
单词 认可
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Iegalize〕Abortion was legalized in the 1960s.堕胎在 20 世纪 60 年代得到法律认可朗文当代〔WANT/NOT WANT〕The review gave Picasso a taste of the recognition he craved. 这篇评论让毕加索尝到了他渴望的认可朗文写作活用〔ability〕Fox's abilities were soon recognized.不久,福克斯的才能得到了认可牛津搭配〔acceptability〕The air pollution exceeds most acceptable levels by 10 times or more.大气污染程度超出了普遍认可的标准10倍或更多。柯林斯高阶〔acceptance〕I sent them more than 6,000 cartoons before I had my one and only acceptance by them.我给他们发去了6,000多幅漫画之后, 他们终于认可了其中一幅, 这也是唯一得到他们认可的一幅。外研社新世纪〔acceptance〕The Party is being degraded by its acceptance of secret donations.该党因认可秘密捐赠而自贬身价。外研社新世纪〔acceptance〕This management style gained acceptance in the 1980s.这种管理模式在 20 世纪 80 年代得到了认可朗文当代〔accepted〕Having more than one wife is a normal and accepted practice in some countries.在一些国家,一夫多妻是正常的、被认可的做法。朗文当代〔accredited〕Only accredited journalists were allowed entry.只有正式认可的记者才获准入内。牛津高阶〔acknowledge〕Police acknowledged the need to patrol the area.警方认可在该地区巡逻的必要性。外研社新世纪〔admission〕A fact or statement granted or admitted; a concession.坦白:被认可或被许可的事实或陈述;坦白美国传统〔applaud〕He should be applauded for his courage.他的勇气应得到认可外研社新世纪〔approbate〕To sanction officially; authorize.官方批准;认可美国传统〔approval〕I can't agree to anything without my partner's approval.没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。牛津高阶〔approval〕Most of his girlfriends failed to meet with his father's approval.得到某人的赞许;得到某人的认可麦克米伦高阶〔axiom〕It is a widely held axiom that governments should not negotiate with terrorists.政府不应与恐怖分子谈判,这是一个普遍认可的原则。剑桥高阶〔belatedly〕She was belatedly recognized by the scientific community.科学界对她的认可姗姗来迟。韦氏高阶〔body〕The Institute of Chartered Accountants is a recognized professional body.皇家特许会计师协会是得到认可的专业机构。麦克米伦高阶〔break sb in〕The boss did not believe in breaking his team in gently.老板并不认可逐步培训员工的方式。剑桥高阶〔broad〕There was broad agreement on the new government.新政府获得广泛认可韦氏高阶〔code〕The Textile Services Association has drawn up a code of practice endorsed by the Office of Fair Trading.纺织企业协会起草了一份行业规范,得到了公平贸易部的认可朗文当代〔consent〕The proposal received unanimous consent.提议获得一致认可牛津搭配〔court favor with someone〕The company is courting favor with consumers by portraying itself as socially responsible.这家公司把自己描述为具有社会责任感的企业,想以此博得消费者的认可韦氏高阶〔credence〕His ideas quickly gained credence among economists.他的观点很快就得到了经济学家的认可朗文当代〔disgruntled〕He was disgruntled over the lack of recognition he received.他因为没得到认可而气愤。韦氏高阶〔disputation〕After much legal disputation our right to resign was established.经过大量法律争论以后, 我们辞职的权利得到了认可外研社新世纪〔due〕He finally got the recognition he was due.他最终获得了应得的认可韦氏高阶〔earn your stripes〕She has yet to earn her stripes as a reporter.作为记者,她还有待得到同行们的认可韦氏高阶〔endorsement〕Something, such as a signature or voucher, that endorses or validates.保证,担保:能认可或使具有法律效力的某事物,如签名或收据美国传统〔establish〕By the end of the 1930s Elspeth had established herself as a writer.到20世纪30年代末, 伊丽莎白已成为社会认可的作家。外研社新世纪〔establish〕This is going to be the show where up-and-coming comedians will establish themselves.这将是大有前途的喜剧演员们让自己获得认可的节目。柯林斯高阶〔excellence〕This award recognizes excellence in urban design.这个奖项是对城市设计的杰出成就的认可牛津搭配〔fitness〕He had a year in which to establish his fitness for the office.他有一年的时间使自己的称职得到认可英汉大词典〔frown〕This practice is frowned upon as being wasteful.这种行为被认为是浪费而不获认可柯林斯高阶〔gain〕Her theories are slowly gaining acceptance.她的理论正逐渐获得认可韦氏高阶〔gain〕His ideas gradually gained acceptance.他的想法逐渐得到认可牛津搭配〔homologate〕To approve, especially to confirm officially.赞同,批准:赞同,尤指官方认可美国传统〔image〕The opinion or concept of something that is held by the public.形象,概念:大众认可的某事的意见或概念美国传统〔imprimatur〕His actions have the imprimatur of the Secretary of State.他的行动得到国务卿的认可朗文当代〔incredible〕It's incredible how much Francesca wants her father's approval.你想象不到弗朗西斯卡有多么希望得到她父亲的认可外研社新世纪〔international〕She has achieved international fame/recognition.她获得了国际声誉/认可韦氏高阶〔knowledge〕The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge and approval.这部影片是在王子充分了解和认可的情况下拍摄的。牛津高阶〔large〕I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.我看要使改革方案得到社会的广泛认可,机会还很渺茫。柯林斯高阶〔legal〕Recognized or enforced by law rather than by equity.法律上承认的:由法律而不是公平认可或强制的美国传统〔legitimize〕Acceptance by the UN would effectively legitimize the regime.联合国的认可实际上就使这个政权合法化了。朗文当代〔marriage〕Same-sex marriages are recognized in some countries already.同性婚姻在有些国家已经获得了认可牛津搭配〔mollify〕The father mollifies and is reconciled to their marriage.父亲的态度软化了,认可了他们的婚事。英汉大词典〔muster〕His cooking could pass muster in an expensive French restaurant.他的烹饪技术在高级法国餐厅也能得到认可韦氏高阶〔nouveau riche〕The nouveau riche have to find a way to be accepted.暴发户不得不去想法获得大家的接受和认可柯林斯高阶〔official〕The change in the policy should soon be official.这一政策上的变化很快就会得到官方的认可韦氏高阶〔ordinarily〕Ordinarily, we don't accept this as a valid form of identification, but we'll accept it this time.一般来说,我们不认为这种身份证明有效,但这次我们算是认可韦氏高阶〔penetration〕The degree to which a commodity, for example, is sold or recognized in a particular market.畅销度:一种商品在例如某一特定市场的销售或被认可的程度美国传统〔pernicious〕More pernicious still has been the acceptance of the author's controversial ideas by the general public.普通民众对作者这些有争议的观点的认可是更大的危害。韦氏高阶〔plausive〕Showing or expressing praise or approbation; applauding.喝彩的:显示或表示赞扬或认可的;鼓掌的美国传统〔plea〕The prosecution accepted a plea of manslaughter.控方认可了过失杀人的辩护。牛津搭配〔popular〕Her theories are popular among social scientists.她的理论被社会科学家广泛认可韦氏高阶〔prelude〕Living together as a prelude to marriage is now considered acceptable in many countries.同居作为婚姻的前奏现在在许多国家都是认可的。朗文当代〔proof〕The state of being convinced or persuaded by consideration of evidence.得到认可:通过考虑证据而确信或被说服的状态美国传统〔receive〕You received the principles with which you should agree, and you have agreed.你认可了这些你本该赞同且业已赞同的原则。外研社新世纪〔recognition〕At last, her father's work has received popular recognition.最后,她父亲的工作得到了大众的认可柯林斯高阶〔recognition〕The young talent at the club deserves wider recognition.俱乐部中的这位年轻才子应该得到更广泛的认可牛津搭配〔recognition〕They demand legal recognition of their rights.他们要求自己的权利得到法律认可韦氏高阶〔recognize〕Are qualifications gained in Britain recognized in France?在英国获得的资格证书法国认可吗?外研社新世纪〔recognize〕British medical qualifications are recognized in Canada.英国的行医资格在加拿大得到认可朗文当代〔rubber stamp〕A perfunctory approval or endorsement.随便同意或认可美国传统〔same-sex〕They wish same-sex couples to be recognised as families.他们希望同性伴侣建立的家庭可以得到认可柯林斯高阶〔sanction〕These changes will require the sanction of the court.这些变更须经法院认可牛津高阶〔seal〕A number of employers have already given their seal of approval to the scheme.一些雇主已经对这项计划表示认可朗文当代〔secret〕They are now at a secret location agreed with social services.他们目前在一个社会福利机构认可的秘密所在。麦克米伦高阶〔self-regulatory〕For a self-regulatory system to work, the consent of all those involved is required.一个自我管理的体制要运作起来,必须得到所有相关人员的一致认可柯林斯高阶〔sign〕A nod is a sign of approval.点头是表示认可的动作。英汉大词典〔social〕We must accept that social conditions influence crime.我们必须认可社会条件影响犯罪的说法。外研社新世纪〔spur〕Her approval spurred him to enter a poetry contest.她的认可激励他参加诗歌比赛。外研社新世纪〔square〕If your complaint is not upheld, you may feel you are back to square one.如果你的抗议没有得到认可, 你可能会感觉自己回到了原点。外研社新世纪〔street cred〕Acceptability or popularity, especially among young people in urban areas.街头信誉,街头认可:接受度或受欢迎程度,尤指都市年轻族群中所用词汇美国传统〔stretch〕He admitted that he had maybe stretched the truth a little(= not been completely honest).他承认可能有点言过其实了。牛津高阶〔struggle〕For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted.她与传统势力抗争多年,力图使自己的学说得到认可剑桥高阶〔take-up〕Take-up of our products has been high.我们产品的认可率一直很高。韦氏高阶〔treatment〕The drug has been approved as a treatment for AIDS.这种药物已经被认可用于治疗艾滋病。韦氏高阶〔typically〕Typically, the members of our staff receive little recognition.正常情况,我们的工作人员很少受到认可韦氏高阶〔unacknowledged〕His contribution to contemporary music was largely unacknowledged.他对当代音乐的贡献在很大程度上没有得到认可麦克米伦高阶〔unacknowledged〕Johnny and Guy are the greatest unacknowledged pop songwriters in Britain.约翰尼和盖伊是英国最了不起的、还未被公众认可的流行歌曲创作者。柯林斯高阶〔unrecognized〕The artist's work went unrecognized in his lifetime.这位画家的作品在他生前未被认可韦氏高阶〔validate〕The Supreme Court has validated the lower court's interpretation of the law.最高法院认可了下一级法院对那条法规的阐释。朗文当代〔valid〕He recognized the valid arguments that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中合理的部分。外研社新世纪〔valid〕He recognized the valid points that both sides were making.他认可双方观点中的合理之处。柯林斯高阶〔variation〕Marked difference or deviation from the normal or recognized form, function, or structure.变异,变体:与正常或已被认可的形态、功能或结构有明显的不同或偏离美国传统〔visa〕An official authorization appended to a passport, permitting entry into and travel within a particular country or region.签证:附加于护照的一种官方认可,允许进入和在某一特定的国家或地区内旅游美国传统〔wanted〕He wanted his power recognised.他希望他的权力得到认可柯林斯高阶〔warranty〕Official authorization, sanction, or warrant.授权,批准:官方授权、批准或认可美国传统〔widely〕At present, no widely approved vaccine exists for malaria.目前,还没有被广泛认可的疟疾疫苗。柯林斯高阶〔yearn〕Despite his great commercial success he still yearns for critical approval.尽管他获得了巨大的票房成功,但还是渴望得到评论家的认可剑桥高阶Our products are well/widely accepted in the local and international market.我们的产品在当地和国际市场上得到广泛认可牛津商务Slavery was once socially sanctioned (= generally thought to be acceptable).奴隶制度曾经被社会广泛认可剑桥国际The church would not sanction his second marriage. 教会不会认可他的第二次婚姻。译典通The idea rapidly gained acceptance (=became approved of) in political circles.这一想法很快得到了政界的认可剑桥国际The motion was accepted/passed/rejected/defeated.提议被认可/通过/拒决/否决了。剑桥国际The proposal must be acceptable at both the state and federal levels.此提案必须得到州和联邦两级的认可剑桥国际They're an accredited drama school.它们是官方认可的戏剧学校。剑桥国际You don't need to spend a lot of money to gain recognition of your products and services.使产品和服务得到认可并不需要花费太多钱。牛津商务

