。外研社新世纪〔babble〕The little brook babbled away just behind our tent.紧挨着我们帐篷后面的小溪水声潺潺。21世纪英汉〔basic〕We provide 2-person tents and basic cooking and camping equipment.我们提供双人帐篷和最基本的炊具以及露营装备。柯林斯高阶〔billow〕A sudden wind billowed the tent alarmingly.一阵狂风使帐篷令人惊恐地鼓起了。21世纪英汉〔botheration〕I hadn't realized what a botheration putting up a tent in the dark could be! 我没想到摸黑搭帐篷会这么麻烦!韦氏高阶〔bow〕They ran to the centre of the tent to take their bows.他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬谢幕。外研社新世纪〔camp meeting〕An evangelistic gathering held in a tent or outdoors and often lasting several days.营地会议:在帐篷里或户外的一种传教、布道的集聚,常持续数日美国传统〔camped〕They are camped out in tents on the front lawn.他们在门前的草坪上支起帐篷宿营了。柯林斯高阶〔camper〕One that camps, such as a person lodging temporarily in a tent or cabin.露营者:宿营的人,如暂住在帐篷或小屋里的人美国传统〔camp〕A place where tents, huts, or other temporary shelters are set up, as by soldiers, nomads, or travelers.营地:建造帐篷、棚屋或其它临时遮蔽物的地方,常由军人、游牧民或旅行者所建美国传统〔camp〕Their camp was just below the summit.他们把帐篷扎在紧挨山顶的下方。麦克米伦高阶〔camp〕They paddled ashore and made camp.他们涉水上岸,接着搭起帐篷英汉大词典〔canvas〕A heavy, coarse, closely woven fabric of cotton, hemp, or flax, used for tents and sails.帆布:一种厚重、粗糙、密织的棉、麻或亚麻织物,用来做帐篷或帆布美国传统〔direction〕The boys were erecting a tent under the direction of their scoutmaster.男孩们正在童子军团长的指导下搭建一顶帐篷外研社新世纪〔disillusion〕The students became disillusioned about the romance of camping once the heavy rains collapsed their tent.大雨冲坍了帐篷后学生们对野营所抱的浪漫幻想破灭了。21世纪英汉〔enough〕There aren't enough tents to shelter them all.没有足够的帐篷供他们容身。柯林斯高阶〔erect〕Mike and Lee were trying to erect the tent.迈克和李在试着搭帐篷麦克米伦高阶〔erect〕The event will take place in a specially erected marquee.这个活动将在一个专门搭建的大帐篷里举行。牛津搭配〔erect〕They erected a marquee to accommodate 500 wedding guests.他们搭起了一个大帐篷以接待参加婚礼的500位客人。剑桥高阶〔et cetera〕He brought a tent, sleeping bag, etc., when he came to visit.他来拜访时,带了帐篷、睡袋等东西。韦氏高阶〔expectation〕They erected a marquee in the expectation that it would rain.因为预料要下雨, 他们支起了大帐篷外研社新世纪〔fetch〕I helped out in the tents fetching and carrying.我在帐篷里帮忙打杂。外研社新世纪〔first come, first served〕The campsites are first come, first served, so we'd better get there early. = The campsites are assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis, so we'd better get there early.露营帐篷搭建地是先到先得,所以我们最好早点到那儿。韦氏高阶〔flap〕He drew back the tent flap and strode out into the blizzard.他拉开帐篷的门帘,大步走进暴风雪中。柯林斯高阶〔flap〕He held back the flap of the tent.他收回帐篷的门帘。麦克米伦高阶〔fly〕The king's banner was flying above his tent.国王的帐篷上飘扬着王旗。英汉大词典〔foggy〕None of us had the foggiest idea about how to put the tent up.我们都对搭帐篷一窍不通。朗文当代〔forget〕She forgot how to set up the tent.她不记得如何搭帐篷了。韦氏高阶〔fun〕The kids had a lot of fun with that old tent.孩子们用那顶旧帐篷玩得很开心。麦克米伦高阶〔hut〕The refugees spent the winter in tents or makeshift huts.难民在帐篷或者简易房里过冬。牛津搭配〔in short order〕In short order the group set up camp.这个小组麻利地搭起了帐篷韦氏高阶〔jamboree〕They bring their tents and treat it like a scout jamboree.他们带上自己的帐篷, 把它当成一个童子军大集会。外研社新世纪〔knock ... up〕The campers knocked up a hut for themselves.那些野营者为自己拼凑起了一个帐篷21世纪英汉〔latrine〕A communal toilet of a type often used in a camp or barracks.公共厕所:通常用在帐篷或营房里的一种公共厕所美国传统〔light up〕The pressure lamp lit up the tent.汽灯照亮了帐篷21世纪英汉〔makeshift〕Thousands of refugees are living in makeshift camps.数千个的难民居住在临时帐篷里。剑桥高阶〔marquee〕The guests sat under a large marquee.客人们坐在大帐篷下面。牛津搭配〔marquee〕The wedding reception was held in a marquee.婚宴是在大帐篷里举行的。牛津搭配〔mysterious〕We heard a mysterious noise outside our tent.我们听到帐篷外有奇怪的声音。韦氏高阶〔outsize〕Often outsize clothes are made from cheap fabric and look like ugly tents.超大号服装常常质地较差,而且看上去好似丑陋的帐篷柯林斯高阶〔pavilion〕An ornate tent.豪华的帐篷美国传统〔pavilion〕To cover or furnish with or as if with a pavilion.用帐篷覆盖:用或好象用帐篷遮盖或装饰美国传统〔peg ... out〕We are pegging out in a very clean spot.我们正在一个非常干净的地方搭帐篷21世纪英汉〔peg〕The tent was pegged to the ground.帐篷用桩固定在地上。麦克米伦高阶〔pelt〕Hailstones pelted the tent.冰雹不断地砸在帐篷美国传统〔pimple〕The dunes along the marsh were pimpled with tents.沿沼泽地的沙丘上布满了帐篷英汉大词典〔pitch〕We pitched camp/our tent in the shade.我们在阴凉处安营/搭起帐篷剑桥高阶〔post〕The general posted a guard outside the door to his tent.将军在帐篷门外安排了一名警卫站岗。韦氏高阶〔practise〕Practise putting your tent up in the garden several times.在花园里进行几次支帐篷的练习。麦克米伦高阶〔pull〕They pulled their camp and headed for home.他们拆走帐篷起程回家。21世纪英汉〔read sb's palm〕In a tent an old gypsy woman was reading palms.帐篷里,一个吉普赛老妇人正在给人看手相。剑桥高阶〔rope〕I tripped over the guy rope of the tent in the dark.黑暗中我被帐篷支索绊倒了。牛津搭配〔safety〕A blizzard forced the climbers back to the relative safety of their tents.暴风雪迫使登山者返回至相对安全的帐篷里。牛津搭配〔sailcloth〕A strong fabric, such as cotton canvas, suitable for making sails or tents.厚篷帆布:适用于制帆和帐篷的一种结实织布,如棉帆布美国传统〔settle〕We settled into our tent.我们安然呆在帐篷里。麦克米伦高阶〔site〕We chose a large, level site for our tent.我们选了一大片平坦的地方搭帐篷剑桥高阶〔spot〕Take the time to find the right spot to pitch your tent.别着急,找一个合适的地方支帐篷牛津搭配〔stable〕The tent is extremely stable even in very high winds.即便在很强的风中帐篷也极为牢固。麦克米伦高阶〔stake〕A piece of wood or metal pointed at one end for driving into the ground as a marker, fence pole, or tent peg.桩:被钉入地下的标记,桩或帐篷桩的一根尖木头或金属棒美国传统〔stand〕Our tent won't stand another storm like the last one.我们的帐篷经受不起像上次那样的风暴了。剑桥高阶〔surround〕He glared at the people who surrounded the tent.他怒视着围在帐篷周围的人。朗文当代〔tear〕The dog had torn a huge hole in the tent.狗把帐篷咬出一个大洞来。朗文当代〔tented〕Covered with tents.用帐篷遮盖的美国传统〔tented〕He said the refugees would be moved to a tented camp.他说难民会被迁至搭了帐篷的营地。外研社新世纪〔tented〕He said the refugees would be moved to a tented camp.他说,难民们将被转移到一个搭有帐篷的营地去。柯林斯高阶〔tented〕Sheltered in tents.在帐篷里宿营的美国传统〔tented〕The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes.形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。柯林斯高阶〔tent〕A portable shelter, as of canvas, stretched over a supporting framework of poles with ropes and pegs.帐篷:一种易于携带的用帆布等材料制成的遮盖物,用绳子和钉子固定在一个杆子制成的支架上美国传统〔tent〕Food will be served in the hospitality tent(= for example at an outdoor show).招待帐篷将有食物供应。牛津高阶〔tent〕The little dispensary and hospital was a big hole in the ground, all tented over.那小药房连同医院都在一个大地洞里,上面用帐篷遮盖着。英汉大词典〔tent〕The refugees had been living in makeshift tents for a year.难民们已经在临时帐篷里住了一年了。牛津搭配〔tent〕We tented them on top of the hill.我们安排他们在山顶上的帐篷里宿营。英汉大词典〔tilt〕To cover (a vehicle) with a canopy or an awning.用帐篷遮盖:用顶篷或凉篷遮盖(交通工具)美国传统〔toddy〕We went round each tent with a hot toddy for each soldier.我们走遍各个帐篷, 给每名士兵送上一杯热甜酒。外研社新世纪〔torchlight〕Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight.医生正在帐篷里借着火把的光做手术。柯林斯高阶〔useless〕The tent is useless in wet conditions.在潮湿的环境下,帐篷毫无用处。韦氏高阶〔velarium〕A large awning, especially one suspended over a Roman theater or amphitheater.露天剧场的遮阳帐篷:尤指罗马剧院或圆形露天剧场悬挂的大天篷美国传统〔vent〕There are two vents on each side of the tent.这帐篷每一边有两个通风孔。文馨英汉A group of disarmers (= people who want a government to give up weapons, esp. nuclear ones) set up camp near the base.一群核裁军拥护者在基地边上搭起帐篷剑桥国际He tautened the ropes that were holding the tent down.他把固定帐篷的绳子收紧。剑桥国际It takes us about half-an-hour to erect our big tent.支起我们的大帐篷花了我们大约半个钟头。剑桥国际Our tent is a bit too small so were wondering if we could borrow yours.我们的帐篷有点太小了,因此不知能否借用一下你们的。剑桥国际People are living in tents, without running water and in primitive conditions.人们住在帐篷里,没有自来水,生活条件简陋。剑桥国际Rain had dampened the tent so we left it to dry in the afternoon sun.雨水打湿了帐篷,所以午后我们把它晒在太阳下。剑桥国际She can't have put the tent up very well because the whole thing collapsed when I gave the poles a slight wobble.她一定没把帐篷支牢,因为我轻轻地摇了一下杆子,它就整个倒掉了。剑桥国际The area where we set up camp was just scrub and sand.我们搭帐篷的地方只有灌木丛和沙子。剑桥国际The children like to sleep in a tent out in the garden in the summer.夏天孩子们喜欢到花园睡帐篷剑桥国际The tent split, and everything we had was sopping after the storm.帐篷裂开了,在暴风雨过后,我们所有的东西全湿透了。剑桥国际These tent ropes are too slack--they need tightening.这些帐篷绳子太松了----它们需要弄紧。剑桥国际We pitched camp/our tent in the shade.我们在阴凉处安营/搭起帐篷剑桥国际We ranged the woods looking for a place to set up our tents. 我们在树林里东走西跑,找个地方搭帐篷译典通We rigged up a tent between two trees.我们在两棵树之间搭了一个帐篷剑桥国际We rigged up a tent with an old blanket. 我们用旧毛毯草草搭成帐篷译典通Without a tent or sleeping bag, you could freeze to death (=become so cold that you die) out there on the mountainside.在户外山腰,没有帐篷或睡袋你会冻死的。剑桥国际

