
单词 阿里
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕Whenever she and Bernard had a tiff, Ari would go for a long drive to think about things. 阿里每次和伯纳德吵嘴,都会开车到很远的地方想一想。朗文写作活用〔Ariadne〕The daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë who gave Theseus the thread with which he found his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth.阿里阿德涅: 米诺斯和帕西法尔的女儿,曾给特修斯一个线团,(帮助)他走出米诺陶洛斯的迷宫美国传统〔Arianism〕The doctrines of Arius, denying that Jesus was of the same substance as God and holding instead that he was only the highest of created beings.阿里乌斯教义:阿里乌斯创导的教义,否认耶稣和神一样,而认为他只是最高的被造物美国传统〔Arian〕A believer in Arianism.阿里乌斯教义的信奉者美国传统〔Arian〕Of or relating to Arius.阿里乌斯的:阿里乌斯的与阿里乌斯有关的美国传统〔Aristarchus of Samos〕Greek astronomer who was among the first to propose that the sun is the center of the universe and that the earth moves around the sun.(萨摩斯的)阿里斯塔克斯:古希腊天文学家,是首先提出太阳是宇宙的中心,以及地球围绕太阳运行理论的天文家之一美国传统〔Aristophanes of Byzantium〕Greek philologist who systematized the punctuation, pronunciation, and accentuation of Greek.(拜占庭的)阿里斯托芬:古希腊语文学家,系统地统一了希腊语言的标点,发音和重音美国传统〔Arius〕Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端美国传统〔Athanasian〕A follower of Athanasius, especially in opposition to Arianism.信奉达修教义的人:达修的追随者,尤指反对阿里乌斯主义的人美国传统〔Athanasius〕Greek patriarch of Alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism.达修:亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者美国传统〔Fatima〕Daughter of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. She married Ali, among the first to embrace Islam, and is considered by Moslems to be one of the Four Perfect Women.法蒂玛:伊斯兰先知穆罕默德的女儿。她嫁给了首批皈依伊斯兰教的阿里,被穆斯林认为是四个完美女人之一美国传统〔Heteroousian〕A Christian who believes that the substance and nature of God the Father and God the Son are different; an Arian.本体互异论者:相信圣父与圣子的实体与本质不同的基督教徒;信奉阿里乌教义者美国传统〔IDEA〕He had the idea of hiding Ali's shoes. 他想出了一个主意,准备把阿里的鞋藏起来。朗文写作活用〔NEVER〕Ali had never seen snow before. 阿里以前从来没见过雪。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕I turned the page, and saw a small item about Muhammad Ali. 我翻过这页,看到关于穆罕默德·阿里的一篇小小的报道。朗文写作活用〔Shiite〕A member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali and his descendants as the legitimate successors to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs.什叶派教徒:一支承认阿里和他的后裔为穆罕穆德合法继承人而不承认第一批三个哈里发的伊斯兰教教派的成员美国传统〔TAKE〕Mrs Ali will bring you back from school today. 今天阿里太太会把你从学校接回来。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Ali swaggered arrogantly into the boxing ring, as if he had already won the fight. 阿里趾高气扬地走进拳击台,那样子就好像他已经打赢了比赛。朗文写作活用〔WALK〕Supporting herself on Ali's arm, the old woman shuffled towards the door. 老太太靠在阿里的胳膊上,拖着脚步向门口走去。朗文写作活用〔WIN〕Mohammed Ali, the former world heavyweight boxing champion, will appear on the ‘Tonight’ show next week. 前世界重量级拳击冠军穆罕默德·阿里将出现在下周的《今夜》节目里。朗文写作活用〔Zurvanism〕A Zoroastrian heretical movement claiming that Zurvan was the ultimate source of the universe and that both Ahura Mazda and Ahriman were his offspring.佐尔文运动:琐罗亚斯德教的异端运动,声称佐尔文是万物的起源,奥尔穆兹德和阿里曼都是他的后代美国传统〔accolade〕Ari Hart recently received the accolade of being represented in the Museum of Modern Art.阿里·哈特的作品最近有幸获选在现代艺术馆展出。柯林斯高阶〔boxing glove〕Muhammad Ali's autographed boxing gloves穆罕默德•阿里亲笔签名的拳击手套外研社新世纪〔box〕Alley has boxed since he was 15 .阿里从15岁起就成为职业拳击手。21世纪英汉〔buff〕Smith buffed up for his role as Muhammad Ali.史密斯为了扮演穆罕默德‧阿里锻炼肌肉。朗文当代〔bulk sth up〕Will Smith bulked up his body to play the part of Mohammad Ali.威尔·史密斯为饰演穆罕默德·阿里而增重。剑桥高阶〔chant〕Ali was mobbed by adoring crowds chanting his name.阿里被高声反复喊着他名字的崇拜者团团围住。麦克米伦高阶〔contractually〕The pair remain contractually bound to Arista Records.这对组合还是签在阿里斯塔唱片公司旗下。外研社新世纪〔detail〕Ali absorbed every detail of the beautiful morning.阿里全身心感受了这个美丽早晨的点点滴滴。牛津搭配〔discourtesy〕She had not liked Ali's discourtesy to her brother's guests.她从不喜欢阿里对她弟弟的客人的粗鲁态度。外研社新世纪〔dramatization〕It was a dramatization of the story of Ali Baba.它是阿里巴巴故事的戏剧化。文馨英汉〔draw〕Ali reached into his pocket and drew out a piece of paper.阿里把手伸进口袋里拿出一张纸。朗文当代〔emulate〕His ambition is to emulate Ali's achievement of winning the title on three separate occasions.他的志向是取得比肩阿里的成就, 即在三个不同赛事上都拿到冠军。外研社新世纪〔fight〕Ali fought Foreman for the heavyweight title.阿里对阵福尔曼,争夺重量级拳击冠军。朗文当代〔fire〕Ali returned to boxing with a new fire in his belly.阿里胸中重新燃起的如火热情返回了拳坛。朗文当代〔full-length〕Ali was stretched out full-length on the couch.阿里伸展手脚平躺在长沙发上。朗文当代〔great〕Ali was undoubtedly one of the greatest boxers of all time.阿里无疑是有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一。朗文当代〔guy〕Ali G guyed celebrities on his show.阿里克在节目中嘲弄了一众名流。外研社新世纪〔heavy〕Ali caught him with a heavy blow to the jaw.阿里一记重拳打在他的下巴上。朗文当代〔herb〕Ali recommends taking herbs to facilitate recovery.阿里建议服用药草来促进康复。牛津搭配〔heroine〕Ariel, the heroine of Disney's The Little Mermaid 阿里尔,迪斯尼的《小美人鱼》中的女主角麦克米伦高阶〔hero〕My boyhood hero was Mohammed Ali.我童年时期的偶像是穆罕默德•阿里外研社新世纪〔inability〕Ali mistook my inability for an unwillingness.阿里把我的无能为力错当成不情愿帮忙。外研社新世纪〔interpreter〕Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter.阿里斯蒂德通过口译员向媒体发表讲话。柯林斯高阶〔keyboard〕Arianne was tapping away at her keyboard.阿里安妮在键盘上敲打开来。牛津搭配〔lead〕The black population in the 1960s looked to Ali for a lead (=looked to him to show them what they should do) .20 世纪 60 年代的黑人视阿里为榜样。朗文当代〔lie〕Mt. Ali lies in southern Taiwan.阿里山位于台湾南部。文馨英汉〔lightning〕Ali was famed for his lightning reactions and ready wit.阿里以机智敏捷而闻名。麦克米伦高阶〔like〕Boxing hasn't seen the likes of Muhammad Ali since he retired.穆罕默德·阿里退役后,拳击运动就再也没有他那样的选手了。剑桥高阶〔name〕Muhammad Ali's birth name was Cassius Clay.穆罕默德・阿里的乳名是卡修斯・克莱。牛津搭配〔one-two〕Ali gives his opponent the old one-two , and it's all over.阿里向对手施展出他那一贯的左右连击,比赛就此结束了。朗文当代〔one〕Muhammad Ali and Cassius Clay are one and the same.穆罕默德‧阿里和凯萨斯‧克莱是同一个人。朗文当代〔pound away〕Foreman was so fatigued from pounding away at Ali that he could barely lift his mitts.福尔曼因连续重击阿里而疲惫至极, 戴着拳击手套的手几乎抬不起来。外研社新世纪〔pounding〕Ali took a pounding.阿里受伤严重。外研社新世纪〔pugilistic〕Ali was a pugilistic virtuoso.阿里是拳击名将。剑桥高阶〔pull〕Muhammad Ali can still pull the crowds.穆罕默德‧阿里仍能招徕大批的支持者。朗文当代〔pull〕Muhammad Ali's greatest rival has never pulled a punch.穆罕默德·阿里的头号劲敌从来没打过假拳。外研社新世纪〔redneck〕A large Texan redneck was shouting obscenities at Ali.一个大块头的得克萨斯州红脖子正对阿里骂着脏话。柯林斯高阶〔return〕Ali returned triumphantly to boxing in 1970.1970 年,阿里成功地重返拳坛。牛津搭配〔round〕Ali won the next round convincingly.阿里令人信服地赢了下一轮比赛。牛津搭配〔sacking〕Mr Ali said the sackings would save the company about $40 million a year.阿里先生说,解聘行动每年将为公司节省约4000万美元。剑桥高阶〔shining〕The Ariane space-rocket project has had a shining success.阿里安航天火箭项目取得了辉煌的成功。柯林斯高阶〔straggle〕Ali straggled behind, carrying the shopping.阿里拿着买来的东西落在后面。朗文当代〔thing〕Ariel had a thing about Elvis Presley.阿里尔特别喜欢“猫王”埃尔维斯·普雷斯利。外研社新世纪〔transcendent〕Transcending the Aristotelian categories.超越阿里士多德的范畴的美国传统〔unbowed〕After the fight, Ali was bloody but unbowed .那场拳赛打完,阿里浑身是伤,但是决不低头。朗文当代〔undisturbed〕In the Balearics pockets of rural life and inland villages are undisturbed.在巴利阿里群岛上, 零星散布在岛内的村庄和那里的乡村生活宁静无扰。外研社新世纪〔undisturbed〕In the Balearics pockets of rural life and inland villages are undisturbed.在巴利阿里群岛上,零星散布在岛内的村庄和那里的生活平静而祥和。柯林斯高阶Ali downed (= knocked down) his opponent in the second round.阿里在第2个回合将对手打倒在地。剑桥国际Aristarchus of Samos reasoned that the Earth went round the sun, not vice versa, though nobody believed him for centuries. [ 希腊]萨摩斯岛的阿里斯塔克斯推断地球是绕着太阳转的,而不是反之,但几个世纪以来没有人相信他。剑桥国际Fatima was the youngest daughter of the Prophet Mohammed and was also the wife of the fourth Muslim caliph, Ali.珐蒂玛是穆罕默德教祖的小女儿,也是第四世哈里发阿里的妻子。剑桥国际He paid tribute to Muhammad Ali with the encomium “He didn't have fights, he gave recitals.” 他以这样的颂词向穆罕默德·阿里致敬:剑桥国际How strange to be 15 years old and yet have two little nieces who call me Uncle Ali.多奇怪呀, 我刚十五岁却有两个叫我阿里叔叔的小侄女。剑桥国际Muhammad Ali's showmanship in the ring shouldn't detract from his considerable skill.穆罕默德·阿里在拳击赛中的表演性动作无损于他出色的技术。剑桥国际We had the time of our lives (= an extremely enjoyable experience) at Ali's party.在阿里家举行的聚会上,我们度过了极其快乐的时光。剑桥国际

