
单词 舞台指示
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alarums and excursions〕The sounds of war or warlike activity. Used as a stage direction for moving of soldiers across stage, as in Shakespeare's plays.战争的声音或好战的活动。用于让士兵穿过舞台的舞台指示,如莎士比亚戏剧中美国传统〔direction〕Shakespeare's famous stage direction, 'Exit, pursued by a bear.' 莎士比亚著名的舞台指示:“退场,一只熊紧追在后。”牛津搭配〔sola〕By oneself; alone. Used as a stage direction to a female character.单独的:独自的;单独的。用于女性角色的舞台指示美国传统〔stage〕Shakespeare's famous stage direction: 'Exit, pursued by a bear.' 莎士比亚著名的舞台指示:“被熊追下场。”牛津搭配

