
音标: 英 ['kɒləmd] 美 ['kɒləmd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 圆柱状的, 立有圆柱的

a. having or resembling columns; having columns of a specified kind (often used as a combining form)


1. You can't throw a column here, a column there.

你不能这放根柱子 那放根柱子

2. What he did was he went column by column, starting all the way on the right he found this symbol.

他的做法是逐列阅读 从最右边开始 他找到了这个符号

3. No, they won't. It's the gossip columns.

不 他们不会 这是八卦专栏

4. What happened? I knocked out a column.

发生什么事了 我砸断了一根柱子

5. I'm telling you: that column is loadbearing.

我可以很肯定的告诉你 这个柱子是用来承重的

6. Denker has told me all about your column.


7. But my lord, they're at the rear of the column.

但是大人 攻城炮在队伍的最后面

8. This is fluid from the steering column.


9. You impress them, you get your own column.

打动他们 你就能得到专栏

10. If I was featured in your cancer column.

