
单词 探求
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔demand〕Archaic An emphatic question or inquiry.【古语】 询问请求:坚决的询问或探求美国传统〔enquiry〕The subjects on the curriculum encourage intellectual enquiry.课程的科目安排鼓励学生进行知识探求牛津搭配〔grope〕He groped for a solution to his problem.他探求解决问题的方法。英汉大词典〔grope〕He groped for solutions to the problems facing the country.他在探求国家所面临问题的解决办法。柯林斯高阶〔illation〕The act of inferring or drawing conclusions.推理:进行逻辑推断或探求结论的行为美国传统〔in〕They were in a search for truth.他们在探求真理。英汉大词典〔meaning〕We yearn for meaning in our lives.我们一生都在探求生命的意义。外研社新世纪〔near〕The kind of work is not near as complicated as searching for a cure for cancer.这种工作远远不如探求治癌药那样复杂。英汉大词典〔philosophy〕A system of philosophical inquiry or demonstration.哲学体系:哲学上探求与证实的体系美国传统〔prospect〕To search for or explore (a region) for mineral deposits or oil.探察:探求(矿藏等)或为发现矿藏而考察(一个地区)美国传统〔quest〕To go on a quest.进行探求美国传统〔research〕Close, careful study.探求,考察:严密、仔细的研究美国传统〔searcher〕He's not a real searcher after truth.他不是一个真正探求真理的人。柯林斯高阶〔seek〕We do not always find what we seek.我们并不总能找到我们所探求的东西。麦克米伦高阶I don't think she went to India on any spiritual quest, but she came back a very changed person.我认为她去印度不是出于宗教上的探求,但回来时她变了许多。剑桥国际The company, which has been exploring various means of expansion, has decided to open 10 more restaurants.那家公司一直在探求各种途径扩张业务,已经决定再开10家饭店。剑桥国际They are groping after the truth. 他们正在探求真理。译典通

