
单词 指挥权
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔assume〕His first priority was assuming control of the army.他首先要做的是夺取军队的指挥权麦克米伦高阶〔command〕He was relieved of his command after being charged with misconduct.被指控行为不当后,他的指挥权被解除。韦氏高阶〔headship〕The position or office of a head or leader; primacy or command.首领或领导人的地位或职务;首要地位或指挥权美国传统〔parliament〕The parliament has authority over the armed forces.该议会拥有军队指挥权韦氏高阶〔rank〕The colonel ranks at this camp.在这个营地, 上校有最高指挥权外研社新世纪〔relieve of〕The general was relieved of his command.将军被解除了指挥权韦氏高阶〔relieve sb of sth〕The general was relieved of his command in 1941.这位将军于1941年被解除指挥权剑桥高阶〔relieve〕After the defeat General Meyer was relieved of his command.战败之后,迈耶将军被解除了指挥权朗文当代〔relieve〕General Beale was relieved of his command.比尔将军被解除了指挥权牛津高阶〔seniority〕On the death of the captain, the officer next in order of seniority assumed command.上尉死后,级别最高的下属军官接管了指挥权牛津搭配〔tactical〕He was given tactical command of the operation.他被授以这次军事行动的作战指挥权牛津高阶〔take〕To assume control or command.取得控制或指挥权美国传统

