
单词 起跳
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔applause〕They danced well together and won themselves a round of applause.他们在一起跳得很好, 赢得了一阵掌声。外研社新世纪〔bolero〕They danced a romantic bolero together.他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。外研社新世纪〔bolero〕They danced a romantic bolero together.他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。柯林斯高阶〔bounce out〕She bounced out that she didn't like to dance with you.她率直地说她不喜欢和你一起跳舞。21世纪英汉〔bounce up and down〕He bounced the ball up and down他拍得球跳起跳落。(或:他把球拍得上下弹跳。)21世纪英汉〔conga〕A dance of Latin-American origin in which the dancers form a long, winding line.康加舞:起源于拉丁美洲的一种舞蹈,由舞蹈者排成一个长队一起跳美国传统〔dance〕A party or gathering of people for dancing; a ball.舞会:晚会或人们聚在一起跳舞的集会;舞会美国传统〔dance〕Lily and Charlie were still dancing together.莉莉和查利还在一起跳舞。麦克米伦高阶〔dance〕Ruth and Richard danced together all evening.鲁思和理查德整晚都在一起跳舞。牛津高阶〔dance〕The bride danced with her father.新娘和她爸爸一起跳舞。朗文当代〔dance〕Then we put the music on, and we all danced the Charleston.接着我们打开音乐,一起跳起查尔斯顿舞来。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕Who was that you were dancing with? 跟你一起跳舞的是谁?麦克米伦高阶〔dance〕Will you have the next dance with me? 下一个舞你同我一起跳好吗?英汉大词典〔dive〕The goalie dove in front of the goal.守门员在球门前突然起跳韦氏高阶〔full gainer〕A forward dive in which the diver executes a full back somersault before entering the water.前跳后翻式跳水:跳水运动员在入水之前,向前起跳后,向后翻一个筋斗美国传统〔have two left feet〕When we danced together, I discovered he had two left feet.我们一起跳舞的时候,我发现他手脚很不协调。剑桥高阶〔inwardly〕The athlete takes off from one leg from an inward twist.这名运动员向内转体一周单腿起跳柯林斯高阶〔inward〕The athlete takes off from one leg from an inward twist.运动员向内转体, 然后单腿起跳外研社新世纪〔jump〕He took a running jump and just managed to clear the stream.他助跑后起跳,恰好跳过了那条小溪。牛津搭配〔land〕He tensed himself for the jump and landed expertly on the other side.他绷紧身体起跳,熟练地落在另一边。牛津搭配〔land〕The skater landed all her jumps.滑冰者每次起跳均成功落地。韦氏高阶〔mistime〕The horse completely mistimed the jump and threw its rider.这匹马起跳完全不是时候,把骑手摔了下来。牛津高阶〔partner〕Either of two persons dancing together.舞伴:两个一起跳舞的人之一美国传统〔plunge into〕They plunged into the pool together.他们一起跳入池中。外研社新世纪〔reach〕When the bus reached High Holborn, Tony rang the bell and they jumped off together.当公交车到达海霍尔本站时,托尼摇响了铃,他们一起跳下了车。柯林斯高阶〔recall〕I recalled the way they had been dancing together.我回忆起他们一起跳舞时的情景。柯林斯高阶〔salchow〕A move in figure skating in which the skater jumps from one skate, completes a full rotation, and lands on the other skate.(花样滑冰中的)后内结环一周跳:花样滑冰中,运动员一脚起跳,完成一周后一脚落地美国传统〔shall〕Let's dance, shall we? 我们一起跳个舞,好吗?韦氏高阶〔takeoff〕All the high jumpers had flawless takeoffs.所有跳高运动员的起跳都无可挑剔。韦氏高阶〔triple jump〕A distance jump in track and field consisting of a hop landing on the take-off foot, a stride landing on the other foot, and a jump landing on both feet.三级跳:田径远距离跳远,动作分解为一脚起跳、另一脚跨步、然后双脚同时跃起美国传统〔waltz〕They danced a waltz together.他们一起跳了一支华尔兹舞。韦氏高阶At first, we were just dancing together, but one thing led to another (= there was a series of events in which each event was caused by the previous one), and I ended up in bed with him.开始时,我们只是在一起跳跳舞,谁知一环扣一环,最后竟和他上了床。剑桥国际I jumped up too quickly and got a bash on the head.我起跳太快,结果撞到了头。剑桥国际I think it was their dancing together that really started tongues wagging.我觉得是从他们在一起跳舞才开始真正引起了人们的闲言碎语。剑桥国际The boy was too bashful to ask her to dance. 那个男孩太羞怯,不敢请她一起跳舞。译典通

