
音标: 英 ['hɒvə(r)] 美 [ˈhʌvɚ, ˈhɑv-]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vi. 盘旋, 翱翔, 徘徊
vt. 孵
n. 翱翔

v. be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action
v. move to and fro
v. hang in the air; fly or be suspended above


1. Just up, hover, spin, hover and land.

升空 盘旋 翻转 盘旋 着陆

2. If we aren't there, it has to hover.

要是我们还没到 它就得一直盘旋

3. It hovers over it the way a murder of crows might hover over a hotel.

就像一群乌鸦 盘旋在一座酒店上空那样

4. Each of you will fly the bedstead up to an altitude of 300 feet, hover for 30 seconds, execute a 360degree clockwise spin, hover for another 30 seconds, and then land the vehicle on the landing target.

每人驾驶机器 升空至300英尺 盘旋30秒 进行360°顺时针翻转 再次盘旋30秒 然后降落在指定地点

5. They can't do anything if we're just hovering.


6. All he could do was hover, nothing badass.

他只会在空中盘旋 没什么厉害的

7. No, and please don't hover. It's intrusive.

没有 别这么阴魂不散的 很让人反感

8. Yeah, with all the noise and the hovering, absolutely.

是的 当然 发出嘈杂的声音 在空中盘旋

9. It would be like a cat hovering in midair.


10. Would you please stop hovering? I'm being cooperative.

你能别晃了吗 我已经很合作了
