
单词 婚礼日期
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAY〕They announced their engagement last year, but have still not set a date for their wedding. 他们去年宣布订婚,但现在还没有确定婚礼日期朗文写作活用〔bring〕They brought the date of the wedding forward so her cousins could attend.他们把婚礼日期提前以便她的表亲能够参加。麦克米伦高阶〔date〕Have you set a date for the wedding? 你定好婚礼日期了吗?朗文当代〔decide〕Have you decided on a date for the wedding? 婚礼日期你选好了没有?朗文当代〔fixed〕Is the date of the wedding fixed yet? 婚礼日期确定了吗?剑桥高阶〔fix〕They have fixed the date of the wedding.他们已经定下了婚礼日期外研社新世纪〔set〕They haven't yet set a date for the wedding.他们尚未确定婚礼日期外研社新世纪〔twosome〕Reporters asked the happy twosome if they had set a date for the wedding.记者问那对幸福的情侣是否已经选好了婚礼日期外研社新世纪

