例句 CHEAT1 to get money or possessions from someone dishonestly2 to make someone pay too much money for something3 to cheat in an examination or game4 to dishonestly arrange the result of a game, election etc5 when people are dishonest in order to get money6 someone who cheatsRELATED WORDSto make someone believe something that is not true 使某人相信某虚假的事 TRICK/DECEIVEto tell a lie 说谎 LIEsee alsoDISHONEST1 to get money or possessions from someone dishonestly 以不正当手段从某人处获得金钱或财物 cheat /tʃiːt/ [transitive verb] He doesn't trust car mechanics -- he thinks they're all trying to cheat him. 他不相信汽车维修工——他觉得他们都在骗他。cheat somebody out of something She says she was cheated out of $10,000 she paid to a modeling agency. 她说她把一万美元付给一家模特儿公司,结果被骗。 Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year. 科恩称,冒充销售员的罪犯每年从美国人手中骗走了数十亿美元。 swindle /ˈswɪndl/ [transitive verb] to get money from a person or organization by cheating them, especially using clever and complicated methods 从〔个人或机构〕诈骗〔金钱〕 He was jailed in 1992 for attempting to swindle the insurance company he worked for. 1992年,他因企图从自己供职的保险公司那里骗钱而入狱。swindle somebody out of something Investors have been swindled out of millions of pounds. 投资者被骗走了数百万英镑。 con /kɒnǁkɑːn/ [transitive verb] especially spoken to persuade someone to buy something or to give you money by telling them lies 【尤口】骗;诈骗 By the time she realized she had been conned, she had lost more than $3000. 等意识到自己被骗时,她的损失已经超过3,000美元。con somebody out of something The old lady was conned out of her life savings by a crooked insurance dealer. 这个老太太的毕生积蓄被一个奸诈的保险商骗走了。con something out of somebody A man pretending to be a faith healer has conned around £20,000 out of desperate sick people. 一个假冒信仰治疗师的男子从患绝症的病人那里骗走了约两万英镑。con somebody into doing something She was too embarrassed to admit that they had conned her into buying 100 acres of worthless land. 她羞愧得不愿承认自己受骗买下了100英亩没有用的土地。 fiddle /ˈfɪdl/ [transitive verb] British informal to give false information or make dishonest changes to financial records, in order to get money or avoid paying money 【英,非正式】〔为捞钱或躲避交费〕提供〔虚假信息〕;伪造〔账目〕 My boss thinks I've been fiddling my travel expenses. 我的老板觉得我在虚报交通费。fiddle the books/fiddle the accounts change a company's financial records 伪造账目 The company secretary has been fiddling the books for years. 几年来,公司秘书一直在造假账。 defraud /dɪˈfrɔːd/ [transitive verb] to get money from a company or organization, especially a very large one, by deceiving it 诈骗,骗取〔尤指大公司或大机构的钱〕 Trachtenberg is charged with attempting to defraud his business partner. 特拉亨伯格被控企图骗取公司合伙人的钱。defraud somebody (out) of something Between them they defrauded the company out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. 他们合伙骗取公司的数十万美元钱款。 fleece /fliːs/ [transitive verb] informal to get a lot of money from someone by tricking them 【非正式】骗…的许多钱 She fleeced him for everything he had. 她骗走了他所有的钱。 Authorities estimate at least 300 elderly couples were fleeced in the scheme. 官方估计至少有300对老年夫妇在这一阴谋中被骗。fleece somebody of something She estimates he fleeced her of about £50,000 by tricking her into buying fake antiques. 他骗她买假古董,她估计自己被骗走了约五万英镑。 trick somebody out of /ˌtrɪk somebody ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase] to get money or possessions from someone, by tricking or deceiving them 骗走某人的钱财 Police are warning residents to be on their guard after two men tricked a pensioner out of several hundred pounds. 两名男子骗走一个靠养老金生活的人数百英镑后,警方提醒居民要提防。 Megan was tricked out of her life savings by a smooth-talking handsome man who had promised to marry her. 梅甘被一名巧舌如簧、答应要娶她的英俊男子骗走了毕生积蓄。 do somebody out of /ˌduː somebody ˈaʊt ɒv/ [verb phrase] especially British, informal to cheat someone by not giving them money that they deserve or that they are owed 【尤英,非正式】骗取某人该得的钱 The way I see it, they've done me out of three weeks’ wages. 依我看,他们骗了我三周的工钱。 She's convinced the sales assistant did her out of £15. 她确信营业员骗了她15英镑。 you've been had /juːv bɪn ˈhæd/ spoken use this to say that someone has been cheated but they do not realize it 【口】你上当了〔用于别人受骗但不知情时〕 I hate to tell you this but you've been had. The antique clock you bought is a phoney. 很抱歉我得说你上当了,你买的古董钟是赝品。2 to make someone pay too much money for something 使某人为某物付出过多的金钱 overcharge /ˌəʊvəʳˈtʃɑːʳdʒ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make someone pay too much for something in a shop, restaurant, taxi etc 〔对…〕索价过高 Garage mechanics are twice as likely to overcharge women car owners as men. 修车技工对女性车主开价过高的可能性是对男性车主的两倍。overcharge somebody for something The cab driver tried to overcharge us for the ride from the airport. 我们从机场坐出租车来,司机想多收我们车钱。 The university was accused of overcharging the government millions of dollars for research-related costs. 该大学被指责向政府多要了数百万美元与研究相关的开销。 rip off /ˌrɪp ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] spoken informal to make someone pay much more for something than it is worth 【口,非正式】敲…竹杠 rip somebody off Don't buy a watch from those guys, they'll just rip you off. 不要在那些家伙手里买手表,他们只会敲竹杠。rip off somebody The bars by the sea make huge profits by ripping off tourists. 海边的酒吧靠敲游客的竹杠赚取巨额利润。 a rip-off /ə ˈrɪp ɒf/ [singular noun] spoken informal if something is a rip-off, it costs much more than it is worth -- use this when you think that someone is trying to cheat you 【口,非正式】敲竹杠 ‘It cost £200 to get it fixed.’ ‘What a rip-off!’ “修理花了200英镑。”“简直是敲竹杠!”a complete/total rip-off The meal cost me $80 - it was a total rip-off. 那顿饭花了我80美元一完全是敲竹杠。 fleece /fliːs/ [transitive verb] informal to get a lot of money from someone by charging far too much for goods or services 【非正式】欺诈,敲诈 Some airport shops are accused of fleecing their customers, who don't have any choice but to use them. 有些机场商店被指责敲诈顾客,因为这些顾客没有其他选择,只能在他们那里购物。3 to cheat in an examination or game 在考试或比赛中作弊 cheat /tʃiːt/ [intransitive verb] to use dishonest methods in order to pass an examination or win a game 作弊 Studies indicate about 20 to 30 percent of college students cheat. 调查表明,大约20%至30%的大学生作弊。cheat at Jenny always cheats at cards. 珍妮打牌经常作弊。 cheating [uncountable noun] when someone cheats in an examination or game: 作弊 Their teacher suspected them of cheating when they both missed the same question on the test. 他们俩都没做试卷上的同一道题目,老师怀疑他们作弊。 copy /ˈkɒpiǁˈkɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to cheat in an examination, schoolwork etc by copying someone's work 抄袭 If I see anyone copying I'll send you straight to the principal's office. 如果发现有人抄袭,我会直接把他送到校长室去。copy off The only way I made it through high school was by copying off my best friend. 我混完中学的唯一方法就是抄袭我的好朋友。copy something from something She was expelled for handing in an essay that she had copied directly from a newspaper article. 她因交了一篇直接从报纸上抄来的文章而被开除。4 to dishonestly arrange the result of a game, election etc 以不诚实的方法操纵比赛、选举等的结果 fix /fɪks/ [transitive verb] to dishonestly arrange the result of something, especially of a sports game, so that it is to your advantage 操纵〔尤指体育比赛〕 He was convicted of fixing college basketball games in the 1950s. 20世纪50年代,他因操纵大学篮球赛的结果而被判有罪。 Many people believe that the outcome of wrestling matches are fixed. 许多人都认为摔跤比赛的结果都是安排好了的。 fix [countable noun] Supporters of the losing team protested that the whole thing was a fix. 失利球队的支持者抗议说整场比赛是受人操纵的。 rig /ˈrɪg/ [transitive verb usually in passive] if something is rigged, especially a vote or an election, it is dishonestly arranged so that a person or group gets the result they want 操纵〔尤指投票或选举〕 The senator resigned after accusations that the vote had been rigged. 参议员在受到操纵选举结果的谴责之后辞职。 They would never have got into power if the whole thing hadn't been rigged. 如果不是有人在背后操纵,他们是不可能上台的。 Many Labour Party members believed that the ballot to elect a mayoral candidate was rigged. 许多工党成员认为推选市长候选人的投票受人操纵了。 ballot-rigging /ˈbælət ˌrɪgɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] when someone dishonestly arranges an election or other vote so that they get the result they want 操纵投票,选举舞弊 The MP resigned after charges of fraud and ballot-rigging. 该议员因被指控诈骗和操纵投票而辞去议席。 throw /θrəʊ/ [transitive verb] if a player or team throw a game, they deliberately lose it, especially in order to get money 故意输掉〔比赛,尤指为了钱〕 Joe Jackson was one of eight Chicago White Sox accused of throwing the 1919 World Series. 乔·杰克逊是被指控故意输掉1919年世界职业棒球锦标赛的八名芝加哥白袜队队员之一。5 when people are dishonest in order to get money 骗钱 fraud /frɔːd/ [countable/uncountable noun] the crime of getting money dishonestly from a big organization, for example by giving false information or changing documents, especially over a long time 诈骗 Big losses due to theft and fraud forced the company to close. 因盗窃和诈骗造成的巨额损失迫使该公司倒闭。 Landale is calling for more laws to protect consumers against fraud. 兰代尔呼吁制定更多法律,以保护消费者免受诈骗。 scam /skæm/ [countable noun] informal a method, usually used by several people working together, who cheat someone by making them believe something that is not true 【非正式】欺诈,骗局〔常指数人合伙欺骗某人〕 I spent more than $4000 before I realized the whole thing was a scam. 等我发现整件事是一场骗局时已经花了四千多美元了。scam to do something She and her boyfriend were involved in a scam to get $5 million from the company. 她和她男友参与了一起欺诈公司500万美元的骗局。tax scam a way of dishonestly avoiding paying tax 偷税,漏税 swindle /ˈswɪndl/ [countable noun] a well-planned and often complicated arrangement to cheat people 〔计划周密、复杂的〕骗局 Young was convicted for his participation in a $2 million stock swindle. 杨因参与一起200万美元的股票诈骗案而被判有罪。 The whole property development proposal was a swindle. They never intended to build anything. 整个房产开发计划是一场骗局,他们从未打算建造什么。 fiddle /ˈfɪdl/ [countable noun] British a situation in which people are cheated, especially in small ways over a long period of time 【英】骗局〔尤指长时间地以小手段骗钱〕 The firm realised some sort of fiddle was going on, but they had no idea how much they were losing. 公司意识到有人在做手脚,但他们不清楚损失了多少。work a fiddle do a fiddle 诈骗 Managers don't really get paid much here, but most of them are working a few fiddles. 这儿的经理工资并不高,但他们大多数人都用这样那样的手段在骗钱。 con /kɒnǁkɑːn/ [countable noun] a method or process of persuading someone to buy something or to give you money by telling them lies 骗局,行骗 A lot of people gave money to the charity collectors, not realising it was a con. 许多人把钱捐给慈善募集者,而没意识到这是场骗局。con trick British She wanted me to visit a fortune-teller but I thought it was all a big con trick. 她想让我去见算命先生,但我觉得那是一场大骗局。 racket /ˈrækɪt, ˈrækət/ [countable noun] an illegal business that is used by criminals to make a large profit for themselves 〔利润巨大的〕非法买卖,非法勾当 The FBI believe they have found the real criminals behind a big gambling racket. 联邦调查局相信他们已找到了经营一个大型非法赌博集团的真正罪犯。 The Mafia runs a highly sophisticated drugs racket. 黑手党极为老练地贩卖毒品。6 someone who cheats 骗人的人 cheat also cheater American /tʃiːt, ˈtʃiːtəʳ/ [countable noun] Don't pretend you can't afford to pay me that money back -- you're nothing but a cheat and a liar! 不要假装你还不起欠我的那笔钱——你是个彻头彻尾的骗子、撒谎精! My grandmother thinks all car salesmen are cheats. 我祖母认为汽车推销员都是骗子。 I'll never play cards with you again, you cheater! 我再也不和你玩牌了,你这个骗子! con-man/con artist /ˈkɒn mænǁˈkɒn ˌɑːʳtst ˈkɑːn-/ [countable noun] spoken informal someone who gets money by cheating people or lying to them 【口,非正式】〔骗取钱财的〕骗子 a handsome con-man who charms women into giving him money, then simply disappears from their lives 一个长相英俊、诱使妇女给他钱然后就从她们生活中消失的骗子 She gave $11,000 to two con artists who pretended to be bank officials. 她把11,000美元给了两个假冒银行职员的骗子。 swindler /ˈswɪndləʳ/ [countable noun] someone who regularly cheats people or organizations to get money 〔经常欺骗个人或组织的〕诈骗者,骗子 That firm is a bunch of swindlers. Don't pay them anything until the goods have been delivered and checked. 那家公司里的人是一帮骗子。在货物送到并验收以前,一分钱也不要付。 I wasn't going to let any kid of mine work among those swindlers on Wall Street. 我不会让我的孩子与华尔街的那些骗子一起工作。

