
单词 夏威夷
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hawaii Island〕The largest and southernmost of the Hawaiian Islands. It is the top of an enormous submarine mountain and has several volcanic peaks.夏威夷岛:夏威夷群岛中最大及最南端的有几座火山峰的岛屿,是一条巨大的海底山脉的顶部美国传统〔Hawaiian shirt〕A colorfully patterned short-sleeved sport shirt.夏威夷衬衫:为七彩图样短袖的运动衬衫美国传统〔Hawaiian〕A member or descendent of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands.夏威夷人:夏威夷群岛上土著波利尼西西亚人的一员或后代美国传统〔Hawaiian〕A native or inhabitant of the Hawaiian Islands, the state of Hawaii, or Hawaii Island.夏威夷居民:夏威夷群岛、夏威夷州或夏威夷岛的土著人或居民美国传统〔Hawaiian〕The Polynesian language of Hawaii.夏威夷土语:夏威夷波利尼西亚语美国传统〔Kahoolawe〕An island of south-central Hawaii southwest of Maui. The low and unfertile island has been used as a prison and a military target range.卡霍奥拉威岛:夏威夷群岛中部偏南的一座岛屿,位于茂伊岛西南部。这座地势低的贫瘠的岛屿一直用作监狱和军用靶场美国传统〔Kanaka〕A Hawaiian of Polynesian descent.夏威夷土人:波利尼西亚人血统的夏威夷美国传统〔LESS〕The top prize is a trip to Hawaii, which must be taken within a year of the prize drawing. 头等奖是去夏威夷旅行,得奖后必须在一年之内出发。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕From the 1880s to the early 1900s thousands of workers came to Hawaii from Japan. 19世纪80年代至20世纪初有成千上万的工人从日本来到夏威夷朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕You're going to Hawaii? It's all right for some! 你要去夏威夷?有些人命真好啊!朗文写作活用〔Laysan Island〕An island of Hawaii in the Leeward Islands northwest of the main islands.莱塞岛:背风群岛中美国夏威夷州的一个岛屿,位于主岛的西北部美国传统〔Leeward Islands〕A chain of small islets of Hawaii in the central Pacific Ocean west-northwest of the main islands. The Leewards constitute a government bird sanctuary.利华德群岛:太平洋中部的夏威夷一带的小岛,位于主要岛屿的西北偏西方向。利华德群岛是一处政府规定的鸟类保护区美国传统〔Miss〕Kappy was named Miss Hawaii in 1954.卡皮于1954年被评为夏威夷小姐。外研社新世纪〔Native Hawaiian〕A member or descendant of the indigenous Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands.夏威夷原住民:夏威夷群岛波利尼西亚原住民的后裔美国传统〔Niihau〕An island of northwest Hawaii west of Kauai Island. It is used mainly for cattle grazing.尼豪岛:夏威夷群岛西北部的一座岛屿,位于考艾岛西部。主要用来畜养牲畜美国传统〔RELAX/RELAXED〕The people in Hawaii are so relaxed -- I could have stayed another fortnight. 在夏威夷人们很放松,我应当再逗留两个星期。朗文写作活用〔Waikiki〕A famous beach and resort district of Oahu Island, Hawaii, southeast of Honolulu. It is known for its fine surfing conditions.威基基海滩:夏威夷瓦胡岛一个著名的海滩和度假区,位于檀香山东南。困其优越的冲浪条件而闻名美国传统〔along〕California, along with Florida and Hawaii, is among the most popular US tourist destinations.除了佛罗里达和夏威夷之外,加利福尼亚也是人们最常光顾的美国旅游胜地。剑桥高阶〔ancestry〕Hawaiians of Chinese ancestry 华裔夏威夷文馨英汉〔award〕Moodie has been awarded a golf scholarship at the University of Hawaii.穆迪获授夏威夷大学高尔夫奖学金。朗文当代〔bear up for〕We made all sail,and bore up for Hawaii.我们撑足了帆,驾船向夏威夷驶去。21世纪英汉〔birthplace〕Hawaii was the birthplace of surfing.夏威夷是冲浪运动的发源地。牛津高阶〔blow〕I blew all the money I won on a trip to Hawaii.我把赢来的钱全部挥霍在一次夏威夷之旅上。朗文当代〔by〕He always said he'd retire to Hawaii, and by God, he did it! 他总说退休后要搬到夏威夷去,天啊,他真的这么做了!韦氏高阶〔can〕If we save enough money, we can go to Hawaii for our vacation next year.如果我们攒够了钱,明年就可以去夏威夷度假了。韦氏高阶〔choice〕Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel.夏威夷一直是深受人们青睐的冬季假日旅游胜地。牛津高阶〔constituent〕Hawaii is a constituent state of the United States of America.夏威夷是美利坚合众国的一个成员州。外研社新世纪〔contiguous〕She's visited each of the 48 contiguous states in the U.S., but she hasn't been to Alaska or Hawaii yet.美国相互接壤的48个州她都去过,但还没有去过阿拉斯加和夏威夷韦氏高阶〔continental〕Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the continental United States.夏威夷的物价常常比美国大陆高。牛津高阶〔custom〕It's the custom for [with] Hawaiians to say "aloha" when they greet other people.问候别人时说声「阿罗哈」是夏威夷人的习俗。文馨英汉〔decompress〕I went to Hawaii for a week to decompress.为了消除紧张的情绪,我去夏威夷玩了一星期。21世纪英汉〔depose〕Ferdinand Marcos fled to Hawaii in 1986 after being deposed as president of the Philippines.1986年,菲律宾总统费迪南德·马科斯被赶下台后逃往了夏威夷柯林斯高阶〔depose〕He fled to Hawaii after being deposed as president.在被罢免了总统一职后, 他逃到了夏威夷外研社新世纪〔discover〕Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。牛津高阶〔dubious〕He made the highly dubious claim that Elvis is still alive and living in Hawaii.他信口开河地说埃尔维斯还活着,而且就住在夏威夷韦氏高阶〔end〕The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.这本书以对夏威夷的冗长描述为结尾。柯林斯高阶〔excluding〕Television is watched in 97 per cent of American homes (excluding Alaska and Hawaii).在美国,97% 的家庭收看电视(不包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷)。朗文当代〔fauna〕While she was in Hawaii, she studied the local flora and fauna.她在夏威夷的时候,研究了当地的动植物群。剑桥高阶〔head〕We were on a plane headed for Hawaii.我们在一架飞往夏威夷的飞机上。韦氏高阶〔honeycreeper〕Any of several birds of the family Drepanididae of Hawaii, similar to the mainland honeycreepers.管舌鸟:一种夏威夷管舌鸟科鸟,与大陆上的旋蜜雀相似美国传统〔lei〕Governor George welcomed the Queen to Hawaii with a lei of orchids.乔治州长献上兰花花环以欢迎女王光临夏威夷英汉大词典〔level〕The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.这是本世纪夏威夷遭遇的最强风暴。无数甘蔗园和住宅被夷为平地。柯林斯高阶〔lifeblood〕Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.旅游业是夏威夷的经济命脉。剑桥高阶〔luau〕A traditional, elaborate Hawaiian feast.夏威夷宴会:一个传统的,隆重的夏威夷美国传统〔malihini〕A newcomer to Hawaii.新到夏威夷的人美国传统〔meet〕I met her in Hawaii.我在夏威夷认识了她。剑桥高阶〔nowhere〕Nowhere is language a more serious issue than in Hawaii.没有哪个地方像夏威夷那样,语言成了如此重要的问题。柯林斯高阶〔nowhere〕Nowhere is this a more serious issue than in Hawaii.这个问题在夏威夷比在其他任何地方都严重。外研社新世纪〔offer〕I must say the offer of two weeks in Hawaii is very tempting.我得说到夏威夷度假两星期的提议对我很有诱惑力。剑桥高阶〔paradise〕Hawaii is a paradise for surfers.夏威夷是冲浪者的理想去处。朗文当代〔poi〕A Hawaiian food made from taro corm that is cooked, pounded to a paste, and fermented.夏威夷芋泥饼:一种夏威夷食品,是把芋头的球茎煮熟后捣成面糊发酵而成美国传统〔post〕Off he posted to Hawaii.他匆匆赶往夏威夷英汉大词典〔promise〕We always promised ourselves that we'd visit Hawaii one day.我们总是向自己允诺某天要去夏威夷旅游。麦克米伦高阶〔slack-key〕Of or being a style of Hawaiian popular music played by fingerpicking an acoustic guitar that has been tuned to any of various open chords.夏威夷流行音乐的:夏威夷流行音乐的或是有其风格的,此种音乐系以手指弹拨非电吉他,该吉他被调整为可发各种不同的空和弦音美国传统〔snorkelling〕We went snorkeling in Hawaii.我们去了夏威夷徒手潜水。朗文当代〔souvenir〕This coffee mug is a souvenir of our trip to Hawaii.这个咖啡杯是我们去夏威夷旅游的纪念。韦氏高阶〔steel guitar〕An acoustic guitar with a metal resonator built into the body, often played with a slide and producing a twangy, variable tone.夏威夷吉它:一种无电声放大的吉它,内有金属共鸣箱,用拨片弹奏并产生拨弦多变的音调美国传统〔strapped〕I'd love to come to Hawaii with you, but I'm a little strapped (for cash).我想和你一起去夏威夷,但恐怕我现在手头有点儿紧。剑桥高阶〔surfing〕When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.我们在夏威夷时每天都去冲浪。朗文当代〔surf〕Every summer we surf the beach of Hawaii.每年夏天我们都到夏威夷的海滨去冲浪。21世纪英汉〔surf〕I surfed bigger waves in Hawaii.我在夏威夷更大的浪中冲过浪。外研社新世纪〔territory〕Until 1959 Hawaii was a Territory, not a State.1959年以前夏威夷是个准州,还不是一个州。英汉大词典〔theme〕The party had a Hawaiian luau theme.这次聚会是夏威夷式宴会的风格。韦氏高阶〔there〕They're going to Hawaii, and they plan to stay there until the end of March.他们打算去夏威夷,并准备在那儿呆到3月底。麦克米伦高阶〔trip〕There's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii, if you're unhappy you're on a guilt trip.就好像去夏威夷就一定要开心似的,如果你不开心,你会一个劲儿地感到愧疚。柯林斯高阶〔trip〕There's such pressure to be happy in Hawaii; if you're unhappy, you're on a guilt trip.去夏威夷一定要开心, 如果你不开心, 便会一个劲儿地感到愧疚。外研社新世纪〔trip〕They saved for years for their trip of a lifetime to Hawaii.为了一辈子能到夏威夷旅游一次,他们攒了好几年的钱。牛津搭配〔ukulele〕A small four-stringed guitar popularized in Hawaii.尤克里里琴:在夏威夷很受欢迎的一种小的四弦吉它型乐器美国传统〔unscheduled〕The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii.轮船临时停靠在夏威夷外研社新世纪〔unscheduled〕The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii.轮船临时停靠在夏威夷柯林斯高阶〔vacation〕She was going to spend her vacation in Hawaii all by herself.她打算独自去夏威夷度假。牛津搭配〔vacation〕They're on vacation in Hawaii right now.他们此时正在夏威夷度假。牛津高阶〔vegetation〕The vegetation is lush on the Hawaiian Islands.夏威夷岛上的植被很葱翠美国传统〔viability〕As the world population of Hawaiian geese has shrunk to very small numbers, the bird's continuing viability is in doubt.全球范围内夏威夷雁已经所剩无几,这种鸟能否继续繁衍下去让人怀疑。剑桥高阶〔windsurf〕He windsurfed in Hawaii last summer.去年夏天他在夏威夷玩风帆冲浪。韦氏高阶An hour's business meeting in Hawaii is a small hardship to endure for a week-long, expenses-paid holiday.对于由对方付款的一周假期来说,在夏威夷开一小时的商业会议算不了什么。剑桥国际He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii. 他是夏威夷大学的毕业生。译典通I met her in Hawaii.我在夏威夷认识了她。剑桥国际Richard came towards us tucking in his Hawaiian shirt as he walked.理查德向我们走来, 边走边掖好他的夏威夷汗衫。剑桥国际The scenery in Hawaii is out of this world. 夏威夷的风景美得非凡,宛如仙境。译典通They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas. 他们耶诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。译典通Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.旅游业是夏威夷经济的命脉。剑桥国际We visited a factory in Hawaii where we saw machines for preparing pineapples to be put in cans.我们在夏威夷参观工厂时,看到了能罐装菠萝的机器。剑桥国际

