HSBHue, Saturation, Brightness (color model)
HSBHartford Steam Boiler (Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company)
HSBHarzer Schmalspurbahnen (Germany)
HSBHue Saturation Brightness
HSBHorizontal Scroll Bar
HSBHot Swap Backplane
HSBHigh Performance Serial Bus
HSBHanoi School of Business (Hanoi, Vietnam)
HSBHeaven Shall Burn (band)
HSBHead Start Bureau (Agency of the Department of Health and Human Services)
HSBHorizontal Scroll Bar (Visual Basic prefix)
HSBHumidity Sounder for Brazil (atmospheric humidity profile measurement instrument)
HSBHigh Strength Bolt
HSBHealth Sciences Building
HSBHaskayne School of Business (Canada)
HSBHardly Strictly Bluegrass (music festival; San Francisco, CA)
HSBHealth Services Bureau (various locations)
HSBHigh Speed Bearing (grease; various companies)
HSBHeart-Shaped Box
HSBHigh-Speed Bus
HSBHigh Surface Brightness (galaxies)
HSBHarper Seven Beckham
HSBHome and Small Business
HSBHyresgästernas Sparkasse- och Byggnadsförening
HSBHarperCollins Study Bible
HSBHigh School Bowl (Northern Michigan University)
HSBHeadquarters and Service Battery
HSBHeavy Separate Brigade
HSBHot Stand By
HSBHigh Speed Buffer
HSBHouston Symphonic Band (Houston, TX)
HSBHarbour Security Boats
HSBHic Situs Bonus (Latin: This Place Is Good, epigraphy)