
单词 被限制
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔circumscription〕The act of circumscribing or the state of being circumscribed.限制:限制的行为或被限制的状态美国传统〔confinement〕The act of confining or the state of being confined.拘禁:限制的行为或被限制的状态美国传统〔crib〕To confine in or as if in a crib.束缚,限制:限制或似被限制于小屋内美国传统〔freedom〕The condition of being free of restraints.自由,自在:不被限制的状态美国传统〔ghetto〕A section or quarter in a European city to which Jews were formerly restricted.犹太人区,犹太人街:欧洲城市中以前犹太人被限制的地区美国传统〔glad〕She was as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be.她和其他任何一个被限制在医院病床上的人一样快乐。美国传统〔hapten〕A substance that reacts with a specific antibody but cannot induce the formation of antibodies unless bound to a carrier protein or other molecule.半抗原,不全抗原:一种对某种特定的抗体起反应但除非被限制于蛋白质载体或其他分子之中, 否则不能导致抗体的构成的物质美国传统〔inhibition〕Chemistry The condition in which or the process by which a reaction is inhibited.【化学】 限制:一个化学反应被限制的情况或过程美国传统〔liege〕Bound to give such allegiance and services to a lord or monarch.臣服的臣民:被限制向领主或君主臣服和服役的臣民美国传统〔load〕His work load was limited to four hours a day owing to his illness.由于有病,他的工作量被限制为每天4小时。英汉大词典〔modification〕The act of modifying or the condition of being modified.限制:限制的行动或被限制的条件美国传统〔passive〕Traditionally in many professions women have been confined to more passive roles.传统上女性在许多行业都被限制于扮演一个被动的角色。剑桥高阶〔perpetuity〕The condition of an estate that is limited so as to be inalienable either perpetually or longer than the period determined by law.永久所有权,永久不得转让权:房地产被限制以致于可永久地或比法律规定时间长的不得转让的状态美国传统〔prescribe〕The criminal was prescribed to one poor solitary place.罪犯被限制在一个贫穷冷落的地方。21世纪英汉〔restive〕Uneasily impatient under restriction, opposition, criticism, or delay.不宁的,不稳定的:由于被限制、反对、批评或拖延而感到焦躁的美国传统〔restrict〕Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds.露营被限制在五个指定的露营地。外研社新世纪〔restrict〕Camping is restricted to five designated campgrounds.露营被限制在指定的5个野营地。柯林斯高阶〔scant〕Our leisure time is scanted by this demanding job.由于工作吃力,我们的消闲时间被限制美国传统They limit the size of your mailbox to 20MB.你的电子邮箱的容量被限制在 20 兆字节。牛津商务

