
单词 能保持
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕People with a strong spiritual or philosophical belief system are more likely to remain healthy. 具有坚定的精神或哲学信仰体系的人更有可能保持身体健康。朗文写作活用〔CALM〕They were looking for a coach who could stay enthusiastic and keep his head at the same time. 他们在找一个既有热情同时又能保持镇静的教练。朗文写作活用〔COMPUTERS/INTERNET/EMAIL〕The Internet makes it possible for people all over the world to keep in touch. 互联网使世界各地的人能保持联络。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕It is best if divorced parents can maintain friendly relations for the sake of the children. 父母离婚后,如果看在孩子的份上能保持良好的关系最好不过。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕Just because you're in your sixties doesn't mean you can't be physically fit. 你年过六旬并不意味你不能保持身体健康。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕We've got a match next month, so we've got to keep ourselves reasonably fit. 下个月我们有场比赛,因此我们得把体能保持得不错。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Homemade bread never stays as fresh as the stuff you buy in the supermarket. 家里做的面包不可能像超市里买的能保持新鲜。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕In a global economy, the only way to maintain a competitive edge is to lead the world in innovation. 在全球经济中,唯一能保持竞争力的途径就是在创新上占世界领先地位。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕If you can't keep still, how can I cut your hair? 如果你不能保持不动,我怎么给你理发呢?朗文写作活用〔SUFFER〕She somehow manages to keep laughing in the face of adversity. 她面临逆境也总能保持笑容。朗文写作活用〔ahead〕You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持领先优势。牛津高阶〔attention〕This game is fun and is sure to keep the attention of any young student.这个游戏很有趣,一定能保持年幼学生的注意力。朗文当代〔balance〕She had to hold onto the railings to keep her balance (= to stop herself from falling).她得扶住围栏才能保持平衡。剑桥高阶〔bargainer〕This machine is designed to save you effort, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.这种机器既省力,又能保持工作台面的整洁。柯林斯高阶〔bargain〕It is designed to save you time, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.它的设计既能节约时间, 又能保持工作台面整洁。外研社新世纪〔buoyancy〕We hope that the economy will maintain its buoyancy.我们希望经济能保持繁荣的态势。韦氏高阶〔butter〕A vegetable fat having a nearly solid consistency at ordinary temperatures.植物脂:在常温下几乎能保持接近固态的植物脂肪美国传统〔clear-sighted〕He was clear-sighted enough to keep a sense of perspective.他很有见识,能保持正确的判断力。柯林斯高阶〔clearheaded〕He remains calm and clearheaded in tense situations.在紧张的形势下,他依然能保持镇定和清醒。韦氏高阶〔competitively〕Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its competitive advantage over other countries.只有通过控制成本,美国才能保持对其他国家的竞争优势。柯林斯高阶〔confused〕A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.一项调查表明,人们对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。柯林斯高阶〔confused〕A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.调查表明, 人们对吃什么能保持健康很困惑。外研社新世纪〔conscious〕The patient remained fully conscious after the local anesthetic was administered.病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能保持完全清醒美国传统〔coolness〕I admire her coolness under pressure.我佩服她在压力下能保持冷静。牛津高阶〔crack〕Their rude remarks cracked his equanimity.他们粗俗的话语使他再也不能保持镇定美国传统〔dignity〕We all want to maintain our dignity in old age.我们都想在老年时能保持尊严。牛津搭配〔directional〕Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability.压缩空气的喷吐使飞机的左右和前后都能保持稳定。柯林斯高阶〔drip-dry〕Made of a fabric that will not wrinkle when hung dripping wet for drying.能滴干的:由悬挂滴干后仍能保持不起皱纹的织物制成的美国传统〔eat like a bird〕You eat like a bird – I don't know how you stay healthy.你吃得太少了——我不知道你怎么能保持健康。剑桥高阶〔equanimity〕The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.镇静:能保持平静温和脾气的特性;镇静美国传统〔exercise〕They found themselves unable to exercise influence and maintain independence.他们发现自己不能发挥影响力,也不能保持独立。牛津搭配〔fit〕McCarthy hopes to be fit for the match on Saturday.麦卡锡希望能保持身体强健以参加星期六的比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔form〕The team is hoping that it can maintain its current form.球队希望能保持现在的状态。牛津搭配〔fresh〕It's vital we are as fresh as possible for those matches.在比赛中我们要尽可能保持旺盛的精力, 这点至关重要。外研社新世纪〔fresh〕It's vital we are as fresh as possible for those matches.尽可能保持旺盛的精力参加那几场比赛对我们来说至关重要。柯林斯高阶〔gum〕Brushing regularly keeps your gums healthy.经常刷牙能保持牙龈健康。麦克米伦高阶〔hang loose〕He could hang loose when he went into the den of vice.当他走进魔窟时,他依然能保持平静。21世纪英汉〔head〕We need a candidate who can keep his or her head even when clients get aggressive.我们需要一位即使客户暴躁发怒也能保持头脑冷静的人选。朗文当代〔hold〕How can any family hold together under these circumstances? 在这种情况下哪里有家庭能保持团结呢?麦克米伦高阶〔honour〕It is a matter of honour to keep our standards as high as possible.竭尽所能保持高水准是关系到我们声誉的事情。牛津搭配〔in trim〕He's been exercising to get in trim for the season.为了这个赛季能保持良好的状态,他一直在锻炼。韦氏高阶〔it's every man for himself〕It might be a civilized place to shop at other times, but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,一月大减价例外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。剑桥高阶〔keep〕I wish you'd keep quiet.我希望你能保持安静。剑桥高阶〔last〕He woke up in a good mood, and I'm just hoping it will last.他醒来后心情不错,我只希望他的好心情能保持下去。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕Interest rates will probably remain at the same level for a few more months.今后几个月利率很可能保持不变。麦克米伦高阶〔lowkey〕We want to keep the whole affair as low-key as possible.我们想让整件事情尽可能保持低调。牛津搭配〔lunatic〕He pleads for sanity in a lunatic world.他祈求在这混乱的世界里仍能保持头脑清明。柯林斯高阶〔maintain in〕Can you afford to maintain my daughter in the manner to which she has been accustomed?你能保持我女儿原来习惯的生活方式吗?21世纪英汉〔may〕It is a fine tradition and long may it continue! 这是个很好的传统,但愿能保持下去!朗文当代〔mediatize〕To annex (a lesser state) to a greater state as a means of permitting the ruler of the lesser state to retain title and partial authority.使…归并:并(小国家)于另一较大的国家,以此使较小国家的统治者能保持自己的头衔及部分权力美国传统〔merocrine〕Of or relating to a gland whose secretory cells remain undamaged during secretion.部分分泌的:一种进行分泌作用时能保持其分泌细胞完好无损的腺体的、或与之有关的美国传统〔moisture〕These plants need a rich soil that retains moisture.这些植物需要一种能保持水分、养分充足的土壤。剑桥高阶〔mouth〕She hoped Jason would keep his mouth shut about his doubts.她希望贾森对他自己的疑虑能保持缄默。麦克米伦高阶〔only〕I only wish that they would keep in touch more regularly.我希望他们能保持更密切的联系。剑桥高阶〔outwardly〕Though extremely nervous, she was able to remain outwardly calm during the interview.她在面试时虽然非常紧张,但表面上仍能保持镇静。韦氏高阶〔pace〕If they can keep up the pace , they should have finished by early next week.如果能保持这种进度的话,下周初他们就能完成了。朗文当代〔pointer〕His victory in the first race here on Tuesday was a timely pointer to his chance of remaining unbeaten.周二他在这里取得的第一轮比赛胜利是个及时的信号,说明他可能保持不败。柯林斯高阶〔privilege〕We want to privilege them because without the top graduate students, we can't remain a top university.我们要特别优待他们, 因为没有这些优秀的毕业生, 我们就不能保持住名牌大学的名号。外研社新世纪〔put〕If you can't be quiet, I'll have you put out! 假如你不能保持安静,我这就叫人赶你出去。英汉大词典〔quick-freeze〕To freeze (food) by a process sufficiently rapid to retain natural flavor, nutritional value, or other properties.使食品速冻:通过一种充分地快速的加工方法,使(食物)冷冻,而能保持原有风味、营养价值或其他特性美国传统〔retain〕His speech could not retain the interest of his audience.他的讲话不能保持住听众的兴趣。21世纪英汉〔rule of thumb〕A good rule of thumb for keeping your closet organized is to get rid of any clothes you haven't worn in the past year.一个能保持你的衣柜井然有序的经验常识性方法就是,把上一年没穿过的衣服全清理掉。韦氏高阶〔sane〕Having that little bit of time to myself is what keeps me sane.正是有那点儿独处的时间才使我能保持头脑清醒。牛津搭配〔shipshape〕The house only needs an occasional coat of paint to keep it shipshape.这座房子只需要偶尔粉刷一下就能保持整洁。外研社新世纪〔silent〕I could not keep silent any longer.我再也不能保持沉默了。牛津搭配〔spirit〕It takes a lot of spirit for an invalid like him to remain cheerful.他这样的病人需要很大勇气才能保持愉快乐观。英汉大词典〔spotless〕Even in the most spotless homes, carpets need regular cleaning to keep them looking good.即便是在最干净的房子里, 地毯也需要定期清洁才能保持美观。外研社新世纪〔stay〕Can you stay awake through the whole show? 整个演出过程中你能保持清醒吗?韦氏高阶〔tidy〕I hope you're going to keep your room tidy.我希望你能保持房间整齐。牛津搭配〔tidy〕Why does nothing ever stay tidy around here? 为什么这里没有一样东西能保持整齐?牛津搭配〔unable〕He seemed constitutionally unable to keep quiet.他似乎天生就不能保持安静。牛津搭配〔uncluttered〕If you keep a room uncluttered it makes it seem lighter and bigger.如果能保持房间简洁,就会让人感觉敞亮一些。柯林斯高阶〔voice〕He managed to keep his voice steady despite his feelings of panic.尽管心里慌乱,可他仍然能保持声音平稳。牛津搭配〔way〕It's amazing the way she manages to stay so calm.她能保持如此镇定真让人惊讶。剑桥高阶〔way〕We have a beautiful city and we pray it stays that way.我们的城市很美丽,但愿它能保持下去。柯林斯高阶〔willpower〕It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.要有很强的意志力才能保持平静。剑桥高阶He's never been able to hold down (=stay and work in) a steady job.他始终未能保持一份稳定的工作。剑桥国际I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos.我敬佩她在那么多乱七八糟的事情中还能保持沉静。剑桥国际I can never play jokes on people because I can't keep a straight face.我从来不能和人开玩笑,因为我不能保持严肃的表情。剑桥国际Oil companies claim that high-octane fuel keeps engine parts cleaner than regular gasoline.石油公司声称高辛烷燃料比传统汽油更能保持引擎部件的清洁度。剑桥国际Pot plants are commonly treated with (a) growth retardant (= substance that slows growth) so that they retain their shape.盆栽植物通常被施以生长阻滞剂,这样它们就能保持形状。剑桥国际She manages to stay cheerful (=happy and positive) even in the midst of disaster.即使处在灾难中,她也能保持心情愉快。剑桥国际The gate won't stay open, so we'll have to secure it to that post.大门不能保持开着,所以我们不得不将它拴定在柱子上。剑桥国际You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持领先地位。牛津商务

