
单词 定好
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕My future was cut and dried. I would join my father's firm, and take it over when he retired. 我的未来已经定好了。我先加入父亲的公司,在他退休时接管它。朗文写作活用〔FAMILY〕Having an intact nuclear family does not guarantee that a child will turn out well. 有个完整的核心家庭并不能保证培养出来的孩子就一定好朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕Have you decided who you're going to room with next year? 你决定好明年和谁同住一个房间没有?朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Kerry hasn't decided if she'll continue her education or not. 克丽还没有决定好是否继续读书。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Margaret had not yet told her sons of her planned engagement. 玛格丽特还没有告诉儿子她已定好的约会。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Heavy rain has flooded the sports field: all fixtures have been cancelled for a month. 大雨淹没了运动场,一个月内所有定好的体育比赛都取消了。朗文写作活用〔SUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER〕It's a lovely dress, and a brightly coloured silk scarf will set it off perfectly. 这条裙子很漂亮,配一条色彩鲜艳的真丝围巾一定好极了。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕You've made plans for the future, I take it? 你想必已经制定好将来的计划了?朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕Tighten the screws gradually until the wheel is firmly in place. 慢慢地拧紧螺丝直到轮子固定好朗文写作活用〔agreed〕Her husband failed to pay her the agreed sum of money.她的丈夫没能付给她商定好的那笔钱。麦克米伦高阶〔agreed〕We have to stick to the agreed price.对于已经商定好的价格,我们不能变卦。剑桥高阶〔agreed〕We waited for a knock, which was the agreed signal.我们等着一声敲门,这是约定好的信号。麦克米伦高阶〔agree〕We never agreed a date.我们从未商定好日期。柯林斯高阶〔anchor〕Make sure the table is securely anchored.务必要把桌子固定好牛津高阶〔arrangement〕We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.我们定好了,他打扫卫生,我做饭。剑桥高阶〔bed in〕The big guns were bedded in properly.这些大炮被安装固定好了。21世纪英汉〔chin〕To keep the helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath the chin.将带子在颏下系紧以固定好头盔。剑桥高阶〔connection〕I fixed the loose connection and now the speaker works fine.我把松动的接头固定好了,现在扬声器工作正常。韦氏高阶〔cross〕Slang A contest whose outcome has been dishonestly prearranged.【俚语】 欺骗性比赛:胜负已经预先定好的不公正比赛美国传统〔date〕Has a date been set for the meeting? 开会的日期已经确定好了吗?牛津搭配〔date〕Have you set a date for the wedding? 你定好婚礼日期了吗?朗文当代〔date〕We agreed to meet again at a later date.我们定好晚些时候再会面。剑桥高阶〔direction〕First determine the direction of your expected business growth.首先确定好公司业务的预期增长方向。牛津搭配〔discoverable〕A discoverable website helps learners follow their creativity rather than a prescribed path.可搜索网站帮助学习者遵循自己的创造性而不是预先设定好的路径。剑桥高阶〔divvy sth up〕They haven't yet decided how to divvy up the proceeds from the sale.他们还没决定好如何分配销售收入。剑桥高阶〔eyelet〕Hang curtain by slotting clip-on rings through eyelets and attaching to rail.把固定好的环从孔里穿过去, 再挂到长杆上, 窗帘就挂好了。外研社新世纪〔fix〕Fix the bars in position with the screws provided.用所提供的螺丝钉把横木固定好牛津搭配〔fix〕The result was a fix! 结果是早就定好了的!剑桥高阶〔fix〕We've finally fixed on a place to have the concert.我们终于定好了举行音乐会的地点。朗文当代〔front money〕Money paid in advance, as for contracted goods or services.预付款:如为约定好的货物或服务事先付的钱美国传统〔gimmick〕A small object whose name does not come readily to mind.没定好名字的小物件美国传统〔given〕At the given moment we all clapped.在预约先定好的时刻, 我们一起鼓掌。外研社新世纪〔grade〕They graded the new highway.他们为新公路设定好了坡度。韦氏高阶〔hold〕The board was held in place/position by a couple of nails.钉了几颗钉子才将这块板固定好韦氏高阶〔in place〕Plans are in place for the upcoming hurricane season.对付即将来临的飓风季的方案已经制定好了。韦氏高阶〔indulge〕We took a deliberate decision to indulge in a little nostalgia.我们特意决定好好追忆一下往事。剑桥高阶〔lating〕We stipulated at 5 o'clock.我们约定好了是在5点钟。21世纪英汉〔layaway〕Her dress for Christmas is on layaway.她的圣诞礼服已预付货款定好英汉大词典〔lay〕Games To place all or a part of an accepted bet with another bookie in order to reduce the risk.【游戏】 两面下注:把全部或一部分定好的赌注分担给另一赌马者以降低风险美国传统〔live out〕I suppose some people create an idea of who they want to be, and then they live it out.我想有些人会先设定好自己要成为什么样的人,然后身体力行。柯林斯高阶〔mind〕Have you made up your minds where to go for your honeymoon? 你们决定好到哪里去度蜜月了吗?牛津高阶〔month〕They plan the menus a month at a time.他们一次就制定好一个月的菜单。麦克米伦高阶〔open〕Shall we leave it open for now, and decide at the meeting? 我们现在不作决定,到会上再决定好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔ourselves〕John and I promised ourselves a good holiday this year.约翰和我打算今年一定好好度一次假。剑桥高阶〔peg〕Is the tent pegged down all the way? 帐篷用桩完全固定好了吗?韦氏高阶〔peg〕Make sure the tarpaulin is securely pegged down.务必用桩子把油布牢牢地固定好剑桥高阶〔pin〕I'll keep the trouser patch in place with pins while I sew it on.在把裤子的补丁缝上去时,我会用别针把它固定好剑桥高阶〔pin〕Use pins to keep the material in place as you work.工作时用大头针把材料固定好外研社新世纪〔prescribe〕Everything about her life was strictly prescribed (= there were strict rules about what she could do) .她生活中的一切都是一板一眼规定好的。牛津搭配〔preset〕The agenda for the meeting has been preset.会议的日程已预先确定好了。剑桥高阶〔printed circuit〕An electric circuit in which the conducting connections have been printed or otherwise deposited in predetermined patterns on an insulating base.印刷电路:导电连接物被印刷或放在绝缘基体上预先定好的模型中的一种电路美国传统〔routine〕A prescribed, detailed course of action to be followed regularly; a standard procedure.例行公事,惯例:按惯常遵循的已规定好的行为做法;标准程序美国传统〔run sth off〕Kate can run off a sonnet in half an hour on any subject you like.只要你定好一个题材,凯特都能在半小时内信笔写出一首十四行诗。剑桥高阶〔run〕A scheduled or regular route.路线:定好的或规则的线路美国传统〔screw〕Now screw down the lid.现在用螺丝将盖子固定好牛津高阶〔see〕Setting goals should help see you through.确定好目标能帮助你渡过难关。朗文当代〔set piece〕A situation, an activity, or a speech planned beforehand and carried out according to a prescribed pattern or formula.事先精心部署的计划:事先计划的情形、行动或演讲并依据规定好的风格或形式实施美国传统〔settle on〕We haven't settled on a date yet.我们还没有定好日期。外研社新世纪〔settle〕It's been settled that we leave on the nine o'clock plane.已经定好我们乘坐九点的航班离开。牛津高阶〔settle〕They settled when they would leave.他们决定好什么时候出发。文馨英汉〔set〕Did you set the alarm ? 你把闹钟设定好了吗?朗文当代〔set〕Each person was given set jobs to do.分配给每个人的工作都是预先确定好的。牛津高阶〔set〕Have you set up the DVD player? 你把DVD播放机调定好了吗?剑桥高阶〔set〕Remember to set the video to record the film.别忘了把录像机设定好录下这部影片。朗文当代〔set〕You can set it so that it does an automatic data backup at the end of each day.你可以把它设定好,这样每天结束时它都会自动备份。麦克米伦高阶〔tempo〕The Kenyan runner set the tempo from the start.肯尼亚运动员从一开始就定好了节奏。牛津搭配〔tomography〕Any of several techniques for making detailed x-rays of a predetermined plane section of a solid object while blurring out the images of other planes.X线体层照相术:一种X线照相技术,能够照出某确定物体上事先规定好的某层部分,而不会照下其它部分的像美国传统〔unscheduled〕The train made an unscheduled stop.火车在一个并非事先定好的地方停车了。剑桥高阶〔vested〕Since he owns the strip of land, Cook has a vested interest in the project being approved.库克拥有那块地,因此这个项目获批他是有既定好处的。朗文当代〔video〕Did you remember to set the video for 'EastEnders'? 你记得把录像机设定好录制《伦敦东区人》了吗?牛津搭配I always fix the toilet paper so that it unrolls over the top.我总是固定好卫生纸让它从上面展开。剑桥国际I've got an appointment at the ear, nose and throat clinic next week.我已约定好下星期去看耳鼻喉科门诊。剑桥国际Make sure the tarpaulin is securely pegged down/pegged at the edges (= fixed with pegs so that it does not move).确准一下雨布四周已经用桩固定好了。剑桥国际The development team have agreed on dates for all deliverables, including the final product.研发团队已经商定好全部交付事项的日期,其中包括最终产品的交付日期。牛津商务The shares will be sold at a preset price.这些股票将按预先定好的价位出售。剑桥国际To keep the safety helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath your chin.为把安全头盔固定好,把带子在你的下巴下系紧。剑桥国际We agreed to meet on Thursday but we left the time vague (= we did not decide what time of day).我们说好星期四见面,但没有定好具体时间。剑桥国际We have named the date for the party. 我们已定好聚会的日期。译典通

