
单词 HIT
例句 HIT1 to hit someone deliberately2 to hit someone repeatedly3 a car/train/plane etc hits something4 to hit someone or something accidentally5 to hit someone as a punishment6 to hit someone in a friendly way etc7 to make someone or something fall down by hitting them8 to hit an object/door/table etc with something9 to hit an object or surface and move away again10 when something hits someone or somethingRELATED WORDSsee alsoHURT/INJUREATTACKSHOOTUNCONSCIOUS (4)KICK1 to hit someone deliberately 故意击打某人 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] to hit someone with your hand or with something that you are holding in your hand 打,击 Dad! Peter keeps hitting me! 爸爸!彼得一直打我!hit with The victim had been hit with a baseball bat. 受害者被人用棒球棒殴打。hit somebody on the nose/in the stomach/over the head etc There was a fight, and someone had hit him over the head with a chair. 当时发生打斗,有人拿椅子砸他的头。hit somebody hard with a lot of force 猛力地打某人 He hit him hard in the stomach. 他猛击他的肚子。hit somebody back to hit someone when they have hit you 回击某人 Don't hit him, he'll only hit you back. 别打他,他只会还手打你。 punch also slug informal /pʌntʃ, slʌg/ [transitive verb] to hit someone hard with your closed hand, especially in a fight or because you are angry 〔用拳〕猛击〔尤在斗殴中或因为愤怒〕 The woman claimed that she had been punched and kicked by one of the policemen. 那女人称自己遭其中一名警察拳打脚踢。 The actor slugged a photographer who got too close. 那演员用拳头打了一名过于靠近他的摄影师。punch somebody on the nose/in the eye/in the chest etc Dean punched her in the ribs and pushed her against the wall. 迪安用拳头打她的肋骨,并把她推到墙上。 slap /slæp/ [transitive verb] to hit someone, especially on their face, with the flat part of your open hand 掴,用巴掌打〔尤指脸部〕 I was so angry I wanted to slap him. 我气得想打他一个耳光。slap somebody across the face She slapped him across the face and stormed out of the room. 她打了他一个耳光,然后猛冲出房间。slap somebody's face Dora slapped his face and ran home. 多拉抽了他一个耳光,然后跑回了家。 slap [countable noun] If you don't behave yourself, you'll get a slap! 如果你不乖就给你一个耳光! strike /straɪk/ [transitive verb] formal to hit someone, especially on a particular part of their body 【正式】打,击;击中〔尤指身体某一部分〕 Her husband had never struck her before. 她丈夫以前从没打过她。strike with Evidence shows that the victim had been struck several times with an iron bar. 证据表明,受害者曾被人用铁棒打了好几下。strike somebody on the head/in the stomach etc The court heard that the defendant had struck Payne repeatedly in the face, causing serious bruising. 法庭听取了证词,指被告反复击打佩恩的面部,造成了严重的瘀伤。 throw a punch /ˌθrəʊ ə ˈpʌntʃ/ [verb phrase] to hit or try to hit someone very hard with a closed hand in a fight 重拳击打 Rogers threw a punch at Martin. 罗杰斯一拳打向马丁。 Foreman, once the World Heavyweight Champion, says ‘I never throw a punch in anger.’ 福尔曼曾经是世界重量级拳击冠军,他说“我出拳时从不带有怒气。” whack /wæk/ [transitive verb] informal to hit someone hard, with your hand or with an object 【非正式】〔用手或物件〕猛打;揍 If he said anything like that to me, I'd whack him! 他要是那样跟我说话,我就揍他! thump /θʌmp/ [transitive verb] informal to hit someone very hard with your closed hand, especially on their body rather than on their face or head 【非正式】〔用拳〕猛击,重击,捶击〔尤指打在身上〕 Mike thumped Stephanie's back several times to stop her choking. 斯蒂芬妮噎住了,迈克给她的背捶了几下让她好起来。 bash /bæʃ/ [transitive verb] spoken to hit someone hard, especially in a fight 【口】猛击,重击〔尤指在打架时〕 bash somebody's head/face/teeth etc in I told him I'd bash his head in if he ever touched her again. 我告诉他,要是他再碰她一下,我就打掉他的脑袋。 clobber /ˈklɒbəʳǁˈklɑː-/ [transitive verb] spoken to hit someone very hard, either with your hand or with a hard object 【口】狠揍,打 The kids are bored, and have nothing to do but clobber each other. 孩子们很无聊,除了相互之间打来打去,就无所事事。2 to hit someone repeatedly 反复打某人 beat /biːt/ [transitive verb] to hit someone hard and repeatedly with your hand or with something such as a stick 〔接连地〕击,打,揍 It was clear that she had been badly beaten by her husband. 她显然遭到了丈夫的痛打。beat with Police officers had beaten the man with their batons. 警察用警棍打了那名男子。beat somebody black and blue beat someone so hard that their body is covered in marks 把某人打得青一块紫一块 The child had been beaten black and blue. 那孩子被打得青一块紫一块。beat the living daylights out of somebody beat someone very hard and violently 痛打某人 Osborne wanted to beat the living daylights out of Flanagan. 奥斯本想把弗拉纳根打个半死。 beat up /ˌbiːt ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit someone hard and repeatedly all over their body, leaving them badly hurt and often unable to move 痛打,狠揍〔以致重伤无法动弹〕 He would come home drunk, get into a fight with Mom, and beat her up. 他总是醉醺醺地回到家里,和妈妈大吵一场,然后把她痛打一顿。 Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night. 星期六晚上,卡尔在一家夜总会外面被人狠揍了一顿。 batter /ˈbætəʳ/ [transitive verb] to repeatedly hit someone in an uncontrolled and violent way 殴打 Teachers suspect that the child is being battered regularly by his parents. 老师怀疑这孩子时常被父母殴打。batter with There were reports of soldiers battering prisoners with their rifles. 有报道说士兵们用步枪殴打囚犯。batter somebody to death until they are dead 把某人殴打至死 The jury heard how Thompson had been maddened by what he saw and battered his wife to death. 陪审团听取了证词,说汤普森如何因为所看到之事气得发疯,把妻子殴打至死。 beat up on /ˌbiːt ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] American to repeatedly hit someone weaker than yourself, for example a younger child at school 【美】殴打,欺负〔弱者〕 He was a bully, a mean kid who beat up on the other kids. 他是个恃强凌弱的坏孩子,总是欺负别的孩子。 knock somebody about British /knock somebody around American /ˌnɒk somebody əˈbaʊt, ˌnɒk somebody əˈraʊndǁˌnɑːk-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit someone several times, especially in order to frighten them 〔多次〕殴打某人,揍某人一顿〔尤为了恐吓〕 My father used to knock my mother about when he was drunk. 过去,我父亲喝醉时常常殴打我的母亲。 They had been threatened with a gun, pushed, shoved, and knocked around. 他们被人用枪威胁着推来推去,还遭到了殴打。 club /klʌb/ [transitive verb] to hit someone very hard, especially on the head with a thick heavy object 棒打〔尤指打在头部〕 Football fans were clubbed by riot police trying to stop the violence. 防暴警察棒打足球迷,试图阻止暴力。club somebody to death until they are dead 用棍棒打死某人 Baby seals are clubbed to death for their fur. 为了取毛皮,小海豹被棒打致死。3 a car/train/plane etc hits something 汽车/火车/飞机等撞到某物 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] The bus hit a tree and the driver was badly injured. 公共汽车撞到一棵树上,司机受了重伤。 He pulled out of the driveway without looking, and almost hit another car. 他看也没看就从车道上开出去,差点就撞到了另外一辆汽车。 Five sailors were killed when their ship hit a mine. 船撞上鱼雷,五名水手丧命。hit something head-on directly 迎头撞上某物 The driver of a Ford van lost control and hit another car head-on. 一辆福特小型货车的司机失去控制,迎头撞上了另外一辆汽车。 run into /ˈrʌn ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] to hit something that is directly in front of you with your vehicle, especially because you are not paying attention 撞上〔前面的东西,尤因为没有注意〕 I turned too sharply and ran into the curb. 我拐弯太急,撞到了路沿上。 We almost ran into a Rolls-Royce that pulled out in front of us without signalling. 我们差点就撞上了一辆劳斯莱斯,它在我们前面没打信号就开了出来。 run over /ˌrʌn ˈəʊvəʳ/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit and injure a person or animal while driving a vehicle 〔开车时〕撞倒;辗过;撞伤〔某人或动物〕 run over somebody/run somebody over How can you run over a child and not stop? 你撞倒了孩子怎么可以不停车呢?be run over by something The boy's dog had been run over by a car. 那男孩的狗被一辆汽车辗了。get run over Make sure the lights on your bike are working. I don't want you getting run over. 要确保自行车上的灯可正常使用,我可不希望你被汽车撞倒。 crash/smash into /ˈkræʃ, ˈsmæʃ ɪntu:/ [verb phrase] to hit something or someone very hard while you are driving a vehicle, making a lot of noise and causing damage 猛撞上〔造成噪音和破坏〕 The driver lost control on a curve and crashed into a tree. 司机在转弯的时候失去控制,撞到了一棵树上。 An airplane had crashed into a mountain, killing all two hundred passengers. 飞机撞上了一座山,200名乘客全部遇难。go crashing into something The car skidded, then went crashing into the bus shelter. 汽车打滑,一头撞进了公共汽车的候车亭。 An army helicopter smashed into the side of the mountain. 一架军用直升机坠落在山腰上。 ram/slam into /ˈræm, ˈslæm ɪntu:/ [verb phrase] to hit something or someone very hard while you are moving in a vehicle, especially when what you hit is not moving 撞到〔尤指撞到不动的物或人〕 The driver had been drinking when he rammed into a car waiting at a red light. 司机喝了酒,把车撞向了一辆正在红灯处等候的汽车。 Some idiot slammed into me from behind. 有个白痴从我后面撞了上来。 plough into British /plow into American /ˈplaʊ ɪntu:/ [verb phrase] to hit a large number of vehicles or people with a vehicle, especially as a result of driving too fast, not paying attention etc 冲入,撞上〔很多车辆或人,尤因车速过快、不专心等〕 The car went out of control and ploughed into a group of people on the sidewalk. 车子突然失控,撞向人行道上的人群。 When the driver fell asleep, the bus ploughed into a line of traffic. 驾驶员睡着了,公共汽车撞进了行驶中的一排汽车。 collide /kəˈlaɪd/ [intransitive verb] if two vehicles collide, they hit each other when they are moving in opposite directions 相撞 Four or five cars had collided in the fog. 有四五辆汽车在雾中相撞。collide with The transport helicopter he was in collided with another and crashed. 他乘坐的运输直升机与另外一架直升机相撞坠毁了。 ram /ræm/ [transitive verb] to deliberately hit another vehicle very hard, especially when it is not moving 〔故意〕撞击〔另一辆不动的交通工具〕 The ship had been rammed by a submarine. 那船被一艘潜水艇撞击。 go into /ˈgəʊ ɪntu:/ [verb phrase] British informal to hit something or someone with a vehicle 【英,非正式】撞到〔某物或某人〕 Someone went into the back of my bike at the traffic lights. 在红绿灯的地方,有人撞到了我自行车的后面。4 to hit someone or something accidentally 不小心撞到某人或某物 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] Be careful with that stick! You nearly hit me with it. 小心那棍子!你差点打到我了。 There's a chip on the windshield where a stone hit it. 挡风玻璃上有个缺口,是石头打的。hit somebody on the head/knee etc The ball hit me in the face. 球打到了我的脸上。hit your head/knee/elbow etc The ceiling's very low. Mind you don't hit your head. 天花板很低,小心别碰到头。hit something on/against something I hit my elbow on the corner of that table. 我的胳膊肘撞到桌子的角上了。get hit He ran out into the road and almost got hit. 他冲到马路上,差一点被撞到了。 Buildings that had gotten hit by bombs had still not been repaired. 遭炸弹袭击的楼房还没有得到修缮。 bump into /ˈbʌmp ɪntuː/ [verb phrase] if you bump into something or someone, you hit them with part of your body accidentally when you are walking or running somewhere 〔指走着或跑着的时候不小心〕碰到,撞到 Jim turned suddenly and bumped into me. 吉姆突然转身,撞到了我身上。 The room was dark, and I bumped into the door . 房间里很黑,我撞到了门上。 bump /bʌmp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to accidentally and suddenly hit part of your body against something 〔身体一部分意外地〕碰,撞 bump your head/elbow/knee etc Babies are always bumping their heads. 婴儿总是会碰到头。bump against His right leg bumped against the parking brake. 他的右腿碰到了手刹。 strike /straɪk/ [] formal if something, especially a heavy object, strikes something or someone, it hits them hard once 【正式】〔尤指重物〕撞,撞击 A house nearby had been struck by a falling tree. 附近的一幢房子被一棵倒下的树击中了。 The ball struck him in the face. 球打在他的脸上。 crash into /ˈkræʃ ɪntu:/ [transitive verb] to hit someone or something extremely hard, especially while moving very fast 猛撞,撞入〔尤指移动速度很快〕 Tyler injured his shoulder when he crashed into Jesse Lyons during practice. 泰勒训练的时候撞到杰西·莱昂斯,肩部受了伤。 Parts of the satellite crashed into the sea. 卫星的有些部分坠入了大海。go crashing into somebody/something He stopped suddenly, and I went crashing into him. 他突然停下来,我撞到了他身上。 Glasses and bottles went crashing to the floor. 杯子和瓶子哗啦一下落到了地板上。 knock /nɒkǁnɑːk/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hit someone or something with a short quick movement 碰撞,撞击 She knocked me with her elbow as she passed. 她走过时用胳膊肘碰了碰我。knock against The heavy video camera knocked against his hip as he walked. 他走路的时候,沉重的摄像机撞击着他的臀部。knock into She turned and ran, knocking into bystanders as she went. 她转身就跑,撞到了旁观者身上。knock something against/into something One of the movers knocked the sofa against a doorway. 其中一个搬运工把沙发撞到门道上。 bang/bash /bæŋ, bæʃ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hit someone or something hard, often making a noise and hurting someone or damaging something 猛撞〔通常发出声音、弄疼某人或损坏某物〕 bang your head/knee/elbow etc I banged my head getting into the car. 我上车时碰了头。bang something into/against/on etc something Tom bashed his knee against the table. 汤姆的膝盖撞到了桌子。 He slipped, banging his guitar against the door. 他滑了一下,把吉他撞到了门上。bang/bash into/against Kids raced around the playground, banging into each other, screaming, and letting off steam. 孩子们在操场上相互追逐,撞来撞去,尖叫着释放他们过剩的体力。 collide /kəˈlaɪd/ [intransitive verb] if two people or things collide, they accidentally hit each other when they are moving in different directions 相撞 Barker and Mason collided while going for the ball. 巴克和梅森去抢球的时候撞在了一起。 When the plates of land that form the earth collide or slide past each other, earthquakes result. 当构成地球的板块相撞或相对位移,就会发生地震。collide with I backed out of the door and promptly collided with someone. ‘I'm sorry,’ I said. 我从门口退出来,正好撞在一个人身上。“对不起,”〕〕我说道。 crack /kræk/ [transitive verb] to hit your head, knee, elbow etc hard and painfully against something 〔头、膝盖、肘部等〕猛撞 crack something on/against something He slipped and cracked his head on the steps. 他脚下一滑,头重重地磕在了台阶上。 Mary cracked her knee on the corner of her desk. 玛丽的膝盖撞到了桌子角上。5 to hit someone as a punishment 打某人作为惩罚 beat /biːt/ [transitive verb] to repeatedly hit someone with your hand, with a stick etc as a punishment 〔接连地〕打,殴打 The guards used to regularly beat the prisoners. 过去看守人员经常殴打囚犯。 Teachers are no longer allowed to beat students who misbehave. 教师不得再殴打行为不良的学生。beat with Slaves were sometimes beaten with sticks or even whipped. 奴隶有时会遭棒打甚至鞭抽。 spank /spæŋk/ [transitive verb] to hit someone repeatedly, especially a child who has behaved badly, with your open hand, on their bottom 〔用手掌〕打…屁股〔尤指打不乖的小孩〕 The two boys were spanked and sent to bed without their supper. 那两个男孩子被打了屁股,没吃晚饭就被打发上床了。 Many parents no longer spank their kids as a form of discipline. 许多家长不再以打屁股管教孩子了。 spanking [countable/uncountable noun] Just behave yourself or you'll get another spanking. 规矩点儿,否则你屁股要挨打了。 Child welfare groups are campaigning to get spanking made illegal. 儿童福利组织在争取使打屁股成为不合法的行为。 smack/slap also swat American /smæk, slæp, swɒtǁswɑːt/ [transitive verb] to hit someone, especially a child who has behaved badly, with your open hand on their hand, the backs of their legs, their face etc 〔用手掌〕打〔尤指打不乖的孩子〕 If you don't stop that, I'll smack you! 如果你还不停下来,我就打你! Slap her hand lightly when she touches something she shouldn't. 如果她碰了不该碰的东西,就轻轻打她的手一下。 He grinned and I wanted to swat him, but he wasn't my son so I didn't. 他咧着嘴笑,我想打他,可他又不是我的儿子,所以我就算了。 give somebody a beating /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈbiːtɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to hit someone violently and repeatedly with something such as a stick, in order to punish them 打某人一顿,揍某人一顿 The guards gave the prisoner a beating. 看守员把那囚犯打了一顿。give somebody a good/sound beating His father took him into the barn and gave him a good beating. 他父亲把他带到谷仓里痛打了一顿。 whip/flog /wɪp, flɒgǁflɑːg/ [transitive verb] to hit someone very hard with a rope, whip etc especially on their back in order to punish them 鞭打〔尤在背部〕 The hostage had terrible scars on his back where he had been whipped. 人质背上被鞭子抽过的地方伤痕累累。 What kind of a society flogs women simply for saying what they think? 这算什么社会,妇女说一句自己心里想的话就要鞭打她们? corporal punishment /ˌkɔːʳpərəl ˈpʌnɪʃmənt/ [uncountable noun] the practice of punishing people, especially children at school, by hitting them with something such as a stick 体罚〔尤指对在校儿童〕 In my first year at Hendon School, I had my first taste of corporal punishment. 我进享登公学的第一年,第一次尝到体罚的滋味。 Corporal punishment is, thankfully, no longer used. 太好了,现在不再有体罚了。6 to hit someone in a friendly way etc 打某人表示友好 slap/clap somebody on the back /ˌslæp, ˌklæp somebody ɒn ðə ˈbæk/ [verb phrase] to hit someone on the back with the flat part of your hand, for example as a friendly greeting or in order to praise them 拍打某人的背部〔作为友好的招呼或表扬〕 ‘How are you? I haven't seen you for ages,’ she said, slapping Jim on the back. “你怎么样?好久不见了。”她说着,拍拍吉姆的背。 The coach said ‘Well done!’ and clapped each player on the back as they entered the changing room. 球员走进更衣室的时候,教练说“干得好!”,并在每个人的背上拍了拍。 pat /pæt/ [transitive verb] to gently hit someone, usually on their back, shoulder, or head, in order to praise them or show them that you like them 轻拍〔背部、肩膀或头,为了表扬或表示喜欢〕 Roz reached over and patted her hand. 罗兹伸过手来拍拍她的手。 He got up, patted her on the shoulder, and gave her a quick kiss. 他站起身拍拍她的肩膀,很快地亲了她一下。7 to make someone or something fall down by hitting them 把某人或某物打倒在地 knock out /ˌnɒk ˈaʊtǁˌnɑːk-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit someone so hard that they fall down and become unconscious 击昏,打昏 knock somebody out Jackson hit Brian hard with his left fist and knocked him out. 杰克逊左手出拳猛击布赖恩,把他打昏了。knock out somebody He is a good boxer, a powerful puncher who has knocked out 18 of his 20 opponents to date. 他是个优秀的拳手,出拳凶猛,至今出战20场,18次击倒对手获胜。knock somebody out cold so that they become completely unconscious 将某人打晕 The blow to Sergeant Lewis’ head had knocked him out cold. 刘易斯警官的头部受到重击,使他昏迷不醒。 punch out /ˌpʌntʃ ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] American to hit someone with your closed hand, so hard that they become unconscious 【美】用拳把…击昏 punch somebody out I got so mad I just wanted to punch someone out. 我气疯了,就想拿拳头打人。punch somebody out The coach threw him off the team after he punched out a teammate. 他拳打一名队员,教练把他开除了。 knock down/over /ˌnɒk ˈdaʊn, ˈəʊvəʳǁˌnɑːk-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit someone or something and make them fall onto the ground - use this about people or objects hitting someone or something 把…撞倒 knock somebody/something down/over Jo was almost knocked down by a kid on a bicycle. 乔差点被一个骑自行车的小孩撞倒。 One boy crashed into him and knocked him over. 一个男孩撞过来,把他撞倒在地上。knock over somebody/something There was a crash as the cat knocked over something in the kitchen. 厨房里传来哗啦一声,猫把什么东西撞翻了。get knocked down/over As the crowd rushed towards the gate, several people got knocked over. 人群涌向大门,有几个人被撞倒在地上。 knock off /ˌnɒk ˈɒfǁˌnɑːk-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to hit something so that it falls off a surface 把…打落 knock off something/knock something off Part of the puzzle had been knocked off onto the floor. 部分拼图被打落在地板上了。knock something off something Ellie accidentally knocked a cup of milk off the table. 埃莉不小心把桌子上的一杯牛奶打到地上了。8 to hit an object/door/table etc with something 用某物击打物体/门/桌子等 hit /hɪt/ [transitive verb] You have to try to hit the ball over the net. 你要试试把球击过网。 The first time I tried archery, I couldn't even hit the target. 我第一次玩射箭,连靶标都打不到。 knock /nɒkǁnɑːk/ [intransitive verb] to hit a door or window, especially with your closed hand, in order to attract the attention of the people inside 〔尤指用拳〕敲;击〔门或窗,以吸引里面的人的注意〕 Would you mind knocking before you come in? 进来前先敲门,行吗? I waited a moment, then knocked again. 我等了一会儿,又敲敲门。knock on/at Lula knocked at the back door and he appeared, dressed in pyjamas. 卢拉敲了敲后门,然后他穿着一身睡衣出现了。 ‘Mattie?’ called Jerry, knocking on the door. “马蒂?”杰里敲了敲门叫道。 knock [countable noun] knock at/on I had just turned out the lights when I heard a knock at the door. 我刚刚把灯关上,这时候听到了有人敲门的声音。 knocking [singular noun] the sound of someone knocking: 敲击声 We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door. 我们被一阵疯狂的敲门声惊醒了。 tap /tæp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hit something gently so that it makes a light noise, especially in order to get someone's attention 轻敲,轻击〔尤为了吸引某人的注意力〕 Daley read the notes, tapping a pencil on the desk. 戴利读着便条,拿着铅笔敲打着桌子。tap on/at She tapped on the window to attract his attention. 她轻轻地敲敲窗户以引起他的注意。 tap [countable noun] I was startled by a light tap at the door. 我被一记轻轻的敲门声吓了一大跳。 bang /bæŋ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hit a door, table etc very hard with your hand or with an object, in order to attract attention or because you are angry 重击〔门、桌子等,为了吸引注意或因为生气〕 Thomas banged his fist on the table. 托马斯的拳头重重地砸在桌子上。bang on/at I banged at the door but nobody came. 我使劲地敲门,可是没有人出来。 He complained loudly until Val finally banged on the table and shouted at him. 他大声抱怨着,后来瓦尔终于拍桌子向他大声呼喊。bang something shut Sherman banged the door shut. 舍曼砰的一声关上了门。 rap /ræp/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to hit something loudly and very quickly several times in order to attract attention 叩击;笃笃地敲〔为了吸引注意力〕 The conductor rapped the music stand with his baton and the violins stopped playing. 指挥用指挥棒笃笃地敲击乐谱架,小提琴手便停止了演奏。rap on/at Seeing her son outside, Mrs Evans rapped on the window and called him back into the house. 看见儿子在外面,埃文斯太太叩了叩窗户,唤他回到屋里去。 rap [countable noun] There was a rap at the kitchen door. 有人啪啪地在敲着厨房的门。 strike /straɪk/ [transitive verb] formal to hit something hard, especially in a very controlled or skilful way 【正式】击,打〔尤指有规律或有技巧地〕 Morris struck his drum, and the band started to march down the street. 莫里斯敲起鼓来,乐队开始沿着大街行进。 In anger, he struck the wall with a stick. 他愤怒之下拿着一根棍子朝墙上挥打起来。 bash also give something a bash British /bæʃ, ˌgɪv something ə ˈbæʃ/ [transitive verb] informal to hit something hard with your hand or with a stick, hammer etc especially in a careless way 【非正式】〔尤指随便地〕敲击〔某物〕,拍打〔某物〕 If the television stops working, just bash it a couple of times -- that usually helps. 如果电视出了问题,就拍它几下—这方法通常都管用。 I put the box on the floor and gave it a good bash with my hammer, but it still wouldn't open. 我把箱子放在地板上,用锤子狠狠地砸,可还是打不开。 whack /wæk/ [transitive verb] to hit something hard and noisily, especially using a flat object 〔尤指用扁平物〕击打 Buckley whacked the ball into left field. 巴克利把球击进了左场。 The Georgia man whacked his fist on the bar. 那名佐治亚州男子的拳头重重地砸在柜台上。 hammer /ˈhæməʳ/ [intransitive verb] to keep hitting something very loudly and quickly especially with your closed hand, because you are angry, impatient etc 〔尤指用拳头〕锤击,猛击,重敲〔因愤怒、不耐烦等〕 hammer on/at/against The children hammered at the door to be let in out of the rain. 孩子们砰砰地敲门,想进屋避雨。 Her heart hammered against her ribs. 她的心怦怦地直跳。9 to hit an object or surface and move away again 击中某个物体或表面然后弹开 bounce off /ˈbaʊns ɒf/ [verb phrase] to move a long way away from a surface or object after hitting it hard 从…上弹回 bounce off something The game of squash is played by hitting a ball that bounces off a wall. 壁球的玩法是把球往墙上打。bounce something off something The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return. 这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。 rebound /rɪˈbaʊnd/ [intransitive verb] to hit something and then move away again 弹回,跳回 Summers caught the ball as it hit the wall and rebounded. 球打在墙上反弹回来,萨默斯把它接住了。rebound off Electrons move around quickly, hitting and then rebounding off each other. 电子高速移动,互相撞击反弹。 glance off /ˈglɑːns ɒfǁˈglæns-/ [transitive phrasal verb] if something glances off an object that it hits, it hits the surface at an angle and then moves away from it in another direction 弹开;擦过 A shot by Best glanced off the rim of the basket. 贝斯特投篮,球擦过篮框弹开了。 ricochet /ˈrɪkəʃeɪ/ [intransitive verb] if a bullet ricochets, it hits an object and moves away from it very quickly 〔子弹〕弹飞 I heard the shot ricochet, then felt a sudden pain in my leg. 我听见子弹打到什么东西又飞弹了出去,接着感到腿部突然一阵剧痛。ricochet off A bullet ricocheted off the rock he was hiding behind. 他躲在一块岩石后面,一颗子弹打过来又飞弹了出去。10 when something hits someone or something 某物击中某人或某物 blow /bləʊ/ [countable noun] the movement of hitting someone hard with your hand or with something held in your hand 击,打 The blow proved fatal. 这是致命的一击。strike (somebody) a blow The assailant struck several blows before he was restrained. 行凶者打了好几拳,后来他就被制伏了。 Officer Stacey was knocked over by a sharp blow to the head. 斯泰西军官的头部受到重击,被打倒在地上。 impact /ˈɪmpækt/ [singular noun] when one object hits another 撞击,碰撞 Just after the impact there was a flash as the rocket exploded. 随着一声撞击,一道火焰闪过,火箭爆炸了。on impact Both cars burst into flames on impact. 两辆汽车撞在一起,顿时燃起一团熊熊烈焰。 collision /kəˈlɪʒən/ [countable noun] when something, especially a vehicle, hits something else while it is moving 〔尤指车辆的〕相撞 Whiplash, a neck injury, is a result of automobile collisions. 挥鞭伤,一种颈部损伤,是汽车相撞造成的。 News of the mid-air collision reached the papers quickly. 飞机空中相撞的消息很快就见报了。head-on collision when two vehicles hit each other directly 迎头相撞 Those who drive the road regularly say their biggest fear is a head-on collision. 那些经常驶经这条路的司机说他们最怕的就是车辆迎头相撞。

