
音标: 英 [kleə] 美 [klɛr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 克莱尔(女子名)

n. A nun of the order of St. Clare.


1. Clare, you, me all our lives on hold.

你 我 克莱尔 我们都危在旦夕

2. Clare doesn't know any of this. I'll go with you.

克莱尔她什么都不知道 我和你一起去

3. Clare, please. I can't let you go out there on your own.

克莱尔 求你了 我不能让你自己走

4. Clare, I'm showing her some other places today.

克莱尔 我今天要带她去别的地方

5. Clare, when these walls went up, the city was in a shambles.

克莱尔 建起城墙之后 整座城市就变得一团糟

6. Clare, I don't think you realize what a gift you've been handed.

克莱尔 我觉得你还没意识到 这给了我们一个多好的机会

7. Clare brought vulnerable people into the fold.


8. Clare gets very anxious and turns the lights back on.

克莱尔显得十分焦虑 把灯又打开了

9. Clare never really had friends, and I worked nights after the divorce.

克莱尔没有什么朋友 离婚后我要上夜班

10. Wiped out half of county clare back in the 17th century, or so legend tells.

相传17世纪时 抹杀了半个克莱尔郡呢
