EOREnhanced Oil Recovery
EORExporter of Record (shipping)
EOREnd of Record
EOREmergency Operating Room (various locations)
EOREnd of Report
EOREnd of Round (gaming)
EOREnd of Row
EOREthernet over Rpr
EORExclusive or
EOREssence of Recovery (alcoholism website)
EOREuropean Organization for Research
EORElectric Orbit Raising (satellites)
EOREye of Round (meat)
EORElement Occurrence Record (biotics)
EOREngineer of Record
EOREarth Orbit Rendezvous
EOREnd of Run (US Postal Service)
EOREnd of Range
EOREnd of Rant (e-mail, newsgroups, etc.)
EOREnd of Run (Oil Refining)
EOREast of the River
EOREnd of Runway
EOREqual Opportunity Representative (US Army)
EORExplanation Of Review
EOREnte Operador Regional (Spanish: Regional Operator Entity)
EORExplosive Ordnance Reconnaissance
EOREmployer of Record
EORÉlève-Officier de Réserve (French: Cadet Reserve Officer)
EORElement Of Resource
EOREpping-Ongar Railway (UK)
EORExclusive Or Gate
EORExpertise et Optimisation Retraite (French: Expertise and Optimization Retreat)
EOREvidence of Receipt
EOREnd of Retransmission
EOREngage on Remote
EOREmmons & Olivier Resources, Inc (Oakdale, MN)
EOREnd of Ramp
EORExplanation of Reimbursement (medical insurance)
EORExplosive Ordnance Recognition
EOREnterprise of Responsibility
EOREnterprise Organizational Readiness
EOREngage Order Remote
EOREnd of the Road/Route
EOREquipment Operational Readiness
EOREffective Operational Radius
EOREquipment Operationally Ready
EOREastern Ontario Regiment (Canada)
EOREngineering Order Request