
单词 小于
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEWS〕The news item announcing the verdict was much smaller than the item that announced his arrest. 宣布判决结果的新闻,篇幅远远小于宣布他被捕的新闻。朗文写作活用〔ON/ON TOP OF〕Ice is less dense than water, which is why it floats. 冰的密度小于水,所以会浮在水上。朗文写作活用〔below〕Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them.这些人承受的压力往往小于那些职位仅次于他们的人。柯林斯高阶〔compact〕An automobile that is bigger in size than a subcompact but smaller than an intermediate.小型汽车:在尺寸上大于超小型汽车但小于中型汽车的汽车美国传统〔constable〕A peace officer with less authority and smaller jurisdiction than a sheriff, empowered to serve writs and warrants and make arrests.治安官:管辖权和管辖范围都小于县治安官的治安官,有权送达传票及逮捕(搜查)令并可以施行逮捕美国传统〔cumulative〕Of or relating to the sum of the frequencies of experimentally determined values of a random variable that are less than or equal to a specified value.累积的:在一个随机变量小于或等于某个固定值的试验中求出频率总数的美国传统〔epoch〕A unit of geologic time that is a division of a period.世:地理学中小于纪的时间单位美国传统〔fractional currency〕Coin or paper currency in a denomination less than a standard monetary unit.辅币:单位小于标准货币单位的硬币或纸币美国传统〔full house〕A poker hand containing three of a kind and a pair, ranked above a flush and below four of a kind.满堂红:手中一组三张同点和一组两张同点的三张牌,比同花牌大而小于一组四张同点的牌美国传统〔group〕A unit of two or more squadrons in the U.S. Air Force, smaller than a wing.空军大队:美国空军中的编制,由两个或两个以上的中队组成,小于飞行联队美国传统〔group〕Linguistics A category of related languages that is less inclusive than a family.【语言学】 语群:相关语言的一个分类,范围小于语族美国传统〔hill〕A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain.小山,山冈:陆地上局部的天然高地,有明显轮廓,略小于大山美国传统〔inequality〕Mathematics An algebraic expression showing that a quantity is greater than or less than another quantity.【数学】 不等式:一种代数表达式,显示出某个量大于或小于另一个量美国传统〔jailbait〕A person below the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse can constitute statutory rape.祸水妞儿,未成年少女:指其小于同意年龄、一经与之发生性关系即在法律上构成强奸的女人美国传统〔lag〕The electric current lags behind the voltage.电流的相位小于电压美国传统〔light〕A light rain began to fall.小于开始飘落。朗文当代〔mesomere〕A blastomere of intermediate size, larger than a micromere but smaller than a macromere.中分裂球:中等尺寸的分裂球,大于小分裂球而小于大分裂球美国传统〔microchemistry〕Chemistry that deals with minute quantities of materials, frequently less than one milligram in mass or one milliliter in volume.微量化学:研究极小数量物质的化学,通常研究对象质量小于一毫克或体积小于一毫升美国传统〔microtone〕An interval smaller than a semitone.微音程:小于半音的音程美国传统〔minus〕All powders were minus200 mesh.各种药粉都小于每平方英寸200筛孔的规格。英汉大词典〔negative〕Relating to or designating a quantity less than zero.负数的:有关或表示一个小于零的数的美国传统〔novillada〕A bullfight in which the bulls engaged are less than four years old.轻型斗牛表演:公牛的年龄小于四岁的斗牛表演美国传统〔novillero〕A bullfighter restricted by professional rules to engaging bulls less than four years of age.见习斗牛士:根据职业规则被限定只能使用年龄小于四岁的公牛的斗牛士美国传统〔oligodendroglia〕Neuroglia consisting of cells similar to but smaller than astrocytes, found in the central nervous system and associated with the formation of myelin.少突神经胶质:一种由类似于但小于星形细胞的细胞构成的神经胶质,位于中枢神经系统,与髓磷脂的生成有关美国传统〔pitch〕They had timber-boarded roofs with a pitch of not less than 45°.他们让木板屋顶斜度不小于45度。外研社新世纪〔square〕Ensure that the exposed area is less than 2 cm2.要确保暴露在外的面积小于2平方厘米。剑桥高阶〔subatomic particle〕Any of various units of matter below the size of an atom, including the elementary particles and hadrons.亚原子粒子:尺寸小于原子的各种物质单位之任何一种,包括基本粒子及强子美国传统〔subcaliber〕Smaller in caliber than the barrel of the gun from which it was fired. Used of projectiles.次口径的:指子弹、炮弹等发射口径小于炮口径的美国传统〔subcontinent〕A large landmass, such as Greenland, that is smaller than a continent.幅员广阔,但小于洲的一块大陆,如格陵兰美国传统〔subcritical〕Of less than critical importance.次临界的:小于或低于规定用数临界值的美国传统〔subsonic〕Having a speed less than that of sound in a designated medium.亚声速的:在一特定媒质中具有小于声速的速度的美国传统〔subsonic〕Of less than audible frequency.亚声的:小于可听见之声波频率的美国传统〔underflow〕A data-processing error arising when a computed quantity is a smaller number than the device is capable of displaying.下溢:当计算数量小于设备所能显示的数量时出现的数据处理错误美国传统〔underling〕One of lesser rank or authority than another; a subordinate.下属,属下:等级或权力小于他者的人;下属美国传统〔undersized〕Every haul brings up some undersized fish.每一网都捕上来一些小于一般尺寸的鱼。外研社新世纪〔undersized〕Of less than normal or sufficient size.小于正常的或足够的尺寸的美国传统〔under〕The jar's capacity is under three quarts.这个坛子的容量小于三夸特美国传统〔way〕Your answer must be within a centimetre either way.答案的误差必须小于一厘米。朗文当代

