
单词 立面
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Gothic〕The entrance façade is 19th-century Gothic.那个入口立面是19世纪哥特式的。外研社新世纪〔OPPOSITE〕Love is the antithesis of selfishness. 爱是自私的对立面朗文写作活用〔antithesis〕Hope is the antithesis of despair.希望是绝望的对立面美国传统〔antithesis〕Lo ve is the antithesis of selfishness.爱是自私的对立面牛津高阶〔antithesis〕Smallness is the antithesis of largeness.小是大的对立面英汉大词典〔antithesis〕This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.这不民主,而是民主的对立面朗文当代〔contrary〕Hot and cold are contraries.热和冷是对立面英汉大词典〔counter〕One that is an opposite.对立面:是相反的人或物美国传统〔coup de grâce〕As a final coup de grace, Lord Burghley created a roofscape every bit as impressive as the facades and interiors.作为点睛之笔, 伯利勋爵创造出了与外立面和内饰一样令人难忘的屋顶效果。外研社新世纪〔elevation〕A scale drawing of the side, front, or rear of a structure.立面,立视图:一个建筑的侧面、正面或背面的比例图美国传统〔flip side〕The flip side of the government's economic growth policy is high inflation.政府的经济增长政策的对立面就是高通货膨胀。麦克米伦高阶〔frontispiece〕A façade, especially an ornamental façade.主立面:建筑正面,尤指有装饰的正面美国传统〔front〕Monet's famous series of paintings of the west front of Rouen cathedral 莫奈描绘鲁昂大教堂西立面的系列名画麦克米伦高阶〔indirect〕Logic Involving, relating to, or being the proof of a statement by the demonstration of the impossibility or absurdity of the statement's negation.【逻辑学】 间接证明的,反证的:是、属于或与间接证明方法有关的,即通过表明论点对立面的不可能性或荒谬性,来证明论点的正确性美国传统〔individualized〕It is the very antithesis of justice, which involves the individualized consideration of each case.如果对每个案子都区分对待, 这就完全走到了公正的对立面外研社新世纪〔inverse〕Something that is opposite, as in sequence or character; the reverse.相反的事物:在顺序或性质方面相反的事物;对立面美国传统〔negation〕Is goodness the negation of evil?善良是不是邪恶的对立面外研社新世纪〔opposed〕Truth is opposed to falsehood.真理是谬误之对立面英汉大词典〔opposing〕The article tries to show opposing viewpoints on the issue.这篇文章试图阐明对立面的意见。剑桥高阶〔opposite〕Hot and cold are opposites.热和冷是对立面牛津高阶〔opposite〕Vice and virtue are opposites.善和恶是对立面英汉大词典〔other〕Hate is the other of love.恨是爱的对立面英汉大词典〔polar〕The novel deals with the polar opposites of love and hate.这部小说涉及爱和恨的两个对立面剑桥高阶〔schizophrenic〕Of, relating to, or characterized by the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic elements.分裂成对立面的:属于、关于或有完全不同成分或敌对成分共存特点的美国传统〔section〕For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.对于某些建筑物来说, 立面图比平面图的信息量大。外研社新世纪〔section〕For some buildings a vertical section is more informative than a plan.有些建筑的立面图能比平面图提供更多的信息。柯林斯高阶〔town and gown〕In Oxford, the two sides of town and gown have long been posed in opposition to one another. 在牛津,大学生和居民长期以来一直处于对立面剑桥高阶Cruelty and kindness are contraries. 残酷与仁慈是对立面译典通Opposition is valuable (= important) in a democracy.对立面在一个民主体制中非常可贵。剑桥国际The novel deals with the polar opposites (= complete opposites) of love and hate.这部小说涉及爱与恨两个对立面剑桥国际

