
单词 speeds
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAST〕Concorde is capable of travelling at supersonic speeds. 协和式飞机能超音速飞行。!朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Wind speeds are expected to increase to 60 mph. 预计风速将增至每小时60英里。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕The cyclone was travelling at speeds in excess of 21 mph. 旋风正在以高于每小时21英里的速度移动。朗文写作活用〔Mach〕The hot air permitted higher speeds before the critical Mach number was exceeded.热空气可使之在超过临界马赫数之前达到更快的速度。柯林斯高阶〔NEXT TO〕Tests in April showed that police cars parked at the side of motorways reduce speeds by ten miles per hour on average. 4月份的调查显示,在高速公路旁边停一些警车可以使汽车的车速平均每小时减慢10英里。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕The latest model is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 300 kph. 最新的型号时速能达到300公里以上。朗文写作活用〔REACH〕Wind speeds reached over 100 mph in coastal districts. 沿海地区的风速高达每小时100英里以上。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The airline's passenger brochure shows air-routes, aircraft speeds and arrival and departure times. 航空公司的乘客指南上写明了航线、飞行速度,以及到达和起飞的时间。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Wind speeds registering between 70 and 100 mph have been recorded. 目前记录的风速为每小时70到100英里。朗文写作活用〔SPEED〕The train's designers claim it is capable of attaining speeds in excess of 350 kph. 该火车的设计人员称车速能达到每小时350公里以上。朗文写作活用〔antilock〕Of or being a motor vehicle braking system that electronically monitors and adjusts individual wheel speeds during braking to prevent the wheels from locking.防锁的,抗锁的:汽车刹车系统的或是汽车刹车系统的,刹车时该系统电子监控和调整每个车轮的速度以防止车轮被锁美国传统〔approach〕Mansell will race at average speeds approaching 200mph.曼塞尔将以接近每小时200英里的平均车速参赛。柯林斯高阶〔approach〕Mansell will race at average speeds approaching 200mph.曼塞尔将以接近每小时200英里的平均速度驱车飞驰。外研社新世纪〔attain〕The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph.猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达 97 公里。牛津高阶〔baby〕This baby can reach speeds of 130 miles per hour.这宝贝一小时能开到 130 英里。朗文当代〔capability〕The train has the capability to reach speeds of over 200 miles per hour.这列火车时速可达200英里以上。麦克米伦高阶〔capable〕Moths are capable of speeds of 50 kph.飞蛾的飞行速度能达到每小时50公里。外研社新世纪〔climb〕The roller coaster climbs 91 feet and reaches speeds of 45 miles an hour.过山车爬到 91 英尺高,时速达到 45 英里。朗文当代〔clock〕The yacht swayed in 40-knot winds, clocking speeds of 17 knots at times.游艇在风速为40节的大风中摇摆前行,有时航速能达到17节。柯林斯高阶〔clock〕The yacht was clocking speeds of 17 knots at times.这艘快艇有时航速达到17节。外研社新世纪〔dangerous〕He often drives at dangerous speeds.他常以危险的速度驾驶。韦氏高阶〔design〕The new program really speeds up the design process.新程序的确加速了设计进程。牛津搭配〔display〕Using the option to display only text speeds things up a lot.选用纯文本显示可以使速度大幅提升。柯林斯高阶〔distance〕At present speeds, the train cannot compete with the airplane on long distances.火车以目前的速度无法同飞机进行远距离竞争。英汉大词典〔dizzied〕I drove at speeds that dizzied me.我高速驾车致使我头晕目眩。21世纪英汉〔dizzying〕The cars move at dizzying speeds around the track.赛车以令人眩晕的速度在赛道上疾驰。韦氏高阶〔dramatically〕At speeds above 50mph, serious injuries dramatically increase.时速超过50英里,重伤率会大大增加。柯林斯高阶〔exceed〕Wind speeds exceeded 90 miles per hour.风速超过了每小时90英里。麦克米伦高阶〔excess〕The car can travel at speeds in excess of 150 miles per hour.该车的车速能达到每小时 150 英里以上。牛津搭配〔excess〕The car reached speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour.这辆汽车的时速超过了 100 英里。朗文当代〔fantastic〕The train runs at fantastic speeds.列车以极高的速度运行。韦氏高阶〔first〕Of, relating to, or being the transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档的,低速齿轮的:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮比率的或与之有关的美国传统〔first〕The transmission gear or corresponding gear ratio used to produce the range of lowest drive speeds in a motor vehicle.头档,低速齿轮:限定机动车辆最低驾驶速度范围的传动齿轮或对应齿轮的比率美国传统〔fourth〕The transmission gear or gear ratio used to produce forward speeds next higher to those of third in a motor vehicle.第四档:海车换挡时从第三挡换到下一挡,以加快速度美国传统〔hair-raising〕Her truck is a very large pickup which she drives at hair-raising speeds.她开一辆大货,开起来时速度快得吓人。柯林斯高阶〔highway〕A blowout at highway speeds can be dangerous.以高速公路的时速行驶时爆胎会很危险。牛津搭配〔high〕They reached speeds as high as 100 mph.他们的速度高达每小时100英里。韦氏高阶〔hovercraft〕Travelling at speeds of up to thirty five knots, these hovercraft can easily outpace most boats.这些气垫船行驶速度最高可达35节,能够轻易地超过大多数船只。柯林斯高阶〔hydroplane〕Nautical A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.【航海】 水上滑行艇:一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面美国传统〔insane〕She likes to drive at insane speeds.她喜欢飙车。韦氏高阶〔instant〕At any given instant the distribution of molecular speeds is always constant under the same conditions.在相同条件下,分子速度分布在任何时刻都是恒定的。牛津搭配〔knot〕They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots.他们以高达30节的速度行进。外研社新世纪〔knot〕They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots.他们以高达30节的速度行进。柯林斯高阶〔massive〕Hard disk performance has failed to keep up with the massive increases in processor speeds.硬盘的性能已经跟不上处理器速度的大幅提高。麦克米伦高阶〔metabolism〕This drug speeds up your metabolism.这种药物会加快你的新陈代谢。朗文当代〔mph〕Inside these zones, traffic speeds are restricted to 20 mph.在这些区域, 车辆限速是每小时20英里。外研社新世纪〔mph〕Inside these zones, traffic speeds are restricted to 20 mph.在这些区域内,交通限速是20英里/小时。柯林斯高阶〔navigation〕Moving at such speeds, navigation becomes critically important.在如此快的速度下行驶, 导航极为重要。外研社新世纪〔operate〕The machine can operate at high speeds.这台机器可以高速运转。韦氏高阶〔operate〕The motor operates at very high speeds.马达飞速运转。麦克米伦高阶〔order of magnitude〕Processing speeds exceed those of five years ago by several orders of magnitude.处理速度超过5年前好几个数量级。麦克米伦高阶〔order of magnitude〕These processor speeds have recently increased by two orders of magnitude (= by a hundred times).这些处理器的速度最近增加了两个指数单位(一百倍)。剑桥高阶〔order〕Wind speeds at the airport were in the order of 160 kilometres per hour.机场的风速大约为每小时160公里。外研社新世纪〔peak〕Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday.昨天的风速最高达每小时 105 英里。朗文当代〔performance〕Unnecessary high speeds do little for performance.不必要的高速度不利于性能的发挥。英汉大词典〔perform〕The car performed poorly at high speeds.这辆车在高速行驶时性能很糟糕。牛津搭配〔plane〕To rise partly out of the water, as a hydroplane does at high speeds.滑行:当水上飞机以高速度滑行时,机身一部分抬出水面美国传统〔process〕Excessive exposure to sunlight speeds up the ageing / aging process of the skin.过多地暴露在日光下会加速皮肤的老化。牛津搭配〔record〕Wind speeds of up to 100 mph have been recorded.已经记录到高达每小时 100 英里的风速。朗文当代〔road〕At high speeds a car will not hug the road well.快速行驶时汽车不易平稳。英汉大词典〔roller coaster〕A steep, sharply curving elevated railway with small open passenger cars that is operated at high speeds as a ride, especially in an amusement park.翻滚过山车, 云霄飞车:一种上有敞篷的小型车厢且快速行驶的有急转弯的大坡度高架轨道,尤指游乐园中的乘坐装置美国传统〔second〕The transmission gear or gear ratio used to produce forward speeds higher than those of first and lower than those of third in a motor vehicle.第二档:机动车中使前进速度比第一档高而比第三档低的传送档或档级美国传统〔semiprofessional〕The semiprofessional machines come with two or three speeds.接近于供专业人员使用的机器有两三档速度。英汉大词典〔solar wind〕A stream of ionized particles ejected at high speeds from the surface of the sun.太阳风:从太阳表面高速喷射出来的离子粒子流美国传统〔speed up〕Heat speeds up chemical reactions.热加快了化学反应。外研社新世纪〔speeder〕One that speeds, especially a driver who exceeds a legal or safe speed.违章超速驾驶者:超速的人,尤指超过法定或安全速度的驾驶员美国传统〔speeding〕Wind speeds reached force five.风速达到 5 级。柯林斯高阶〔speed〕Extreme care is always needed when flying at high speeds .高速飞行时一定要极其小心。朗文当代〔speed〕Her old car has four speeds.她的旧车有四个变速挡位。韦氏高阶〔speed〕The heart speeds up.心跳加剧。英汉大词典〔speed〕The train speeds passengers to Paris in just over three hours.火车只用3个多小时就把乘客送抵巴黎。麦克米伦高阶〔speed〕Under the right conditions the car can reach speeds over 200 miles an hour.在合适的条件下,这辆车时速可达到200多英里。韦氏高阶〔speed〕Wind speeds have reached force five.风速已达到五级。文馨英汉〔speed〕Wind speeds reached force five.风速达到了5级。外研社新世纪〔spoiler〕An air deflector mounted usually at the rear of an automobile to reduce lift at high speeds.扰流器:通常安在汽车尾部的用来减轻高速造成的上升的空气装置美国传统〔summit〕The summit leaders recognized that different countries would need to move at different speeds.参加峰会的领导人认识到, 不同的国家需要以不同的速度发展。外研社新世纪〔supersonic transport〕A large transport airplane engineered to operate at supersonic speeds.超音速运输机:设计以超音速飞行的大型运输飞机美国传统〔swing-wing〕Of, relating to, or being an airplane with wings constructed to allow the outer portion to fold back along the fuselage to produce streamlining at high speeds.可变后掠翼飞机的:具有或关于其外部可沿机身折叠以便高速飞行产生流线流的机翼的飞机的美国传统〔synchromesh〕An automotive gear-shifting system in which the gears are synchronized at the same speeds before engaging to effect a smooth shift.同步齿轮系:一种自动的齿轮转动系统,在齿轮接合以产生顺利的转动之前齿轮以同样速度运转美国传统〔synchrotron radiation〕Electromagnetic radiation emitted by high-energy particles when accelerated to relativistic speeds in a magnetic field.同步加速器辐射:高能量粒子在某磁场中当被加速至相对速度时放出的电磁辐射美国传统〔theory〕The theory predicts low speeds and therefore safety.该学说预测速度会很慢,因而会更安全。麦克米伦高阶〔third〕The transmission gear or gear ratio used to produce forward speeds next higher to those of second in a motor vehicle.第三档:机动车中用于产生的比第二档更高一级速度的变速档或传动比美国传统〔touch〕Police recorded him driving at speeds touching 120 miles per hour.警方记录下他以每小时120英里的速度驾驶。麦克米伦高阶〔transonic〕Of or relating to aerodynamic flow or flight conditions at speeds close to the speed of sound.超音速的:速度接近音速时的气流或飞行状况的、或与之有关的美国传统〔white-knuckle〕They rode their motorcycles at white-knuckle speeds.他们骑摩托车的速度吓人。韦氏高阶Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds produce shock waves in the air around the aircraft.以超音速速度飞行的飞机会在周围的空气中产生冲击波。剑桥国际At higher speeds, the car's suspension doesn't cope very well with potholes and bumps.汽车高速行驶时缓冲装置很难应付坑坑洼洼高低不平的路面。剑桥国际He denied driving at 120 mph/dangerous speeds.他否认曾以120英里的时速/危险的速度驾驶。剑桥国际I find this car difficult to control at high speeds.我发现这车在高速时很难操纵。剑桥国际In the last race he reproduced the high speeds of the day before.在最后一场比赛中,他再现了前一日的高速度。剑桥国际Jet streams can reach speeds of up to 500 kilometres per hour.急流的时速可达500公里。剑桥国际My bicycle has ten speeds.我的自行车有十种速度。剑桥国际The speeds of growth in the manufacturing and consumer sectors are diverging.制造部门和消费部门的增长速度正在拉开差距。牛津商务The TV weather chart showed temperatures and wind speeds expected for the region on the following day.电视上的气象图显示出这个地区第二天预计的气温和风速。剑桥国际The machine allows segments of the film to be viewed repeatedly and at a number of speeds, so the editor can cut and splice the film.这台机器可以用不同速度重复观看电影片段,这样剪辑者就能剪接影片了。剑桥国际The vibration gets worse at higher speeds.速度更快时振动变得更厉害。剑桥国际These trains are capable of attaining very high speeds.这些火车能达到非常高的速度。剑桥国际This electric drill has two speeds (= rates at which it turns).这个电钻有两档速度。剑桥国际

