
单词 效果很好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CURE〕This cream is good for healing minor cuts and bruises. 这种药膏用来治轻微的刀伤和瘀肿效果很好朗文写作活用〔acoustics〕The hall has excellent acoustics.礼堂的音响效果很好朗文当代〔audio〕The audio portion of the broadcast was fine but the picture was poor.播放的节目声音效果很好,但图像效果不佳。韦氏高阶〔clean〕This product cleans baths very effectively.本产品清洗浴缸效果很好牛津搭配〔come〕The wedding photos have come out really well.婚礼的照片冲印出来效果很好朗文当代〔decorative〕The style is ornate and highly decorative.这种风格很华丽,而且装饰效果很好牛津搭配〔effect〕I didn't think much of the plot, but the effects were amazing.我觉得情节不怎么样,但特技的效果很好麦克米伦高阶〔go〕That tie goes well with that shirt.那件衬衫配那条领带效果很好牛津搭配〔polish〕The acrylic is very durable and polishes well.丙烯酸涂料持久耐用, 光泽效果很好外研社新世纪〔positively〕She is responding positively to the treatment.她的治疗效果很好外研社新世纪〔reception〕Television reception is very good in this area.这一地区的电视接收效果很好牛津搭配〔reproduce〕The photocopier reproduces colours very well.这台复印机复制的色彩效果很好牛津高阶〔stain〕White vinegar is great for removing stains.白醋去污效果很好朗文当代〔tactic〕His strong-arm tactics paid off.他的强制手段效果很好牛津搭配〔theatre〕He writes the sort of dialogue that makes good theatre.他写的对白戏剧效果很好牛津搭配〔theatre〕This play is good theatre.这剧本的戏剧效果很好英汉大词典〔toilet〕Virginia had spent longer than usual over her toilet that evening, with pleasing results.那天晚上弗吉尼娅梳洗打扮的时间比平时要久,效果很好剑桥高阶We think the new appraisal system works well.我们认为新评估体系效果很好牛津商务

