
单词 遭遇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔As is the case〕He seemed to be having a midlife crisis, as many men do. = As is the case with many men, he seemed to be having a midlife crisis.就像很多男人一样,他似乎正在遭遇中年危机。韦氏高阶〔DRY〕Central Africa is suffering one of the worst droughts of the century. 中非正遭遇到本世纪最严重的旱灾。朗文写作活用〔EARN〕Joe's been receiving sick pay since the accident. 乔自从遭遇事故之后就一直在领病假工资。朗文写作活用〔Fleet Street〕Fleet Street is speculating about his political future following the scandal.伦敦报界正在推测他遭遇丑闻之后的政治前景。韦氏高阶〔HELP〕Since the accident he's only been able to walk with the aid of a cane. 遭遇这次事故之后,他只能拄着拐杖行走。朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕By his own admission he had led a charmed life. He had survived a train crash when he was seventeen. 他也承认自己是命好,他十七岁的时候遭遇火车失事却幸免于难。朗文写作活用〔PREDICT〕A clairvoyant predicted that something terrible would happen to the President. 一位据说未卜先知的人预言总统会遭遇可怕的事。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕Security has been increased at all airports in the wake of the attacks. 遭遇袭击之后,所有的机场都加强了保安措施。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕She withdrew her allegations of sex discrimination at work. 她收回了声称自己在工作中遭遇性别歧视的话。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕Judy had been in a bad car crash several years before, and was still too nervous to drive. 朱迪几年前遭遇过一次严重车祸,现在还是怕得不敢开车。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕To have those sort of setbacks and still keep everything together says a lot about Richard. 遭遇那样的挫折还能坚强不屈,这充分说明了理查德的性格。朗文写作活用〔abroad〕There are rumors abroad that the company is in trouble.公司遭遇麻烦的流言传得沸沸扬扬。韦氏高阶〔accident-prone〕Having or susceptible to having a greater than average number of accidents or mishaps.易出事故的,易遭遇意外的:具有或倾向于大大超出平均数字的事故或不幸的美国传统〔amused〕He won't be very amused (=he will be annoyed) when he finds out what's happened to his garden.等他发现自己花园的遭遇时,他就没什么可乐的了。朗文当代〔backlash〕The 1970s saw the first backlash against the women's movement.20 世纪 70 年代妇女运动首次遭遇强烈的抵制。朗文当代〔bare〕The article laid bare the difficulty the government has had in financing the scheme.这篇文章透露了政府为该计划融资所遭遇的困难。外研社新世纪〔battering〕The film took a battering from critics in the US.该影片在美国遭遇到批评家的猛烈抨击。牛津高阶〔behind〕When it came to a crisis, they all rallied behind their leader.遭遇危机时,他们都支持他们的领袖。麦克米伦高阶〔believer〕She's been a believer since she survived a terrible car accident.自从遭遇了可怕的车祸之后,她就成了一名宗教信徒。剑桥高阶〔bloodbath〕The threat of a further bloodbath hangs over the people of the region.该地区的人们面临再次遭遇大屠杀的威胁。麦克米伦高阶〔bruise〕When the assault was over, Jack stood up, battered and bruised.遭遇袭击后,杰克站起身,伤痕累累。牛津搭配〔brush〕A brush with death can make you appreciate life more.遭遇过死亡威胁会让你更加珍惜生命。朗文当代〔catch〕When he was fishing off the island he was caught in a storm and almost drowned.他在岛边钓鱼时遭遇暴风雨, 差点溺水而死。外研社新世纪〔claim〕You can claim on the insurance if you have an accident while on holiday.如果你度假期间遭遇事故,可向保险公司索赔。朗文当代〔come〕To encounter, especially a difficulty or major problem.碰见困难,遭遇问题:碰见,尤指困难和主要问题美国传统〔contact〕Our patrols on all our fronts contacted no enemy today.今天我方在各条战线上的巡逻队均未遭遇敌人。英汉大词典〔credible〕The story of what had happened to her was barely (= almost not) credible.关于她的遭遇的说法不大可信。剑桥高阶〔crisis〕Both parties experienced an identity crisis (=feeling of uncertainty about their purpose) at the end of the '90s.90 年代末,两个政党都遭遇了自我认同危机。朗文当代〔crisis〕The company is suffering a severe crisis of confidence.公司正遭遇严重的信任危机。牛津搭配〔crossfire〕Doctors who tried to help the wounded were caught in the crossfire .试图去救伤员的医生遭遇了交叉火力。朗文当代〔cry over〕He was crying over his misfortunes.他为他的不幸遭遇感到悲痛。21世纪英汉〔curious〕People are naturally curious to know what has become of their former schoolfriends in later life.人们自然会想知道旧时的同窗老友在后来生活中的经历和遭遇外研社新世纪〔depth〕The country is in the depths of a recession.该国正遭遇最严重的经济衰退。柯林斯高阶〔elliptical〕Kirsty Gunn's austere, elliptical account of a childhood tragedy科斯蒂·冈恩对一段童年不幸遭遇朴实、委婉的叙述外研社新世纪〔fate〕I wouldn't wish such a fate on my worst enemy.就算是我最坏的敌人,我也不希望他遭遇这样的命运。朗文当代〔fed up〕We've had one delay after another, and I'm starting to feel/get pretty fed up.遭遇一次又一次的延误,我开始感到相当厌烦了。韦氏高阶〔fender bender〕She had a fender bender. = She was in a fender bender.她遭遇了一次轻微车祸。韦氏高阶〔flare〕Violence flared when groups of rival supporters met in the city centre.对立双方的支持者在市中心遭遇时, 发生了暴力冲突。外研社新世纪〔flooded〕Over 25 people drowned when a schoolbus tried to cross a river and flood waters swept through.一辆校车试图过河时遭遇洪水来袭,造成逾 25 人溺水身亡。柯林斯高阶〔furious〕He was simply furious about what had happened to his mother.他母亲的遭遇让他火冒三丈。牛津搭配〔gale〕We got caught in a howling gale.我们遭遇了呼啸的狂风。牛津搭配〔go off on a tangent〕She went off on a tangent about what happened to her last summer.她开始离题谈起了去年夏天她所遭遇的一切。韦氏高阶〔green〕Our flight hit some turbulence, and half the passengers started turning green.我们的飞机遭遇不稳定强气流,半数乘客紧张得脸色苍白。韦氏高阶〔harassment〕Another survey found that 51 per cent of women had experienced some form of sexual harassment in their working lives.另一个调查发现,51%的女性在工作中曾遭遇过某种形式的性骚扰。柯林斯高阶〔hit〕Demand for transatlantic flights has been hit by fears of terrorist attacks.由于害怕遭遇恐怖袭击,人们对飞越大西洋航班的需求受到了影响。剑桥高阶〔hugely〕The result was human suffering on a huge scale.结果是人类遭遇深重的灾难。柯林斯高阶〔humble〕Third-placed Barnet were humbled 3-0 at Crewe.排名第三的巴尼特队在克鲁以0比3遭遇惨败。外研社新世纪〔humid〕Visitors can expect hot and humid conditions.游客们有时会遭遇炎热潮湿的天气状况。外研社新世纪〔innocence〕After a few brushes with danger, a kid pretty much loses his innocence.小孩遭遇了几次危险之后,就会大大丧失掉自己的天真。英汉大词典〔intention〕No one goes to college with the intention of failing.没人是为了遭遇挫折而上大学的。麦克米伦高阶〔jolt〕The stock market suffered a major jolt yesterday.股市昨日遭遇重创。韦氏高阶〔just〕It's just dreadful what happened to her.她的遭遇真可怕。剑桥高阶〔lamb〕He walked into the meeting like a lamb to the slaughter.他走进会场,对即将遭遇的危险一无所知。韦氏高阶〔level〕The storm was the most powerful to hit Hawaii this century. It leveled sugar plantations and destroyed homes.这是本世纪夏威夷遭遇的最强风暴。无数甘蔗园和住宅被夷为平地。柯林斯高阶〔lukewarm〕Our plan got a lukewarm reception.我们的计划遭遇了冷淡的回应。韦氏高阶〔meet〕The unevenly matched armies met at Guildford on 15 March 1781.1781年3月15号, 两支兵力悬殊的军队在吉尔福德遭遇外研社新世纪〔mental health〕Nicholson had suffered from various mental health problems.尼科尔森遭遇了各种各样的心理健康问题。麦克米伦高阶〔mind〕Nobody really minded much about what happened to them.没人真正在意他们的遭遇牛津搭配〔miserably〕We tried so hard but failed so miserably.我们如此努力, 却遭遇了惨败。外研社新世纪〔news release〕In a news release, the company said it had experienced severe financial problems.在新闻稿中,该公司表示自己遭遇了严重的财务问题。柯林斯高阶〔night〕One fateful night he was involved in an accident that changed his life forever.一天晚上,他不幸遭遇事故,从此改变了他的一生。牛津搭配〔outraged〕He is truly outraged about what's happened to him.他对自己的遭遇感到无比愤慨。外研社新世纪〔passage〕They are expecting the new legislation to have quite a rough passage (=be discussed and criticized a lot) through parliament.他们预料新的法律在议会通过会遭遇重重困难。朗文当代〔plastic surgery〕She needed plastic surgery after the accident.遭遇了那场事故后, 她需要做整形手术。外研社新世纪〔pounding〕England took a pounding in their last World Cup game.英格兰队在他们的上一届世界杯比赛中遭遇惨败。外研社新世纪〔racism〕Many immigrants have experienced racism.许多移民都遭遇过种族歧视。牛津搭配〔rampant〕He said that he had encountered rampant prejudice in his attempts to get a job.他说他在找工作时,四处遭遇歧视。剑桥高阶〔resistance〕The troops are encountering stiff resistance.军队遭遇了顽强抵抗。柯林斯高阶〔retaliation〕There is always the risk of possible retaliation against peacekeeping soldiers.维和士兵总是面临遭遇报复的危险。麦克米伦高阶〔rough〕The bill is in for a rough ride in the Senate.这个草案在参议院遭遇阻碍。朗文当代〔sandstorm〕They were caught in a sandstorm.他们遭遇了沙暴围困。韦氏高阶〔scepticism〕This claim has often been met with scepticism.这种说法常常遭遇质疑。牛津搭配〔self-esteem〕Poor self-esteem is at the centre of many of the difficulties we experience in our relationships.缺乏自尊心是我们之间关系所遭遇的重重困难中的核心问题。柯林斯高阶〔setback〕He has suffered a serious setback in his political career.他的政治生涯遭遇了一次严重挫折。柯林斯高阶〔silence〕Gary decided to break his silence about his son's suffering.加里决定不再对儿子的遭遇保持沉默。外研社新世纪〔sorry〕He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her.他同情简的遭遇,决定帮助她。牛津高阶〔stiff〕The troops encountered stiff resistance.这支部队遭遇了顽强的抵抗。韦氏高阶〔store〕If she had known what lay in store for her, she would never have agreed to go.要是她事先知道会有什么遭遇的话,她是决不会同意去的。牛津高阶〔story〕He was boring people with more of his hard-luck stories.他又在用他那些不幸遭遇来烦人了。牛津搭配〔story〕His life was a sorry story of betrayal and rejection.他一生遭遇的都是背叛和抛弃。牛津搭配〔strike〕The city has been struck by a powerful earthquake.这座城市遭遇了强烈地震。韦氏高阶〔surplus〕Germany suffers from a surplus of teachers.德国遭遇了教师过剩问题。外研社新世纪〔symptom〕Your problem with keeping boyfriends is just a symptom of a larger problem: making and keeping friends.你在维系同男友的关系时遭遇的困难暴露了一个更大的问题:如何结交朋友和维持友谊。柯林斯高阶〔terrific〕We were hit by a terrific snowstorm last week.我们上周遭遇了一场罕见的暴风雪。韦氏高阶〔tragedy〕Not long after they moved, tragedy struck - their son was killed in an accident.他们刚搬家不久就遭遇了不幸——儿子在一次交通事故中丧生。剑桥高阶〔trouble〕They've had some financial troubles since he lost his job.自从他失业以来,他们就遭遇了一些经济困难。韦氏高阶〔trudge〕Following a heavy defeat, the players trudged disconsolately back to the showers.遭遇重大失败后,运动员们拖着沮丧的脚步走回淋浴室。牛津搭配〔try〕His unhappy experience tried his faith.他的不幸遭遇使他的信念经受了考验。英汉大词典〔unmitigated〕Last year's cotton crop was an unmitigated disaster.去年棉花作物所遭遇的是彻头彻尾的灾难。柯林斯高阶〔upset〕We had our first major upset when Rogers was taken off with a leg injury.罗杰斯因腿伤被换下场,这是我们遭遇的第一个重大挫折。牛津搭配〔wave〕They faced wave after wave of fresh troops.他们遭遇了一批又一批增援的部队。朗文当代〔woe〕He told me a real tale of woe about how he had lost both his job and his house in the same week.他给我讲了自己真实的不幸遭遇,是关于他如何在一周内既失去工作又失去房子的。剑桥高阶He met with adversities abroad. 他在国外遭遇种种不幸。译典通He once had a very frightening encounter with a wild pig.他曾经非常恐怖地遭遇到过一头野猪。剑桥国际He was overtaken by misfortune. 他突然遭遇不幸。译典通It's just dreadful what happened to her.她的遭遇真可怕。剑桥国际None of the others have lived my experiences. 其他人没有一个经历过我的这些遭遇译典通Tears ran down her cheeks as she told us about her sufferings. 她给我们讲她的苦难遭遇时,眼泪顺著面颊流了下来。译典通They had only recently arrived in London when tragedy struck in the form of their son being killed in an accident.他们最近才到伦敦,却就遭遇不幸----他们的儿子在一起事故中死去。剑桥国际They heard sob-stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.一个人向他们讲述了他的悲伤遭遇,他在孤儿院中度过了他贫困的童年。剑桥国际

