
单词 superlative
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breathless〕His first novel drew breathless superlatives from critics.他的第一部小说赢得书评家的交口称赞。朗文当代〔compare〕Grammar To form the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of (an adjective or adverb).【语法】 构成:构成(一个形容词或副词)的原级、比较级或最高级美国传统〔comparison〕Grammar The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.【语法】 词尾变化:形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级美国传统〔crawler〕The nymphs are superlative crawlers.这些若虫是爬行高手。外研社新世纪〔crème de la crème〕Something superlative.精华:最好的东西美国传统〔dust down〕Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.影评家们正忙着搬出用在他们头三部电影上的盛赞之词。外研社新世纪〔dust off〕Critics were busy dusting down the same superlatives they had applied to their first three films.评论家们正忙着搬出他们用在前三部电影上的那些盛赞之词。柯林斯高阶〔encore〕They encore with a superlative version of The Who's 'The Kids Are Alright'.他们加演了“谁人”乐队的《小伙子都不错》, 非常精彩。外研社新世纪〔encore〕They encore with a superlative version of The Who's 'The Kids Are Alright'.他们加演了谁人乐队的《真是不赖的小伙子》,非常精彩。柯林斯高阶〔giveaway〕Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices.到处都有以超低价出售的顶级葡萄酒和食品。外研社新世纪〔giveaway〕Wine and food of superlative quality are available everywhere at giveaway prices.随处都能买到价格低廉而质量上乘的酒和食品。柯林斯高阶〔insincere〕Too many superlatives lend a note of insincerity.太多的“最如何如何”让人觉得不够真诚。柯林斯高阶〔insincerity〕Too many superlatives lend a note of insincerity.太多的“最如何如何”之词会给人虚伪的感觉。外研社新世纪〔like〕He described a superlative meal, the like of which he'd never eaten before.他说那顿饭特别美味,他从未吃过如此好吃的饭。剑桥高阶〔positive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.【语法】 原级的:形容词或副词与比较级及最高级的相对简单的原形的,或与这一原形有关的美国传统〔superlative〕It's hard to find enough superlatives to describe this book.用再多的盛赞之辞也难以描述这本书。牛津高阶〔superlative〕Some superlative wines are made in this region.一些上好的葡萄酒就是在这个地区酿造的。柯林斯高阶〔superlative〕Some superlative wines are made in this region.该地区出产优质葡萄酒。外研社新世纪〔superlative〕The superlative degree.最高级美国传统〔superlative〕The superlative form of “nice” is “nicest”; the superlative form of “bad” is “worst”; the superlative form of “interesting” is “most interesting.” *nice的最高级是nicest,bad的最高级是worst,interesting的最高级是most interesting。韦氏高阶〔superlative〕The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.从丽晶酒店看香港岛景色绝佳。外研社新世纪〔superlative〕The Regent hotel has a superlative view of Hong Kong island.在丽晶酒店看香港岛的美景,视野绝佳。柯林斯高阶〔superlative〕The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.杂志上的这篇文章用了这么多最高级修饰词,让我觉得其可信度不高。剑桥高阶〔superlative〕The restaurant serves superlative coffee.这家餐馆的咖啡味道绝好。外研社新世纪〔superlative〕This new production has won superlatives from the critics.新推出的这部作品赢得了评论家的赞誉之词。麦克米伦高阶〔superlative〕We went to a superlative restaurant.我们去了一家最好的餐馆。剑桥高阶She described the place with a string of superlatives. 她用一连串最高级的词语描绘那个地方。译典通She is a versatile and superlative actress. 她是位多才多艺、演技高超的女演员。译典通The magazine article contained so many superlatives that I found it hard to believe that what it was saying was true.这篇杂志文章使用的最高级修饰语太多了,令我觉得很难相信它说的都是真的。剑桥国际The performance was superlative.表演棒极了。剑桥国际We went to a superlative restaurant.我们去了一家最好的餐馆。剑桥国际

