
单词 居住者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Acoma〕A Pueblo people, the founders and inhabitants of Acoma.艾可玛:一普韦布洛民族,是艾可玛的建立者和居住者美国传统〔Fijian〕A native or inhabitant of Fiji.斐济人:斐济当地人或居住者美国传统〔Grecian〕A native or inhabitant of Greece.希腊人:土生土长的希腊人和希腊的居住者美国传统〔Hoosier〕Used as a nickname for a native or resident of Indiana.山地人:用作印第安那州人及其居住者的别称美国传统〔Indian〕A native or inhabitant of India or of the East Indies.印度人,东印度群岛人:印度或东印度群岛的土人或居住者美国传统〔Indonesian〕A native or inhabitant of Indonesia.印尼人:印度尼西亚的国民或居住者美国传统〔Indonesian〕A native or inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago.马来人:马来群岛的土人或居住者美国传统〔Ionian〕A native or inhabitant of Ionia.爱奥尼亚人:爱奥尼亚本地人或居住者美国传统〔Japanese〕A native or inhabitant of Japan.日本人:日本的本国人或居住者美国传统〔Jew〕A native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah.古犹大人:古代犹大王国人或居住者美国传统〔LIVE〕The new law affects everyone from tenants to owner-occupiers. 新法律影响到每个人,从租户至业主居住者朗文写作活用〔Latin American〕A native or inhabitant of Latin America.拉丁美洲人:拉丁美洲的土著人或居住者美国传统〔Louisiana French〕French as spoken by the descendants of the original French settlers of Louisiana.路易斯安那法语:路易斯安那州原法国居住者后裔所讲的法语美国传统〔Malagasy〕A native or inhabitant of Madagascar.马尔加人:马达加斯加的土著人或居住者美国传统〔carrying capacity〕Ecology The maximum number of individuals or inhabitants that a given environment can support without detrimental effects.【生态学】 承载能力:一个特定的环境在没有不良后果的情况下可以供养的最大数目的个体或居住者美国传统〔city〕The inhabitants of a city considered as a group.全市居民:被看作一个群体的一个城市的居住者美国传统〔clean〕To empty of contents or occupants.使…空出:去除内容物或居住者美国传统〔cottager〕One who resides in a cottage.村舍居住者美国传统〔disregard〕This decision shows a blatant disregard for the current residents.这项决定公然无视当前居住者的权益。麦克米伦高阶〔easterner〕A native or inhabitant of the east, especially the eastern United States.东方人,东部人:东方本地人或居住者,尤指美国东部的人美国传统〔house sitter〕A person who lives in and cares for a house while the regular occupant is away.看房人:当一房屋的居住者离开时住在其中并照看房屋的人美国传统〔inmate〕A resident of a dwelling that houses a number of occupants, especially a person confined to an institution, such as a prison or hospital.同居者:指同居一室的多位居住者中的一位,尤指住在同一机构的人,如狱犯或医院中美国传统〔lodger〕One that lodges, especially one who rents and lives in a furnished room.房客:居住者,尤指租住有家俱的房屋的人美国传统〔native〕One of the original inhabitants or lifelong residents of a place.当地人:一个地方原始居民或长期居住者中的一位美国传统〔occidental〕A native or inhabitant of an Occidental country; a westerner.西方人:在西方国家居住的当地人或居住者美国传统〔occupant〕The previous occupants were an Italian family.先前的居住者是一家意大利人。剑桥高阶〔plainsman〕An inhabitant or a settler of the plains, especially of the prairie regions of the United States.平原居民:平原上的居住者或定居者,尤指在美国的大草原地区美国传统〔planetarian〕An inhabitant of a planet.行星生物:行星上的居住者美国传统〔population〕The total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area.人口分布:构成某地区的人种、类群或种群的居住者的总数美国传统〔populous〕Containing many people or inhabitants; having a large population.人口众多的:拥有众多人口或居住者的;拥有大量人口的美国传统〔tenant〕A dweller in a place; an occupant.居住者,占用者:某地居住者;占有者美国传统〔universe〕The earth together with all its inhabitants and created things.世界:地球及其上面的所有居住者和被创造的事物美国传统All the occupants of the building are unhappy about the increased charges.这幢大楼里的居住者都对增加收费感到不满。剑桥国际His greatest danger now lay in the unknown denizens of the water. 现在他最大的危险是未知的水中居住者译典通The envelope was simply addressed to ‘The Occupier’(= person living in the building).信封上只写明给‘居住者’。剑桥国际

