
单词 细丝
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔THIN〕A spider was hanging from a slender thread. 一只蜘蛛正挂在一根长长的细丝上。朗文写作活用〔coleslaw〕A salad of finely shredded raw cabbage and sometimes shredded carrots, dressed with mayonnaise.凉拌卷心菜:一种切成细丝的凉拌卷心菜,有时是切成丝的胡萝卜,浇上蛋黄汁美国传统〔cross hair〕Either of two fine strands of wire crossed in the focus of the eyepiece of an optical instrument and used as a calibration or sighting reference.十字丝:呈十字形交叉于光学仪器的目镜焦点上的两根细丝之一,用于校准或瞄准参考美国传统〔draw〕Draw out the wire until it is very thin.把金属丝拉成细丝英汉大词典〔filament〕A fine or thinly spun thread, fiber, or wire.细丝:细小或薄的丝线、纤维或电线美国传统〔filiform〕Having the form of or resembling a thread or filament.丝状的,纤维状的:具有或象线或细丝形状的美国传统〔filigree〕Delicate and intricate ornamental work made from gold, silver, or other fine twisted wire.细丝工艺:用金、银或其它细丝制作的精致和复杂的装饰品美国传统〔filigree〕To decorate with or as if with filigree.细丝装饰:用或似乎用金银细丝饰品装饰美国传统〔filum〕A threadlike anatomical structure; a filament.丝,丝状组织:丝状的结构;细丝美国传统〔hair〕A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.茸毛:与毛发相似的细丝状突出物或刺毛,比如节肢动物的刚毛,或植物表面细胞的生成美国传统〔hair〕Any of the cylindrical, keratinized, often pigmented filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.毛发:哺乳动物特有的,生长于表皮的柱状、有角质而且通常含有色素的细丝美国传统〔matchstick〕Cut the peppers into pieces the size of matchsticks.把辣椒切成火柴棍儿大小的细丝韦氏高阶〔mesh〕Often meshes The cords, threads, or wires surrounding these spaces. 常作 meshes 网线,网丝:包围着这些镂空部分的细线、细丝或金属线美国传统〔myofilament〕Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril.肌丝:一种极微小的细丝,由肌动朊和肌球蛋白组成,是肌原纤维的结构单位美国传统〔rayon〕Any of several synthetic textile fibers produced by forcing a cellulose solution through fine spinnerets and solidifying the resulting filaments.人造丝,人造纤维:一种人造纺织纤维,将原制纤维胶体强行穿过喷丝头,使生产出来的细丝得到加固美国传统〔resonance〕The ear has a set of filaments to vibrate in resonance with incoming sound-waves.耳朵里有一组细丝能和进入的声波产生共振。柯林斯高阶〔reticulocyte〕An immature red blood cell that contains a network of basophilic filaments.网状细胞:一种未成熟的红血球,含有嗜碱性细丝的网状体美国传统〔shred〕Cut the orange peel into thin shreds.把橘子皮切成细丝牛津搭配〔shred〕Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.将胡萝卜、卷心菜切成细丝并给苹果去核。柯林斯高阶〔shred〕Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.胡萝卜、卷心菜和去核苹果切成细丝外研社新世纪〔sleave〕A fine thread or skein of thread.一根或一束细丝美国传统〔spindle fiber〕One of a network of achromatic filaments that extend inward from the poles of a dividing cell, forming a spindle-shaped figure.纺锤丝:从正在分裂的细胞的两极向内延伸的非染色质细丝网,构成纺缍形状美国传统〔spinneret〕A device for making rayon, nylon, and other synthetic fibers, consisting of a plate pierced with holes through which plastic material is extruded in filaments.喷丝头:用来制造人造丝、尼龙及其他合成纤维的装置,由一钻有小孔的金属片组成,塑料物质就从小孔中以细丝的形式喷出美国传统〔spin〕To form (a web or cocoon, for example) by extruding viscous filaments.吐丝:通过吐出粘性细丝形成(如网或茧)美国传统〔spireme〕Any of these filaments.上述这些细丝中任何一根美国传统〔spireme〕The tangle of filaments that appears at the beginning of the prophase portion of meiosis or mitosis.染色质缠绕:减数分裂或有丝分裂前期开始时出现的细丝缠绕美国传统〔strand〕A complex of fibers or filaments that have been twisted together to form a cable, rope, thread, or yarn.股:被绞起来形成索,绳或织物的纤维或细丝的结构美国传统〔strand〕A single filament, such as a fiber or thread, of a woven or braided material.一丝:织或编成的材料的单独一细丝,如纤维或细线美国传统〔thread〕A piece of such cord.一根细丝美国传统〔thread〕A thin strand, cord, or filament of natural or manufactured material.细丝:天然或人造细绳、细线或细纤维美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统Spiders produce fine threads which they make into webs in order to trap insects for food.蜘蛛用细丝做网来捕捉昆虫为食。剑桥国际The filaments of light bulbs are made from tungsten wire.灯泡的细丝是由钨丝制成的。剑桥国际The spider hung suspended on its slender thread. 蜘蛛悬挂在它吐出的细丝上。译典通

