JAMSJudicial Arbitration and Mediation Services, Inc. (retired judges and attorneys involved in conflict resolution)
JAMSJustified Ancients of Mu Mu (band, see JAMMs)
JAMSJava Mail Server
JAMSJava Application Management System
JAMSJapanese Association of Medical Sciences (est. 1902)
JAMSJapan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (Tohoku University; Sendai, Japan)
JAMSJournal of the American Musicological Society
JAMSJournal of the American Mathematical Society
JAMSJapanese Association of Mathematical Sciences
JAMSJohn Adams Middle School (USA)
JAMSJapanese Association for Mongolian Studies
JAMSJob Access & Management System (batch job scheduling system)
JAMSJesus for All Minds
JAMSJoint Adjudication Management System (US Navy)
JAMSJapanese Animation and Manga Society (University of Lethbridge)
JAMSJINTACCS Automated Message System
JAMSJapanese Management Society