GSSGeneric Security Service
GSSGuided Self-Study
GSSGalvanized Steel Sheet
GSSGeneral Social Survey
GSSGraduate School of Science (various locations)
GSSGeschwister-Scholl-Schule (German school)
GSSGreat Singapore Sale (Singapore)
GSSGovernment Secondary School (various locations)
GSSGraduate School of Social Service (Fordham University; New York)
GSSGlobal Site Selector (Cisco product used for name resolution and network routing)
GSSGlobal Security Services
GSSGamma Sigma Sigma (sorority)
GSSGovernment Support Services
GSSGlobal Secure Systems
GSSGeneral Security Service
GSSGhost Solution Suite (software)
GSSGerstmann–Straussler–Scheinker (medical condition)
GSSGlobal Software Solutions (various locations)
GSSGlobal Strategic Sourcing (various companies)
GSSGraphics Symbol Set
GSSGoogle Search Service
GSSGeneric Security Services
GSSGlobal Software System
GSSGhost Solution Suite
GSSGeneric Service State
GSSGlobal System Services
GSSGlobal Services Specifications
GSSGlobal Site Selector
GSSGovernment Statistical Service (UK government)
GSSGraduate Student Society
GSSGregg Smith Singers (Yonkers, NY)
GSSGraduate Student Symposium (various schools)
GSSGroup Support System (Visionquest)
GSSGeneral Support System (US government)
GSSGlutathione Synthetase
GSSGenome Survey Sequences
GSSGas Sampling System (various companies)
GSSGlobal Service and Support
GSSGood Samaritan School
GSSGlobal Security Systems (Jackson, MS)
GSSGround Soldier System
GSSGlobal Shared Services (various locations)
GSSGuide to Safe Scouting
GSSGround Support Software
GSSGoogle Search Service (software)
GSSGround Support System
GSSGeneral Staff School
GSSGlobal Satellite Service (SwifLink)
GSSGeneral Support Services (Colorado)
GSSGruppo di Studio della Scoliosi
GSSGood Steward Software
GSSGradjanski Savez Srbije (Serbian: Civil Union of Serbia; political party in Serbia-Yugoslavia)
GSSGuest Satisfaction Survey (market research)
GSSGlobal Surveillance System
GSSGrouped Sweeping Scheduling (data placement algorithm)
GSSGalileo Sistemas y Servicios (Spanish association)
GSSGrimsby Secondary School (Ontario, Canada)
GSSGrey Sparling Solutions, Inc.
GSSGeneral Services Section (various locations)
GSSGananoque Secondary School
GSSGoto Space Simulator (space planetarium; Japan)
GSSGalileo Sensor Station
GSSGender, Sexuality and Society (various universities)
GSSGeneric Security Standard
GSSGeodetic Survey Squadron
GSSGround Surveillance Systems (GSR/REMBASS/IREMBASS)
GSSGeneral Security Support
GSSGround Station Simulator
GSSGlobal Support System
GSSGlobal Shipping Software (US Postal Service)
GSSGate Source Short
GSSGate-Source Short (semi-conductors)
GSSGeo-Stationary Satellite
GSSGame Support Specialist
GSSGilston State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
GSSGeneral Service Society
GSSGeneralized Stimulation Simulation
GSSGeneralized Spectral Shaping
GSSGeneral Service Schools
GSSGuidelines and Standards Subcommittee
GSSGyro Subsystem
GSSGrain and Salt Society
GSSGerstmann-Straussier-Scheinker Syndrome (disease, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy)
GSSGlobal Salmonella Survey (WHO)
GSSGraphic Service System
GSSGuaranteed Share Scanner
GSSGeneral Supply Schedule
GSSGovernment Supply Source
GSSGravity Sensors System
GSSGaven State School (Gold Coast, Australia)
GSSGeneral Servicing System (Bellcore)
GSSGeneral Supply Support
GSSGOES Sectorizer System
GSSGunster Student Center (University of Scranton)
GSSGroup Switch System
GSSGlobal Synchronization Server
GSSGeneric Service Specification
GSSGichner Shelter System