
音标: 英 ['ɪntrəstɪdlɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


adv. 抱持兴趣地


1. I'm not interested, but I'm not not interested.

我没喜欢上他 但也不能说是不喜欢

2. If it's of no interest to you, it's of no interest to me.

如果你没兴趣 那我也没兴趣

3. If you're interested. I'm not interested.

如果你有兴趣尝试 一点儿兴趣也没有

4. I'm interested in you. I'm interested in you.

我对你感兴趣 我对你感兴趣

5. I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in.


6. I'm less interested in where you are, and more interested in where you should be.

我对你在哪里没那么感兴趣了 更感兴趣的是你应该在哪里

7. I'm not interested in your methods, but I am interested in you.

我对你的手法不感兴趣 但我对你感兴趣

8. When you lost interest in her, you lost interest in this.

你对她没有兴趣之后 对这个项目也没兴趣

9. I'm not interested in statements. I'm interested in results.

但我对宣言不感兴趣 我要的是结果

10. Not interested in the fighting, not interested in the ships.

我对战斗不感兴趣 对船只不感兴趣
