“stomach upset”例句

单词 stomach upset
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A switch to completly different new foods may cause stomach upsets. 突然转吃完全不一样的新食物可能会引起胃部不适。朗文写作活用〔RECOVER〕The doctor told Mum it was only a stomach upset, not food poisoning, and she would get over it in a day or two. 医生告诉妈妈这只是肠胃不适,不是食物中毒,一两天以后就会好的。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕How can you prevent stomach upsets from ruining your holiday? 如何防止胃部不适破坏你的度假兴致?朗文写作活用〔end〕Anyone who swims in the river could end up with a nasty stomach upset.在这条河里游泳的人结果都会有严重的肠胃不适。朗文当代〔off〕He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset.自从他得了胃病后,就对食物失去了兴趣。剑桥高阶〔pretext〕He excused himself on the pretext of a stomach upset.他借口自己胃不舒服离开了。柯林斯高阶〔pretext〕He excused himself on the pretext of a stomach upset.他假借肚子不舒服为由离席。外研社新世纪〔stomach〕The drug can cause mild stomach upset.这种药会引发轻微的胃部不适。牛津搭配〔upsetting〕It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.没什么大不了的。只是胃有点不舒服,没别的。柯林斯高阶〔upsetting〕Paul was unwell last night with a stomach upset.保罗昨晚肚子不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕I've got a stomach upset.我肚子不舒服。外研社新世纪〔upset〕It wasn't anything serious. A mild stomach upset, that's all.没什么大碍, 只是胃有点不舒服而已。外研社新世纪〔upset〕Spicy foods can cause stomach upset.辛辣食物会造成肠胃不适。韦氏高阶〔waterborne〕The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致胃部极度不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。剑桥高阶He's been off his food ever since he had the stomach upset.自从他得了胃病后,他就不喜欢食物了。剑桥国际I had a stomach upset last night. 我昨天夜里肠胃不适。译典通The disease, causing extreme stomach upsets, is caused by a waterborne parasite.这种导致肠胃极其不适的疾病是由一种水生寄生虫引起的。剑桥国际We were warned not to eat the fish which might give us a slight stomach upset.那鱼可能会引起胃轻度不适,我们接到警告不要吃。剑桥国际

