
音标: 英 [plʊəˈrælətɪ] 美 [plʊˈrælətɪ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 复数, 较大的数, 多数状态, 兼职
[法] 大多数, 较多数, 复数

n. the state of being plural
n. (in an election with more than 2 options) the number of votes for the candidate or party receiving the greatest number (but less that half of the votes)


1. Centers. It's plural, and it's new.

是联盟 复数 刚成立的

2. You tell those *s‐‐ It is plural.

你告訴那群* 注意我用的是復數

3. This makes the word plural when it should be singular.

这让本该是单数的单词 变成了复数

4. I was going to say singular, but plural.

我本来想说"这个" 但却要用"这些"

5. I've caught a frog before. I said frogs plural.

我以前抓过青蛙 我是说一群青蛙

6. A plurality believe the mutants should be given sanctuary.


7. The writer switches pronouns from plural to singular.


8. The point is women plural find me appealing.

关键点是女人 "们" 觉得我有魅力

9. I love how you say "guys in comas," like, plural.

我喜欢你说"那些昏迷中的" 用复数

10. It doesn't matter to me if it's deer singular or deer *in' plural.

我不管到底是一只鹿 还是几只鹿
