
音标: 英 ['skwi:dʒi:] 美 ['skwi:dʒi:]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 涂刷器, 橡胶滚轴
vt. 用涂刷器涂刷, 用橡胶滚轴压

n. T-shaped cleaning implement with a rubber edge across the top; drawn across a surface to remove water (as in washing windows)
v. wipe with a squeegee


1. Half the women in the building want to get "squeegeed" by him.


2. In the meantime, grab your, uh, squeegee and your bucket and stuff.

现在 带着你的擦刷器 和水桶等离开

3. Then I saw his car, so I ran into traffic with a bucket and a squeegee.

然后我看到了他的车 然后我手提水桶和水刷一个箭步冲进车流

4. She spent the better half of the day returning squeegees to gas stations.

她今天大部分时间都在 退还橡皮辊给加油站

5. Look, if the charges aren't set right, they're gonna be cleaning our bodies off the floor with a squeegee.

如果火药量不对 就会像用橡皮刮刀一样把我们从这里 清扫出去
