OSMOEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) Sales Manager
OSMOpen Street Map
OSMOffice of Surface Mining (US government)
OSMOpenstreetmap (free editable online world map)
OSMOn Site Management (various locations)
OSMOrchestre Symphonique de Montréal (French: Montreal Symphonic Orchestra)
OSMOccupational Safety Management (various organizations)
OSMOpen Source Matters
OSMOncostatin M
OSMOrder and Service Management (Oracle)
OSMOutput Switch Matrix
OSMObject Space Modifier
OSMOff Screen Model
OSMOutlook Security Manager
OSMOut of Sequence Mode
OSMOptical Scroll Mouse
OSMOperating System Memory
OSMOriginal Storage Manufacturer
OSMOpen Source Middleware
OSMOptiswitch Master
OSMOnline System Manager
OSMOptical Storage Manager
OSMOptical Services Module
OSMon Site Maintenance
OSMOpen Source Migrations
OSMOpen Study Model (Honda)
OSMOff-Site Manufacturing
OSMOne Saturday Morning (TV program)
OSMOperating Systems and Middleware (computing)
OSMOn Screen Menu
OSMOutsourced Sales and Marketing
OSMOregon Steel Mills, Inc.
OSMOffice of Spectrum Management
OSMOns Soort Mensen (Dutch: people like us; opposite of VN)
OSMOptical Switch Module
OSMOperational Service Medal (UK)
OSMOrganisation Science and Marketing (various locations)
OSMOperations Support Manager
OSMOptical Service Module (Cisco Systems)
OSMOrder of St. Michael (chivalric order)
OSMOne Square Meal (Brand)
OSMOrder of the Secret Monitor
OSMOperating System Service Module
OSMOrchid Society of Minnesota
OSMOverseas Students Mission (Charlottesville, VA)
OSMObject System Mapping
OSMOf Smoke And Mirrors (band)
OSMOil, Smoke and Mirrors (movie on 911 and Peak Oil)
OSMOutput Space Mapping
OSMOmni Spectra, M/A-Com (Rf Connector)
OSMOceanographic Society of Maldives
OSMOffice Space Management
OSMOff-Site Meeting
OSMOrder of the Servants of Mary, Servites (religious order)
OSMOffice of Safety Management
OSMThe Original SoupMan (Staten Island, NY; est. 1984)
OSMOptical Service Manager (Lucent)
OSMOptical Strength Meter
OSMOffice of Safety and Mission Assurance (NASA)
OSMOutput Signal Management
OSMOperating System Manual
OSMOptical Selector Mechanism
OSMOptical Surveillance Measure
OSMOrdinis Servorum/Servarum Mariae (Latin: Order of Servants of Mary)
OSMOral Satisfaction Market
OSMOperations Support Medical
OSMOperating Speed Model
OSMOperational Satcom Manager